Thursday, December 7, 2017

Nancy Pelosi Gets Owned By Kate Steinle's Mother PART 1

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Sunday, January 29, 2017

Comey's Still Our FBI Homey!

Ham Sandwiches Are Racist? REALLY? Really? Ham sandwiches are RAAAAAAAAAAAAACISSSSSSSSSSSST?? OH BOY! Mystere, Rattrapper and I are in trouble! According to left wing extremist libturds, we're ISLAMOPHOBES because we like eating ham sandwiches, bacon, pork chops and pork sausages! MMM! Pork Sausages! MMM! MMM! BACON! MMM!

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Mohammed Gets His NADS Kung Fu Kicked By A Girl Part 2


Muslim Man Hits Chinese Girl After She Refused to Dance with Him, Huge Mistake - Page 2 of 2 - Truth And Action

You got your NADS kicked big time, eh Mohammed Ali BabaBy a Chinese Gal!Ding dong!

Mohammed Gets His NADS Kung Fu Kicked By A Girl Part 1

Muslim Man Hits Chinese Girl After She Refused to Dance with Him, Huge Mistake - Truth And Action
Mohammed Ali Baba thought he could slap a Chinese woman around.  BIG MISTAKE, Ali!  See part 2, next!

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Donald Trump Makes Good!

MUH MUH MY! MUH MUH MY! He's done it! He's delivering! He's spanking the moonbats! PRESIDENT Donald Trump has gone off to a running start! WOOT WOOT! The whiny little MSNBC Snow jobbers are squealing in pain as Trump makes his plan to build the wall come to fruition. Ha ha, little oinkers! Trump said he'd do it! And he's keeping his promises! Do you need some salve to soothe your pains? MUH MUH MY! MUH MUH MY!

Sunday, January 15, 2017

0bama's Big Blunder In Syria

Way to go 0bama! In you last few days in office, you decide to throw a tantrum to make Trump's job miserable! You're a childish whiny crybaby!