Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Have You Laughed At A Liberal Today? Open Thread




As a number of you know, Lisa at Who's Your Daddy has lost her husband Paul to cancer. While she mourns, we at Donkey's Revenge have opened up this thread to allow the regulars at Who's Your Daddy to vent about what each is thinking, while Lisa mourns over Paul's passing. We want to give Lisa some space to breathe, so this post is here for that purpose. Even the liberals will have permission as long as they behave themselves. We encourage everyone to keep stopping at Lisa's site to leave kind words of encouragement and to see what she posts next when she is ready to come back. So this thread is open for now to post what's on your mind.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Delusional Dimwit Dunderhead Dervish…




Meanwhile at the Dervish Sanders watch headquarters… image

Uh oh! The bogey man is going to get you, Dervish! LOL! LOL! LOL!