Sunday, May 15, 2022
Saturday, May 14, 2022
Assface Dervish's Latest Request
Dervish's latest request came up on Lisa's blog "Who's Your Daddy," asking that he be called "Assface Dervish Sanders" from now on. He seems to have indulged in stuffing his face up the anal cavities of sweaty old bald men as seen above.
Assface Dervish Sanders has been known to lie on Lisa's blog and accuse others of lying. Assface's retorts reveal his true nature.
Assface Dervish's well earned reputation as a racist is well founded and shown in his vile retorts on others' blogs especially on Who's Your Daddy. Assface Dervish attacks my blog partner Mystere behind his back whenever I post a reply on Lisa's site. Assface Dervish hates Asians, Blacks and Hispanics who refuse to conform to the Ku Klux Klan's racist stereotypes of being victims of "White Oppression" and "White Supremacy." Assface Dervish frequents racist places in Paris Tennessee such as a hole in the wall Chinese Food place with a racist name, as shown above. Assface Dervish recently claimed in his retort on Who's Your Daddy that he doesn't eat at restaurants. As you know, when he says he doesn't do something, he lies.
Assface Dervish's queer fixation on senile bald men has become increasingly more psychotic, as liberal scandals have been getting exposed. His racist retorts directed at Dinesh D'Souza and his movie 2000 Mules shows his seething hate against those who are not liberals, especially when they are not White. Assface Dervish's retorts can be seen at Who's Your Daddy.
Assface Dervish was seen exposing himself publicly while getting swabbed for a COVID 19 test. This picture was censored, as it is vulgar and beyond vile uncensored.
Boofing Assface Dervish Sanders has just gone on a temper tantrum, whining that the Supreme Court is overturning ROE VS WADE. Boofing Assface Dervish bin Satan Sanders encourages mandating women to butcher their babies to Satan.
Thursday, May 5, 2022
My Condolences To Assface Dervish bin Satan Sanders
Recently, I saw a listing on the internet that showed one of Assface's relatives in Paris TN had passed away. Dervish's great heemaw Louise Sanders has left her carcass and gone into the land of eternal BBQ. A blog friend of mine got a snapshot from Radical Redneck and sent it to me. Louise apparently resembled a cross between Crooked Hildebeest and Gorged Soreass, so her mugshot turned into a meme.
My condolences to Assface Dervish bin Satan Sanders over the "bigly" loss of his heemaw Louise Sanders. Below is the video of the Louise Sanders Memorial Service.
Tuesday, May 3, 2022
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