Saturday, March 30, 2024

Joe Lieberman RIP

I admit I don't often take a neutral stance when commenting about Democrat Party members.  However, I have held great respect for Joe Lieberman for many years, even though I disagreed most of the time with his political policies.  Joe Lieberman passed this week at 82 years of age.

May the Lieberman family come to know Messiah Yeshua and come to believe He is the one spoken about to deliver the Jewish people.  Peace and God's comfort to those Joe Lieberman left behind.

Friday, March 29, 2024



Why are the OAN anchors so smoking hot?  Extremely intelligent and smoking hot!  OH YES!  OH YES!

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

"Goliath" Got Stoned In The Head

Oh, how the poles have reversed!  No, I don't take delight in seeing anyone being punished.  But Dervish had it coming.

Hanging with the wrong crowd got Dervish Sanders into plenty of Blogger trouble.  He only got a small lick of what is coming his way if he refuses to repent.

You have a chance to redeem yourself Dervish.  You  have a very narrow 
window to do it too.

Update April 6 2024:  I came across a few archived photos which are absolutely hilarious enough to post here.  I have no idea who reported Dervish's blogs to Google, but it's amusing to watch him stew in anger over it.