Thursday, January 30, 2025

Democrats Want Lindy Li Deported

Democrats are having a fit over Lindy Li's remarks.  They want Lindy Li deported to Communist China's Labor Camps because she told the truth about them.  They've baselessly accused her of being a Communist Chinese spy and a CCP Party member.

J6 Protestor Pardoned By Donald Trump Shot And Killed By Indiana Sheriff's Deputy

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Monday, January 27, 2025

Stargate & America's Golden Age

Monday, January 20, 2025

Have You Laughed At A Liberal Today?


A funny thing has happened to some who used to oppose Donald John Trump.  Some of these people have changed their minds.  The Village People have jumped onto the Trump Train.  They joined up with DJT and performed YMCA while Donald John Trump did his famous celebration dance.


In the meantime, Farting Poopy Pants JoeJoe Bidet has been trying to hide the truth about his crooked family's  dirty deeds done dirt cheap.  Butt Blast Bidet issued blanket pardons to his brother in law John 0wens, his little sleazy sissy Valerie and their entirely crooked family, his 2 little brothers Jimmie the slimy weasel and Flasher Frankie the little weenie, and his sister in law Sleazy Sarah, Jimmie's beard wife.  Flasher Frankie the little weenie has been seen at Epstein Island, taking a selfie, flashing himself.

The Bidet Crime Clan dynasty is about to come to a crashing end.  God is not mocked.  Whatever a man shows, he shall also reap in the day of Judgement.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Celebration Time!


Time to celebrate!

Cousin T's Moving Company😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆

Cousin T, if you ever see this blog, you are awesome!  And I hope you send the White House some of your pancake mix and syrup for President DJT, First Lady Melania and the staff to enjoy.

Here are videos above which are perfect for this occasion.

Remember that we fought back for the victory!  We won, and must keep going strong.

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Liberals On January 20 2025..

There's going to be a sudden diarrhea outbreak on January 20 2025 when the inauguration of President Donald John Trump starts.  Plumbers will need to be on call for emergency services.  Clogged toilet calls will be coming from liberal homes and businesses run by liberals.

Chuckles will suddenly have a windfall of profits with his used toilet paper business as his base will suddenly be demanding more of his product.  But the profit margin will be short lived when the supply runs short, and the liberals go back to buying regular toilet paper.

Dervish Sanders claims he has indoor bathrooms at his brothel.  He must be remodeling the brothel with new colored toilets.

2 More Days...


Ha ha Dervish!  It's celebration time!  Eat cake!🍦🍧🥮🎂