Monday, December 30, 2019

Dervish Sanders Sniffs William Barr's Buttocks


Dervish is showing his gayness again. It seems he's fixated on sniffing William Barr's buttocks for his own sexual gratification, even if it's only one of his queer fantasies. But then again, he's also fixated on sniffing WWE Rikishi's buttocks. He already exposed himself by posting liberal cartoons of Donald Trump taking showers with Marco Rubio and by posting a photo of a naked Donald Trump wax dummy with its men's front part exposed.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Monday, December 9, 2019

Dervish's "New" Ride…


Dervish's rust bucket pink Chevy Vega has been hauled away to the junkyard. Dervish's buttboy Irl Hudnutt has not been able to snag any parts out of the GM factory to keep the rust bucket running. Dervish had to go out and look for another ride. Irl came through, finding Dervish a badge engineered used European car to import just in time for the holidays. Let's see what Irl is towing into Dervy's lot.


Irl Hudnutt has managed to find a used 2017 Yugo badge engineered into a poor man's communist Cadillac, the Yugollac. Let's take a close look at Dervy's new ride, freshly towed to Dervy's lot.


Irl couldn't have pulled that move without the help of Alan's International Badge Engineered Cars business mogul Alan Lowballer. Lowballer wants to thank Dervish for buying one of his hard to sell badge engineered Yugollacs off his lot.


Dervish celebrated by taking his beard wife out for a joyride in public.


Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Have You Laughed At A Liberal Today? Open Thread




As a number of you know, Lisa at Who's Your Daddy has lost her husband Paul to cancer. While she mourns, we at Donkey's Revenge have opened up this thread to allow the regulars at Who's Your Daddy to vent about what each is thinking, while Lisa mourns over Paul's passing. We want to give Lisa some space to breathe, so this post is here for that purpose. Even the liberals will have permission as long as they behave themselves. We encourage everyone to keep stopping at Lisa's site to leave kind words of encouragement and to see what she posts next when she is ready to come back. So this thread is open for now to post what's on your mind.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Delusional Dimwit Dunderhead Dervish…




Meanwhile at the Dervish Sanders watch headquarters… image

Uh oh! The bogey man is going to get you, Dervish! LOL! LOL! LOL!

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Did Dervish's Family Inspire "Married With Children"?

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Sunday, September 22, 2019

Wacky Married With Children Rubber Woman

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Spammers Probe Dervish's Blog

Dervish Gets His Anus Probed

I never thought I would see the day when some whackjobs would come by Dervish's hate site and spam it with a bunch of links to snake oil from African nations. Someone spanked Antoine's monkey, probing his blog anus. Oh, this is quite ripe!


Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Nursie Poo Poo and Byrdbrain Score A Gig With LiMu

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RIP Cokey Roberts

image Long time ABC anchor Cokie Roberts has succumbed to breast cancer. RIP Cokie.

RIP Ric Ocasek (1944-2019)


Friday, September 13, 2019

Wednesday, September 11, 2019



Monday, July 15, 2019

An Open Letter To The Enemies Of The Blog:

Hello liberal blog enemies! Let me re-introduce myself to all of you who hate my team mates and me. MY NAME IS EARL! My friends call me Porky because I cook the ultimate bacon! I'm known as Porky Da Baddass, the Baddest Blogger when it comes to matching wits with you liberal trolls. I got good news and bad news for you: The Good News… The Donkey's Revenge Blog has returned! The guys at Google saw through the FAKE ACCUSATIONS leveled against this site and restored it AGAIN! The Bad News: Why HELLO "Fartbreath Dervish" and Irl … (psst, Irl, remember me when you got me banned from Google about 8 or 9 years ago? The staff changed, and the slobs who banned me are gone.) YOU REALLY SHOULDN'T MESS AROUND WITH A BROTHA, PLAYERS! You tried to shut down my bro' Don's blog by falsely accusing the team of harassing you two DUMB & DUMBER crackas! My Buddahead bro Mystere filed the latest appeal to get this blog back up, CRACKAS! While you two asswipes run a bunch of hate blogs, I, along with 3 team players run some funny sites to laugh at your type of braindead retorts. Your hate is going to catch up to you and your nimrods, Dervish and Irl. Your buddies Rational Nation USA and Ducky's Here would be wise to steer clear of you two buttwipes. That Fluff piece Ducky is a real PLATYPUSSY, a sour old closet queen. I read some of the posts on the sites that Mystere, Rattrapper and Donkey's Revenge participate in, but I choose not to comment. I have no patience for watching you and your buddies beating off with each other, Dervish and Irl. Oh by the way Irl, you shouldn't be playing with your lunch while gobbling it down in front of your buddies at the Chevy plant. Choking on that piece of undercooked coq while drunk on the VINO makes you subject to being the humiliated butt of jokes.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Dervish's Flea Ridden Mutt Jigaboos Meets His Neighbor's Pet


Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Dervish Loves The Stink Cheese…









Sunday, March 31, 2019

The Liberals' Nightmares Returns!

A Tsunami of trouble awaits liberals, now that the Mueller Report shows that the collusion is a hoax.  They literally ate a huge whopper and choked on it.  They're running out of cheap excuses, hurting themselves.  The blog team has been stopping by other blogs, watching the liberals crying over their huge failures.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Irl Hudnutt's Nightmare

You failed Irl. You couldn't wipe me out! You and your boyfriend Dervish failed miserably. I'm back with a vengeance!


Friday, February 22, 2019

How's Your Birthday Suit, Dervish?

HEY ANTHONY? How's your birthday suit? I heard you soiled your birthday suit after you got stinkfaced and DDP'd. I suggest watching the Booker T vs Rikishi video on You Tube. Watch the end when Diamond Dallas Page gives Booker T a pep talk after Booker T recuperates from Rikishi's famous moves. Maybe that video will comfort you when you see how lucky you really are.