Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Remix Bros: Die In My Colon



  1. So, Slow Joe says that “If he’s Healthy, he will MOST CERTAINLY run again in 2024" And if you believe that! Then SHAME on you! Because there is NO WAY in Hell that this Delusional, Senile. Stuttering, Blabbering, Idiot will run again, and if he does, he will most likely get less that the 29 Percent of the Voters who support him now, to support him in his Re-Election!
    In fact, I’d be shocked, and surprised if he even continues to stay in office through out the next year....
    If there is ANY doubt in YOUR mind, just ask yourself if things are really getting better or worse now then when Donald Trump was President?
    Ask yourself how things are today with ANY of the following!
    Start with the Economy, and work your way down, and the answers for each will be NO!
    Energy Production/Prices
    Gas Prices
    Food Prices
    Restaurant Prices
    Border/Mass Migration
    Education including CRT.
    Government Fraud
    Law Enforcement-Defunding the Police!
    Race Relations
    Increasing Socialism Communistic policies.
    Military Preparedness
    Sexual Harassment
    Corruption of Sports
    Our Policy with: China, Russia, Afghanistan, Iran, and Taiwan
    And lets not forget the Immigration CRISIS at the Southern Border!
    And the Censorship of the media and the Cancel Culture.
    And the situation is getting worse every single day he’s in office with that with that Ding-Bat, Progressive, Liberal, Socialist, Moron he calls his Vice President.

  2. It's not that Biden isn't doing what we want, it's everything he DOES DO he TOTALLY SCREWS UP!
    Well gee whiz, What DOES "Old Joe" do anyway? ? NOTHING It's natural to blame Joe Biden because everything he touches turns to CRAP!
    Don’t agrtee? Well lets take a look at the thing that he DID Control....The Afghan withdrawal? The Border? Inflation? Crime? Supply Chain issues? Covid? Handing our Free Money to people who are To Damn Lazy To Go To Work! Don’t believe that? Look at ALL the Help Wanted Signs all over the Country!
    The bottom line is this, YOU Progressive Socialist Dummies put the Dumbest, the most Delusional, the most Corrupt, the Lying, Dishonest Man to sit in the Senate for the better part of forty years behind a desk in the Oval Office and now for the lack of anyone else in the Presidency and we're stuck with the result. The Democrats will get their asse’s handed to them in the Mid term Elections, and Joe Biden will then spend two years (if he lasts that long) as the Lamest of Lame Duck Presidents.
    This is the Idiot who gave the United States of America
    Barbed Wire Barricaded Walls around our Capitol Building.
    Who treated our Troops t like Crap, Making them sleep on a Concreat Floor.
    Who made Secret deals done dirt cheap through His Crack-snorting Son with Foreign Countries?
    Who allowed 2 Million Illegal’s into our Country to flood to the country with Corvid and who knows what else? year? And then secretly bused them all over without even a Covid test or vaccine.
    The FBI sent to harass school moms?
    A totally botched pullout with 14,000 people left behind?
    Giving a terror outfit 28 billion dollars of military hardware? The best and brand new?
    Spiraling Food, Fuel and Energy Costs.
    A National debt spiraling like there is no tomorrow?
    Crime everywhere in the Countries Cities out of control
    War looming all over the Planet?
    A President who farts and Craps in his pants around every public function.
    A guy who needs to be told what to say and has to read cards to tell him what to say, and where he is.
    Covid worse than ever after being told twice this year that it was almost behind us? And after telling us last year it was only this way because the last President was Incompetent when HE was the one that gave us the Vaccines in Record time!
    Police walking around in Stores, and Restaurants like the Gestapo arresting people for not carrying a Vaccination card.
    Shutting down Our Oil Pipelines when we were Energy Independent, and had low priced Oil, and Gas. .
    Commies like him want high gas prices,

    Sounds like you lefties are Happy over the fact that your “President” and all Democratic policies are wrecking the country and you can’t even pretend otherwise anymore.
    Your party is spending cash like Drunken Sailors and THAT has fueled RECORD inflation.

    The Out of Control Crime is exploding in cities run by Democrats so I don't care how many of them pay the price for their irresponsible voting .
    It's FOOLISH to try to draw a comparison between America under Trump and this NEW Amerika under Slow Joe Biden, or whoever the hell is running things in Washington.. . You will have a chance to see how many Americans agree with my assessment, in about 11 months, when we Get Rid Of this Cancer that You Progressives have let loose on us. Joe Bidung is a Walking, Talking, Stuttering, Bumbling Incompetent Disaster.

  3. The the Democratic party seems to have been taken over by a bunch of Emotional IDIOTIC people with their latest rage of nitwits who want a Sex Change. In case you haven’t noticed it yet, but the Newest, and Latest rage of these Moronic Screw-Balls, is to become Transvestites.
    Wherever you go these days, Tansies seem to be in the headlines. the difference between a Transvestite and a Transsexual. The former does it for fun and recreation -- the latter does it for "keeps"..
    The biggest thing is that young people feel so disconnected due to the complete political insanity going on is a Sex Change.
    The fact that since there are so few Real Trans people, compared to “Normal people”, makes being Trans “abnormal”. It may be normal to Trans people. But not to to what we know as “normal people”.
    In a democracy, majority rules. And we the majority rule Trans people as being weirdo's
    Lots of Transvestites who don’t fit into the LGBTQ fashionable agenda.

    Today, beingTrans is a Fad and nothing more. I'd bet that less than 5% of Tansies are doing it for Fad reasons.
    They do it because they want to Feel Special and Unique and Different. They feel they get special attention for it. They grew up with parents constantly telling them they are special unique people that are awesome and fantastic. As they grow they become less so, so they do it in order to continue feeling that way.
    The media Glorifies Tansies also helps feed the fires. They see being Trans glorified in the news and how the Political Weirdo’s in the Democratic party loves their Tansies so they want to be in on it. Also Kids love to be troublemakers, and rabble-rousers, as they see Trans people "being brutalized and degraded" and they want so they join the cause just so they get to feel like they are doing something truly important..also Kids are usually pretty stupid and will do what other kids do so they can feel apart of something
