Sunday, September 11, 2022

Crooks And Liars' Latest Desperate Poo Flinging Contest


CrooksAndLiars has been in meltdown for a while, ever since Big Tech has been censoring Conservatives on most platforms.  Their far left liberal rants have inadvertently gotten taken down by Facebook, a far left leaning platform as well.  The takedowns have backfired, taking C&L as hostage.

In the meantime, while they beg their dimwitted followers for any spare change, they put up this pile of dog poop for readers to chow down upon:

Looks like C&L wants their huge stash of adrenalchrome more than they want future successes in life.  It shows their priorities in their political stands.


  1. There is no doubt in my mind that the climate control freaks, and the environmental movement has been thoroughly infiltrated by the Democrats, aka Communists who wish to destroy America from within. The movement not only funds our enemies using taxpayer funds but also allows the evildoers to use our laws against us to limit our economic growth and beneficial progress. When examined closely, these Climate Control NUTS, along with the environmentalists are not only de-growthers to implement wealth redistribution and control the levers of power within our government. A political agenda far outside the original goals of curtailing pollution and providing good stewardship for our natural resources.

    To this end, the Democratic Communists have assumed operational control over the Biden Democrat Party

  2. The fact that you Liberals, or Progressives, or Democratic Socialists, or what ever you are calling yourselves these days, actually believe that Donald Trump incited a “coup”, or as Nancy Pelousy want's to call in (an INSURRECTION) shows me how wildly misinformed you are. Especially since the Democrats were trying to incite a coup and overturn the election results the entire time he was in office. And those documents? He is completely entitled to them, just like ever president before him, and has the security clearance for them. He didn’t even pack them himself; a government department did it for him. He also had a lawyer dedicated to helping the archives access exactly which ones they wanted, unlike Obama, with his 33 million documents he refuses to allow access to.
    What a joke!

  3. A note to all you Liberals, Democratic-Socialists, and even you American Marxist’s, and Communists...,
    Let me help you wipe away your ignorance. You Sicko’s love to think that you hold the moral high ground on being the most Intelligent thinking, open minded and the most Unified, and non-discriminating people in the country, or perhaps even in the entire planet. With you Holier than Thou and your fraudulent feeling of diversity. You even label yourselves as “anti-racist”, and “United” But NOT so, in fact that is the farthest from the truth, in contrast if you look at history, you’ll find that the Left have a history of being Fascists, Lying, Racists.

    Do you remember when Spike Lee, that Outspoken Film Maker Racist’s spread his conspiracy theory during an appearance on CNN, said: "I don't put anything past the United States’ Republican Government. I don't find it too far-fetched that they tried to displace all the Black people out of New Orleans, by Flooding the City."
    Spike Lee had already stated his suspicion that the United States Government were somehow involved in the flooding.
    The left forgets so soon, and they have no qualms about their double standards.
    Do these people actually Bark at the Moon, when nobody is looking?
    Joy Behar insinuates that Hurricane Ian was retribution for Ron DeSantis’ Climate Change stance! And Whoopi Goldberg backed her up! It's hard to believe, that our entertainers are that STUPID!
    And our Phony President Biden would like us to believe as he had previously accused his predecessor Donald Trump of being a “fascist” who, if not actually another Hitler. However if you look at Biden’s last HORRIFIC, and DISGUSTING, ANIT-AMERICAN Speech you would easily see a likeness to Goebbels,” a Nazi Propaganda Minister, pounding his Fist on the podium, shouting, and slamming and spreading “Disinformation and Misinformation,”, and all that Disgusting Name Calling, Finger Pointing, with that Angry Face and Horrible Bloody Red Backdrop, with two Armed Soldiers on each side. While such Rhetoric was Outrageous, and should not be happening with ANY sitting American President, Biden’s words and policies reflected the view of the Violent left, which dominates today’s Democratic Party and the Gang of HOODLUMS that we all saw last Summer, the Summer of Hell, and Riots, Tearing Down our beloved Statues, and Looting, Burning Down Buildings, , Throwing Bricks, and Molotov Cocktails at the Police, and Burning their Patrol Cars. Even Taking Over American Cities, . One headline even agreed with Biden, stating that he was “NOT WRONG” to use the Fascist labels to describe his Opponent or Adversary. and his supporters.
    And those Cities that are run by Democratic Mayors, and Governors even agreed with Biden’s way of handling this Violence. We even saw the Vice President Kamala Harris Bailing Out those Hateful Distrustful Criminals that were Caught and Arrested. Letting the Guilty ones go absolutely FREE. Free to cause more Destruction and Hate Crimes. This must be the reason so many communities are plagued by this Domestic Violence, Crime, and even Poverty. In fact we are even seeing this happening today, with the MASS Looting in Cities like San Franco, Los Angles, Detroit, Atlanta, Chicago, Seattle, and New York.
    We can NOT allow these people to have lifestyle of crime, This is NOT they way to get out of poverty. So we must Arrest, and Prosecute Those That Are Guilty. And we MUST put the Politicians, and the District Attorney’s in office that will follow the Law, and give Due Punishment when it is warranted.

  4. Clean Air, Clean water and a strong energy reserve are the foundational to our economy, and I'm sorry to say that since Joe Biden has been the President we have not had any of those.

  5. What happens when a group of society refuses to believe in the rule of law< And they simply do not recognize the will of the people?
    They refuse to accept the results of a free election.
    When the nation is told by their government leader, their media, their schools, and everyone else in positions of power and prestige that a certain group is out to oppress, silence and intimidate honest citizens? When millions of people are publicly declared as a threat to the very fabric of the nation by their leader? More importantly, just how far will a nation go to defend itself against this perceived “threat”?

    If you think I’m referring to something from your history class think again: It’s happening right now as we speak. Here. In the United States of America. It’s no surprise to many Americans that the Left has gained an overwhelming control of the media, our school systems, the government, etc. and has consistently demonized conservatives, specifically white men as a threat to all minority groups! If you believe in merit based achievements, controlled borders and immigration, personal freedoms secured by the Constitution, unbiased elections, a strong military, family values, pride in the country, and many other common sense viewpoints, you are now labeled as bigoted, privileged, backward conspiracy theorists!

    1. For the sheer audacity to want to put America first before foreign interests, you’re “selfish”. For wanting our own citizens to be looked after first before the influx of illegal immigrants clamoring for our resources, you’re “xenophobic”. For wanting to exercise your 2nd amendment rights apparently, that means you don’t care about gun violence are “baby killers”, yet it ought to be a “choice” whether or not to allow them to be born. For being skeptical that TODDLERS can change their gender you’re “transphobic”. Don’t you dare speak up when your child’s school pushes gender ideology or you’re a “domestic terrorist”! For standing up to reverse racism and resisting the label of privileged oppressor, you’re “white fragility” is showing. For calling out cheating in the 2020 election through peaceful protest you’re an “insurrectionist”. A traitor who must be locked up. I could go on and on…

      However unsurprising this is to millions of fellow patriots, I will admit that “President” Biden’s speech addressing the “continued battle for the soul of the nation” was an eye-opener:
      Our current president made it loud and clear in case it was merely implied: Conservatives are the enemy, a threat to the nation’s very core.
      The real question though, is what will they do with this view? As mentioned earlier, just how far would you go to vanquish a perceived enemy? We already have some answers; ostracizing conservatives personally and professionally. Labeling them racist bigots, transphobes, gun nuts, privileged, fragile, insurrectionists, domestic terrorists, traitors. If we’re in a “battle”, then we must be at war. An ideological war. If you read up on US military laws and history, then you know what happens to traitors in times of war. You may also find out just what incendiary speech such as our “president” gave recently can lead to. In the wake of Biden’s speech, the fallout is no longer merely theoretical. The FBI recently came after Mike Lindell, the My Pillow founder to seize his cellphone as he tried to expose the voting fraud from the 2020 election. A woman named Lisa Gallagher was raided by the FBI literally the day after Biden’s incendiary speech for an anonymous tip saying she was involved in the January 6th “insurrection” terrifying her and her daughter. An open Trump supporter, she was just like millions of us. Just another neighbor. Another mom. Another wife. Another any one of us. The raid on Trump is predictable. Prominent conservatives sadly are harassed as par for the course. However Biden’s words are targeting YOU. You are the threat to the “soul of the nation” for not going woke, for wanting a fair election, for wanting common sense and reason to prevail over hypocritical whims. There are over 71 million of us now officially deemed enemies, to be intimidated, ostracized, even imprisoned. This is the result of a Delusional OLD FOOL put in the hands of an UNKNOWN handler. Who is most likely Barrack Hussain Obama. .

    2. I have HAD IT with all this Bashing White People, Bashing former President Trump, Bashing Republicans, Bashing MAGA Supporters, and Bashing America! . I feel like I see all it as leftist propaganda and I l turn off any show, walk out of any performance or speech if they start bashing me as a “White”, or American…. It’s so ironic the very country they bash is the one giving them the right and freedom to do so. Like Kneeling down on one Knee at the sight of our Flag, or the playing of our Anthem. Because they are SO DAMMED “Oppressed” Oppressed while making those Multi- Mullions of dollars for throwing a Ball around. While living in those Gated Mansions, with Walls around them. You con’t see any Blacks or Gays, or ANY Leftists RUNNING to Get into CUBA, or RUSSIA, or CHINA do you?I’d like to see them “Taking a Knee” in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Russia, or especially in China, or any other country! For goodness sake, these people need to go spend some time in places like that to appreciate everything this GREAT Nation gave them, and spoiled them rotten (literally ROTTEN).This makes me think about those Cuban protestors that flew the American flag as a symbol of freedom, at the same time that Antifa and Black Lives Mater were burning the flag in America’s streets. That should have woken a few Million of American Protester up!Consider the risks that those Cuban protestors took flying the American flag. Despite the threat of prison, torture and death, they dared to fly the Stars and Stripes because they knew it represents freedom and defied tyranny. The Cubans are not unique in flying the American flag during freedom protests, most recent. Hong Kong protestors did it as well, last year when the Chinese decided to end whatever freedom remained there. Talking about “Taking a Stand For America”The nation’s Black population have now established their own Private National Anthem. I guess that I was asleep when they took a Survey on the “Nation” to approve that! I guess this is Biden’s way to Promote “Unity”, and that the National Athem just wasn’t good enough for those people. Those People that are SO OPPRESSED playing here in America and getting paid Multi-Millions of dollars for it. I guess that if NFL is going to play the “Black National Anthem” before every NFL game, then they won’t be seeing me at ANY of their games or watching them on TV either.And the same goes for Taking a knee During Playing of OUR NATIONAL ANTHEM.I REALLY have to wonder if those 81 millions of people that supposedly voted for Joe Biden last year were Dead People? ! Where Are All Those Fact Checker When We Really Need Them?Where are they after 4 years of TRUMP’S accomplishments ,one after another accomplishment? And now all we are seeing is Mr. Delusional walking around like a Zombie ruining almost everything in 5 months that our former President had accomplished.Instead now we are singing Governor Greg Abbott , and Ron DeSantis, who have decided to play hardball with them..Of course, that means sending those Bus’s with those Bus loads of Illegal’s that those Smart-Ass Democrats allow in to the country Sent to those Democratic Sanctuary Cities, or in front of Kamala Harris’s home. Yes,Biden thought that resettling all those illegal migrants was going to upset the Republican Governors. And now the Tide has turned.

  6. Lulu's Back In TownOctober 8, 2022 at 1:51 PM

    Whoopi Goldberg has demanded the British royal family to apologize for their colonial past, stressing that the crown cannot "ignore the fact that Britain ran roughshod over India for years. Or as she so elegantly puts it, “To Kiss Her Black Ass”.
    The thought of kissing Whoopi's formidable ass might leave me sleepless all night tonight,
    On Thursday, the co-host of "The View" once again slammed the monarchy when discussing the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s ongoing tour of the Caribbean.

    "We cannot ignore the fact that Britain ran roughshod over India for years," said the 66-year-old. "Let us not forget, when we talk about what needs to happen, all the folks that need to apologize."

  7. Where were ALL the Journalists Blasting Biden for Having the Military standing behind him during his NAZI like political speech? I thought that is was against the Militaries Laws to use our Soldiers for that CHEAP purpose.
    It was disgraceful, and despicable, and what I’d like to know is why weren’t those liberal journalists disgusted with his Nazi style optics put in display like that!.
    Biden’s speech addressing what HE CALLED “The Continued Battle for the Soul of the Nation” was one of the most DISGUSTING things that I ever witnessed.
    What he actually said was... “What is true: MAGA Republicans do not respect the Constitution. They do not believe in the rule of law. They do not recognize the will of the people”.
    He said “They refuse to accept the results of a free election. And they’re working right now, as I speak, in state after state to give power to decide elections in America to partisans and cronies, empowering election deniers to undermine democracy itself.” WHERE IN THE WORLD DID HE EVER GET THOSE THINGS FROM? NONE OF THAT WAS TRUE! NONE OF THAT CRAP WAS EVEN CLOSE TO THE TRUTH!
    He continued to say “MAGA forces are determined to take this country backwards — backwards to an America where there is no right to choose, no right to privacy, no right to contraception, no right to marry who you love”.

    And he DARED to say those lies against an angry Red Backdrop, with Marines standing guard on each side, it looked as if he wanted to come off as a DICTATOR instead of the Leader of the Free World! Biden made it loud and clear that Conservatives are the Enemy, and threat to the Nation. Us Patriot Americans who were the first to Volunteer at the time of September the 11th. And at every time our country was invaded, since Peal Harbor
    We have already been ostracized personally and professionally. Labeling us as Racist Bigots, Transphobes, Gun Nuts, The destroyers of the Republic Privileged, White Supremacists, Insurrectionists, Domestic Terrorists, Traitors. As if we’ were the “Enemies in a “Battle”... Then we must be at war.. If you read up on US military laws and history, then you know what happens to traitors in times of war. You may also find out just what an Incendiary Speech such as this one that our “president” gave recently can lead to. Here’s a hint: We fought several major wars over it, including one that nearly tore us apart, and one many of our Parents, and Grandparents were in…

  8. In the wake of Biden’s speech, the fallout is no longer merely a possibility . The FBI recently came after Mike Lindell, the My Pillow Guy, and they seized his cellphone because he tried to expose voting fraud from the 2020 election. A woman named Lisa Gallagher was raided by the FBI literally the day after Biden’s Incendiary speech after an anonymous tip saying she was involved in the January 6th “Insurrection” terrifying her and her daughter. An open Trump supporter, she was just like millions of us. Just another neighbor. Another mom. Another wife. Another any one of us. The raid on Trump is predictable. Prominent conservatives sadly are harassed as par for the course. However Biden’s words are targeting YOU. You are the threat to the “Soul of the Nation” for not going woke, for wanting a Fair election, for wanting common sense and reason to prevail over what is going on these days in our Country.... There are over 71 million of us now officially LABELED the Enemy, to be intimidated, ostracized, and even imprisoned.

    I leave you with this: We do know just how far a nation can go when a group is Labeled the enemy, and no one speaks out to stop it, or the leader is spewing LIES, and fear against a backdrop of Angry Bloody Red Backdrop. Think about it, do you consider it a compliment, or a “Threat of our Democracy” when someone refers to you as a “MAGA”? Do you feel that Trump supporters are the Nazis in this Country. Do you attack voting rights, free speech rights. Do you attack women's rights. That is what Nazis do.. IT’s NOT what we Trump supporters do.
    And wasn’t it BIDEN who FIRED ALL those First Responders, and Government workers because they didn’t want to take the Vaccine!

  9. Shaw Kenawe said...

    It's apparent that the Captain of the Mother Ship doesn't read beyond headlines she gets from FAUX NOOZ, otherwise, she'd not make herself look so foolish and uninformed for all the world to see.

    It looks like this will turn out to be a horrible, terrible, very bad week for Trump. I wonder how he'll wiggle out of all the allegations and evidence against him? Do you think this time he won't?


  10. Where are we heading? This week we saw something that has been happening for a long time now, but we have been turning a blind eye toward it. A Democrat murdered someone because they were perceived as being a Republican. Thanks to President Biden, this his his way of “United” the American people. Remember him standing in front of that Blood Red background with Two Armed Soldiers on each side, as he POUNDED the podium and Screamed at his audience about his HATRED of the MEGA supporters? Remember the disgusting names that he called HIS FELLOW AMERICANS only because they were supporters of his opposition! The anger, and hostility in his voice!
    Was this a way to express “Unity”? Or was this Bitterness? Did you hear the venom in his speech, as I did?

    The whole world is in decline, and we are seeing maddened powers trying to take over the world, and yet we are busy infighting and not seeing the obvious. We have a leader who is interested in “Climate Change” while the rest of the world is interested Changing the world’s powers.
    We are seeing insanity taking control of the world, with global wars not far behind.
    I pray that we all Wake up as the free people that we still are and help ourselves to remain free and help those that lack freedom & liberty that we still do. . we MUST Wake Up and see those Nations who want to kill and slaughter others for wanting to live free and out of misery .
    We have a leader who is more interested in helping his son Hunter secure multi-million dollar business deals, while the same people that are in business with his son are invading other nations like Ukraine, and Taiwan. . Once upon a time America and our allies the western democracies would help the innocent, brave people of a country being slaughtered by its own government. Once upon a time a brave American President Kennedy would airlift supplies and food to Berlin and proudly say "Ich bin ein Berliner" to the exaltation of millions of Germans under communist rule and to the pride of millions of Americans and free people around the world.
    Once upon a time another proud American President Reagan would stand in the same place and say " Mr. Gorbachev tear down this wall"
    It is a sad time in history when a country that shouts “Death to America” Iran is supplying drones to Russia to bomb civilians in Ukraine. And China is getting ready to invade Taiwan and finally also replace the world of America as the world's dominant power. It is a sad day when The United States of America is being destroyed in front of our very eyes & we feel helpless in stopping the decline & destruction.

    Where are we heading? This week we saw somthing that has been happening for a long time now, but we have been truning a blind eye toward it. A Democrat murdered someone because they were perceived as being a Republican. Thanks to President Biden, this his his way of “United” the American people. Remember him standing in front of that Blood Red background with Two Armed Soldiers on each side, as he POUNDED the podium and Screamed at his audience about his HATRED of the MEGA supporters? Remember the disgusting names that he called HIS FELLOW AMERICANS only because they were supporters of his opposition! The anger, and hostility in his voice!
    Was this a way to express “Unity”? Or was this Bitterness? Did you hear the venom in his speech, as I did?

    The whole world is in decline, and we are seeing maddened powers trying to take over the world, and yet we are busy infighting and not seeing the obvious. We have a leader who is interested in “Climate Change” while the rest of the world is interested Changing the world’s powers.
    We are seeing insanity taking control of the world, with global wars not far behind.
    I pray that we all Wake up as the free people that we still are and help ourselves to remain free and help those that lack freedom & liberty that we still do. . Let us Wake Up and see those Nations who want to kill and slaughter others for wanting to live free and out of misery .

  11. We have a leader who is more interested in helping his son Hunter secure multi-million dollar business deals, while the same people that are in business with his son are invading other nations like Ukraine, and Taiwan. . Once upon a time America & The western democracies would help the innocent, brave people of a country being slaughtered by its own government. Once upon a time a brave American President Kennedy would airlift supplies & food to Berlin and proudly say "Ich bin ein Berliner" to the exaltation of millions of Germans under communist rule and to the pride of millions of Americans and free people around the world.
    Once upon a time another proud American President Reagan would stand in the same place and say " Mr. Gorbachev tear down this wall"
    It is a sad time in history when Iran is supplying drones to Russia to bomb civilians in Ukraine & China is getting ready to invade Taiwan & finally also replace the world of America as the world's dominant power. It is a sad day when The United States of America is being destroyed in front of our very eyes and we feel helpless in stopping the decline & destruction.
    Where are we heading? This week we saw somthing that has been happening for a long time now, but we have been truning a blind eye toward it. A Democrat murdered someone because they were perceived as being a Republican. Thanks to President Biden, this his his way of “United” the American people. Remember him standing in front of that Blood Red background with Two Armed Soldiers on each side, as he POUNDED the podium and Screamed at his audience about his HATRED of the MEGA supporters? Remember the disgusting names that he called HIS FELLOW AMERICANS only because they were supporters of his opposition! The anger, and hostility in his voice!
    Was this a way to express “Unity”? Or was this Bitterness? Did you hear the venom in his speech, as I did?

  12. The whole world is in decline, and we are seeing maddened powers trying to take over the world, and yet we are busy infighting and not seeing the obvious. We have a leader who is interested in “Climate Change” while the rest of the world is interested Changing the world’s powers.
    We are seeing insanity taking control of the world, with global wars not far behind.
    I pray that we all Wake up as the free people that we still are and help ourselves to remain free and help those that lack freedom & liberty that we still do. . Let us Wake Up and see those Nations who want to kill and slaughter others for wanting to live free and out of misery .
    We have a leader who is more interested in helping his son Hunter secure multi-million dollar business deals, while the same people that are in business with his son are invading other nations like Ukraine, and Taiwan. . Once upon a time America & The western democracies would help the innocent, brave people of a country being slaughtered by its own government. Once upon a time a brave American President Kennedy would airlift supplies & food to Berlin and proudly say "Ich bin ein Berliner" to the exaltation of millions of Germans under communist rule and to the pride of millions of Americans and free people around the world.
    Once upon a time another proud American President Reagan would stand in the same place and say " Mr. Gorbachev tear down this wall"
    It is a sad time in history when Iran is supplying drones to Russia to bomb civilians in Ukraine & China is getting ready to invade Taiwan & finally also replace the world of America as the world's dominant power. It is a sad day when The United States of America is being destroyed in front of our very eyes & we feel helpless in stopping the decline & destruction.
    It is a sad day when we see our own citizens Burning down their own neighborhoods and Looting the same store where their parents shopped yesterday.
    It is a very sad day when we see our own citizens throwing Bricks at the Police who risk their own lives to protect these people.
    It is a sad day when all our traditional values of religion ,family and patriotism are mocked and being replaced by absurd culture that is being taught in our schools, and lawlessness and madness is running wild in our streets.

  13. The Left is going to come up with something BIG before the Midterms” Biden’s been lying about his terrific economy; it seems he and many others can’t connect inflation and high prices! We’ve had women suddenly accuse Walker of paying for an abortion though Warnock’s story of hurting his wife didn’t seem to count to the media; we’ve had all kinds of things like that. The USELESS Governor Kathy Hochul says that the increase in Crime is only a Perception Every Single Day we read about a School Shooting, or someone getting pushed onto the Subway tracks, or BOTH! And she say “that it’s only a Perception” Now go figure that!
    The Left has been suggesting all sorts of ugly things about Republicans but there’s really nothing of SUBSTANCE in anything that any of them have said.
    Fetterman being Neck and Neck with Oz says much about our country, and just how stupid the voters are.
    It’s disheartening to hear everyday that the Pennsylvanians not unlike ourselves are willing to send this Classless Empty Hooded Sweatshirt wearing Goof-Ball to represent them and their state before the country and the world.
    He’s a slob, he’s inarticulate, he wants no bail, he lets convicts out, he’s ALL for the BIG GOVERNMENT BS, and Everything Else That Biden Pushes
    This says more than most anything else how far this country is falling and continues to do so on its way to rock bottom. From where I sit the Liberal press and the overall media of ignorance, with their varieties of stupidity of the voters will carry the Current shit- for-Brains democrats to victory. Meanwhile if the polls are to believed we will see the left “POSSIBLY” keeping control of the Senate regardless of what the people on FOX are telling us. This sickness affecting its voters is not only characteristic to Pennsylvania.
    Some of these people determine who their going to vote for based on what they had for breakfast, ot what song was playing on the radio as they drove to the voting precinct, or the weather, or the quality of last night’s Sex, Climate Control, Abortion, or simply because White people are bad
    And many of those who DO bother to vote often make up their mind as they enter the voting booth.

  14. Our CORRUPT Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas who took an oath saying that “I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all Enemies, Foreign and Domestic” has failed to uphold existing federal laws on immigration that violate American sovereignty and make America more vulnerable to Crime, Drugs, and Terrorist Attacks, insists that there is NO Southern Border Crisis. NEEDS to Step Down and Resign, And if he does not resign, McCarthy said the House Republican investigation of Mayorkas in the new Congress could "lead to an Impeachment inquiry."

  15. Another INTELLIGENT post by one of the Three Posters on Shaw Kenawe’s Dumb, ASININE “Blog”!

    Mike said…
    🤦‍♂️ “What a dumbshit.”

    1. They all suffer Bidet Worship Syndrome; they bow to the farting jackal sitting on the porcelain throne in the 0ffal 0ffice, with out of control bowel movements.

    Your idiot president traded one of the most dangerous criminals in the world for a lesbo anti/American Basketball player. Only clowns like you could celebrate such a Stupid, and COWARDLY deal!
