Sunday, December 18, 2022

Dervish Sanders Got His *** Handed To Him

 The Honorable, Esteemed And Distinguished Judge Dervish Sanders (A High IQ Bourgeois Elitist)December 12, 2022 at 11:28 AM

No, ****************.

I don't get "sloshed". I have never been "sloshed". I don't know what "Moonbat hooch" is. Or if it even exists.

If (however) you mean YOU commenting while using the account you use to fake my ID (when you referred to "Dervish")... then YES. I can believe you did that while sloshed.

fyi, "Qanon" is an ********* account. As is "Rattrapper". You are an evil asshole, ********* (aka ***********). And a fake Christian.

My 2 bi racial bastard nephews Jamie Virgil Sanders & Jeremy Austin Sanders make me bigly horny.

Poor little Dervish!  I just laughed at him.  He seems to be having a super bad day at this time of year.  You see, he got his backless Bernie Sanders panties soiled after he got laughed at.  His god Bidet keeps blubbering embarassing things while out in public.  Bidet's Big BooBoos keep coming back in Dervish's tray of Scooby Snacks.

Dervish's sources for shrooms seems to be drying up, and he has gotten quite cranky over the shortages.  As you see in his retorts, he lost his mind.  He posted something and quickly erased it, thinking no one would capture it.