Sunday, December 18, 2022

Dervish Sanders Got His *** Handed To Him

 The Honorable, Esteemed And Distinguished Judge Dervish Sanders (A High IQ Bourgeois Elitist)December 12, 2022 at 11:28 AM

No, ****************.

I don't get "sloshed". I have never been "sloshed". I don't know what "Moonbat hooch" is. Or if it even exists.

If (however) you mean YOU commenting while using the account you use to fake my ID (when you referred to "Dervish")... then YES. I can believe you did that while sloshed.

fyi, "Qanon" is an ********* account. As is "Rattrapper". You are an evil asshole, ********* (aka ***********). And a fake Christian.

My 2 bi racial bastard nephews Jamie Virgil Sanders & Jeremy Austin Sanders make me bigly horny.

Poor little Dervish!  I just laughed at him.  He seems to be having a super bad day at this time of year.  You see, he got his backless Bernie Sanders panties soiled after he got laughed at.  His god Bidet keeps blubbering embarassing things while out in public.  Bidet's Big BooBoos keep coming back in Dervish's tray of Scooby Snacks.

Dervish's sources for shrooms seems to be drying up, and he has gotten quite cranky over the shortages.  As you see in his retorts, he lost his mind.  He posted something and quickly erased it, thinking no one would capture it.


  1. While we had some important, significant and major, wins in the midterm elections, like getting rid of Nancy Pelosi and much of the lunacy in our country, the out look is promising, it showed us that we still have a lot more work to do, to truly be heard. There are still too many people who believe the propaganda and deflecting from the Left about excuses for this terrible economy and the lying administration that is in power. . The Biden Administration dances around the importamt subjects and went so far as to tell us to vote for the Left based on what they might do, while totally ignoring what we see unfolding before our very eyes, like all this BAD news about Biden’s Wacky Son for example, and the high prices of necessities such as of Gas, Utilities, Housing, Food, Energy, the prices that we are seeing in the local restaurants, and Department stores. While the ILLEGAL INVADERS are receiving handout after handout. Meanwhile they tell us “ If You See Something, Say Something”... Well, wh have been Seeing, and Saying Things for Two Years, and Nothing Is Being Done about It.

  2. It just amazing to me to even think that the Democrats of THIS COUNTRY want to SILENCE us! And To SILENCE FREE SPEECH!
    What has become of this country in only TWO YEARS of this administration?
    I can’t believe this is the same party of John F. Kennedy! Of Harry Truman! Is this the same Country that I grew up in? Is this the same country that our Brothers, and Fathers defended, by going to Fight in Germany, and Japan? And so many of them lost their lives to save?
    Welcome to the Fascist/Communist States of America! I almost hate to say it but I’m asha med of this President and that BUNCH of Commies, and Socialists in his administration, and his DAMN CRACK-HEAD SON, who has been milking us dry ! Get Rid of That Whole Disgusting Bunch of Them, and Bring Back the America That We Were Proud Of!
    Get RID Of Them All, From Adam Schiff, to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Rashida Tlaib,  Ilhan Omar, to Ayanna Pressley. Thank GOD we got that Idiotic Nancy Pelosi out, but there a long way to go.

  3. Is there any doubt that the Progressive American Communist Democrats are pushing their woke nonsense to further erode and destroy the traditional cultural values that we Americans have known, and enjoyed for decades!
    Could it be because of their obvious Mental Disorders? Or could it be because of their strong desire, and conviction to lead this one time, and “Former” Great Nation to complete ? Or Both?

  4. The confused President Biden has to be told to use the translation device so President Zelensky can address him, and Dim-witted Joe could hear him.
    Our Dim-witted President never lets us down on letting us down. He always comes through with an embarrassing lapse of cognition in any given situation. Especially if its on the world stage where the entire world can see, and hear what a LOSER the United States has for it’s Leader.. .

    1. Salvatore, I wonder which fake Joe Biden got sent to meet with Zelensky. Remember, Biden is not the President of the USA. He's a fraudulent usurper and invader of White House.

  5. I think that Nancy's Boss Joe also indulged in too much Vodka to early as he said.....
    Joe Biden: "Looking back at 2022, I feel more confident about America than ever" "when we grow economy from bottom up & middle out, everyone's better off"

  6. Hey Dervish If you don't want a sarcastic answer don't ask a stupid question.

  7. So now that you've forced Trump to give the tax returns. great. Well Great! You Liberals did a great Job! You did what you wanted to do for the past 6 years... Well Guess What we're going to do now? We want to see Hunter's. I want to see Joe's, and I want to see the income that they BOTH got from China. And not just the personal taxes, ...We need to see the S Corporation filings as well.
    I want to see what was on Hunter Biden Laptop! I want to see what “The Big Guy “got from the Deals in China! And I wait to see if The Big Guy” Paid taxes on all of that ILLEGAL, ILL-GOTTEN, DISHONEST, MONEY! I want to know more about the "BIG GUY'S" 10 percent.. Hunter Biden was raking in millions of dollars because of the influence his Father peddled, I know it and everyone else knows it!
    If it wasn’t Dishonest, Then he should have no problem with an IRS audit. Federal, and State!

  8. Finally, the NEW YEAR has come! And Good Ridance to the old one!
    The republic still stands, despite the incompetence & failures caused by the worst president in American history. Most of his actions are deliberate & strictly politically motivated. The rest are from pure ignorance & stupidity. The "woke agenda" , the "gender conflict" energy dependence & high gas prices are all intentional.
    Today marks the First business day for the new House of representatives, and it’s being run by the Republicans . The very first thing that needs to be corrected is the reverseal of the Idiotic order of hiring 87,000 IRS agents to go after small business owners and hard-working moderate earners. It’s shameful that the Democrats..
    It can only be looked at as being shameful that the Democrats would want to develop an army to intimidate and harass American citizens , while they allocate funding for a measly 300 border agents to prevent the invasion from the southern border.
    The SHAMEFUL Democrats have treated foreigners here illegally better than honest Americans. That begins to change tomorrow when Republicans take over.
    The weaponization of government agencies which started under Obama, continued even more under Biden. That includes the DOJ, the FBI, the CIA, the NSA , the Pentagon, the State Department, Homeland Security & the IRS, & more. They have become tools of disinformation, intimidation & propaganda for the democrats. Add to that the MSM which has been a democrat tool for decades & the social media tech giants.
    The border crisis is deliberate & meant to buy votes from new illegal immigrants. We have thousands of poor homeless people, drug addicts & veterans sleeping on the streets & yet we let in hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants which will add to this catastrophe.
    Biden & the democrats could care less as long as they stay in power.
    The news media giants & tech companies are the enablers of these corrupt politicians. They either censor the truth, or create misinformation as the truth. They repeat the same lies so frequently that it brainwashes the unaware & the naive & uninformed.
    They always accuse the other side of that which they malpractice & lie about.
    Just in 2022 Sam Bankman Fried met with White House officials 4 times. This is never covered by the MSM. Hunter Biden's corruption is never covered by the news media.
    The Paul Pelosi "incident" was completely abandoned & left to be forgotten. The truth in these cases would be damaging to the democrats & the left leaning media.
    Delusional Joe Biden has been Cheering his Historic Year, whil we have a : record Crime rate,, Record Inflation, a Record amount of Illegal Immigration, a Record Gas price year, the very worst Stock/and Bond Losses since 1871...Think about it (SINCE 1871)! And he calls this an “Historic Year!

    The MSM is trying to find something incriminating on President Trump's tax returns. This after almost 6 years of harassment, lies & repeat witch hunts against him.
    Now that they set this precedent I would like to see Biden's tax returns, Pelosi & other high ranking democrat politician tax returns.
    Despite all of the above, I am optimistic that the country will change course & its people will see to it that we get back on the right track
    Change for the best & unity is necessary & it requires all of us to participate & make it happen. That is a worthy new year resolution to uphold.
    Happy New Year America !

  9. How many times have I said this Jan 6th debacle was totally preventable. The Capital police, the DC police and the leadership of congress had plenty of advanced notice to prepare for this demonstration and failed to act. No responsible police agency wouldn’t have been prepared unless they were told to stand down. The United States is facing the biggest crisis that it has ever experienced right now, and it just keeps getting worse everytime we have a Democratic President.
    And ass I have said so many times before, if we continue to go down this road there is no future for our country. The choice is ours, we either stay a Free country, with the Freedoms that come with a free country or we become another Third World Nation as this administration is surely taking us.

  10. On another note, In Ref: to the Donald Trump / Hillary Clinton election It must have been frustrating for those Democratic Socialists. To lose an election that was FIXED for them to win... Then they fail on those ridiculous collusion charges aka as an investigation, and now their failing to get the Impeachment that they SO MUCH desire. I have a feeling that they will start Barking at the Moon again.

  11. Every once in a while I take a little trip or should I say the I go SLUMMING over to the Progressive Socialist’s Blog and read the INSANITY comments that the seriously mentally ill post there.
    As expected they are Joyfully Celebrating the confusion that’s being held at the Kevin McCarthy, Speaker of the House Voting. They think that the Republicans are in such a STATE OF DISORGANIZATION because they can’t come to a united decision on McCarthy.
    Well my Liberal Morons can’t see why we Republican’s JUST can’t VOTE like the Democratic Flocks of Sheep do, and just Go with the Flow. They can’t understand that by doing that, they get the Stupid, Idiotic, Worms, that they have in their party. The people with the LOW INTELLIGENCE like that Drunken Moron Nancy Pelosi, and that Weakling, Whippy,
    Wussy Chuckie Schmucky Schumer, Adam Schiff, Rashida Tlaib, and Jerry Nadler who always just shlep along with whatever the Moron In Chief says. The Democratic -Communists that are expected to do whatever the Drunken Idiot says, and supports each other no matter what it is. Like Good Little Sheep. Like endorsing the Moronic Stacy Abrams for Georgia’s Governor.
    For example ANYONE that voted for Biden Got Exactly What They Deserved
    The Bottom Line is that with these Delusional Dingbats in charge it’s Impossible of having the Free, Great, America that we all knew and Loved so much.

    1. So true! And right now, the RINOs have charged again. But God said He's going to take them out of office, one way or another. Some of them are about to die in office soon. Others will get caught up in scandals, get taken to GITMO, and serve a long time in prison. And some will resign and quietly exit out before ruining their reputation.

  12. Give the Republicans a big hand will you please, because they WILL NOT just elect a Speaker because they have spent 3 days trying to do so.
    They are being CERTAIN that the person that they do elect will be Strong, and not a whimp like McCarthy and fold to the Democrats and their NONSENSE, every time they want to spend another Trillion dollars on the typical CRAP that they always seem to do, and that they will NOT get away with the Crap that Joe Biden is doing to this Country. So I fully support what the resistance the Republicans are doing to the RINOS and the Progressive enables!
    Why should they just blindly vote for someone? America can't be in the business of just blindly going along with the rest of the Sheep. These so called “Leaders”have already lost mush of the Pride that America has had.
    If we just elect another wimp that kowtows to the Democrats , then what was the point of Winning the House?

    1. They did put up a fight, but let the RINO in for now. However, that won't last for long. God has His plans, and the plans are unfolding in front of us.


    Shaw KenaweJanuary 8, 2023 at 4:32 PM
    Joe Biden did NOT incite an insurrection against the United States of America, steal government top secret documents, or write off in his taxes, secret payments to his mistresses to keep their mouths shut after he shagged them while his 3rd wife was giving birth to his 5th child.

    Also, Joe Biden did not encourage a mob to kill his V.P., like Trump did.

    1. Shenehneh squeals like the fat sow hog she really is, doesn't she?

  14. Why did it take so long, for this “President” to get his backside over to that border? We've had 2 years and almost 5 million Illegals crossing our border, we already know that these people are bringing in TONS of drugs including Fentanyl Used to Target Young Americans, and KILLING them by the thousands, no background checks, no Corvid testings, that is REQUIRED for every American Citizen, And it is as bad, or worse today then it ever was.
    When Will They Impeach Biden?
    And Where Was Is The Heavily Armed Raid By The FBI when they found Classified Documents hidden in Bidens ? Documents with Classified markings," were discovered back from when he was the Vice President...!No Heavy-armed Fbi Raid.
    No Big Deal. No widespread press / publicity, as they did with Trump.
    Remember when Biden said that Trump’s taking classified documents from the White House is ‘IRRESPONSIBLE.! Shouldn’t we expect the same treatment for President Biden, who has apparently inappropriately maintained classified documents in an insecure setting for several years! And this was Definitely Not released just before the Midterms !
    How many did he sell?
    This was before dementia riddled his brain, so the intent was to profit from these thefts is very clear. But according to multiple media reports, it was discovered a week prior to the midterm election that Joe Biden had removed classified documents from his term as Vice-President to a private office in the Penn Biden Center. The nature of the classified documents is unknown.
    And Shouldn’t Our Democracy is in Jeopardy Now?
    And just Coincidentally Biden is in Mexico now and can’t be grilled on the Subject! Coincidentally! Right!
    Well, it seems to me that Kevin McCarthy has a much bigger job on his hands now, doesn’t it.

  15. Poopy Pants Bidet ran for the border because he wanted some Taco Jill. When he poops his pants in public again after farting up a massive butt blast from all the beans he consumes, he'll come back to DC for his favorite ice creams.
