Saturday, April 15, 2023

Loot The Peons Day Is Monday.

Did you file your 1040 yet?  It's Loot The Peons Day this Monday April 17 2023.  The Government wants your $$$$ so that they can embezzle it on wasteful things such as bombing foreign countries and get rich off our backs.


  1. Well, what do you know! Vice President Kamala Harris urged the People to do the VERY SAME THING that She and ALL the other Democrats Claimed that Donald Trump did Start an INSURRECTION!

    As the demonstrators gathered in downtown Los Angeles, Kamale told them TO “STAND UP AND FIGHT”

    Kamala Harris has come out and “Incited Demonstrators” to stand up and fight against the government.
    Since the Democrats, etc. have already declared that Trump incited violence and insurrections against the government by telling his supporters to "fight like hell to take back our country"
    Then it is ONLY RIGHT for the Democrats to DEMAND Harris's resignation for doing the very same thing that THEY CLAIMED that Donald Trump did. Are they against people inciting violence and insurrections against the government or not? By remaining silent Democrats are now saying that it is OK to tell supporters to stand up and fight, inciting violence and insurrections against governments and not be held accountable for inciting that Violence and Insurrections.

    But they seemed to leave out something when this was reported.
    The massive lines of protestors lining the streets were actual Protesting Against Her, Also Shouting "Let's go Brandon!" .

    The Current House should form another committee to Investigate the Chinese Balloon incident, as well as all the news about Biden and the
    Mar-A -Largo Raid

  2. Watching and reading the news this past week, numerous objects have been shot down since the big spy balloon fiasco ended.
    You would think that The Inmates Are Running the Asylum.

  3. Anybody following the scandals created around Justice Clarence Thomas?
    I posted recently how the Left is going wild with searching for things to GET THE RIGHT, particularly the RIGHT in the Supreme Court… if (still) marching around their homes and asking where their kids go to school, etc., isn’t threatening enough without impunity.
    SO, they found that Justice Thomas had taken trips paid for by a rich friend/donor….And they’re trying to get Ginni Thomas for having apparently/supposedly had something to do with the January 6 situation………
    I SUPPOSE only Conservatives constantly screw up……RIGHT? COULD be!! (smile) But it seems to me kind of interesting that this all ‘comes out’ NOW!
    And lets face it ABORTION IS EVERYTHING TO THE LEFT (the last elections show how anxious Americans are to kill the unborn) and THEY SIMPLY MUST GET THE SUPREME COURT IN THEIR POLITICAL FAVOR AGAIN TO ACHIEVE THE GOAL…………The Thomases must be the weakest link…..
    or guilty as sin. I find all of it questionable…except the timing of all this coming out. That’s pretty obvious,
    And can you give a better example of someone trying to draw attention away from an embarrassing situation by spreading gossip about someone else that isn’t as important . . . or even true?
    So it pretty darn obvious that they want Thomas gone because 1) He has a solid control of the court,
    2) They want him gone now while they have Joe Biden in office and they can get another Lefty on the court
    What’s that you say . . .The Laptop situation is still at a stand-still! ? What would you call that? Corruption? Hypocrisy? Both?
    And OH! One more thing! if the Democrats could ONLY get a lipstick-wearing “Man” in that court, their dreams would be Complete the picture!

  4. When you are a totally incompetent manager and unable to fix potholes inthe streets, or Highways, it makes perfect sense for the progressive communist Democrats to nominate you as the Secretary of Transportation confirmed Green Energy Bicycle Boy, because you are Gay, and your father spent his life translating the work of one of the most influential Marxists outside of Karl Marx
    However, when it comes to resolving real transportation issues, and problems like a Rail Derailment, or a Airport Slowdown that involves the safety of our Airline passengers, or a Supply Chain “Slowdown” at America’s. Airports, and Railroad safety, it seems to be a No-brainer to concentrate on playing the Race card by declaring U.S. roads are racist by design. That is when he was not implementing alphabet (LGBTQXYZ) policies, climate change nonsense, and other woke progressive communist Democrat agenda items.
    But what would you expect from a former LGBTQ-Activist Democrat Mayor who COMPLETELY Downplayed the Ohio Train Derailment and Toxic Disaster. While ignoring a Load of Crises in his two years including half of that as an absentee as Secretary of Transportation, Pete Buttigieg may have found a Crisis that he will address. Would, you think that someone would ask before he was hired....what were his qualifications for the job?
    America is headed by a seriously Cognitively-impaired President, surrounded by an incompetent and ineffectual bunch of Yo-Yos cabinet members , run by a bunch of Obama’s former Yo-Yos cabinet members..

  5. New York City Mayor Eric Adams and Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg were elected to their respective positions in November after running on radically different messages about policing.

    Adams, the former NYPD captain, argued police officers should resume enforcing quality of life crimes such as graffiti and pushed a tough-on-crime message that helped him connect with voters in the outer boroughs. In Manhattan, home to progressive elites, Bragg vowed to pull back on prosecutions — even reducing some felony charges, including commercial robberies.
    Instead of addressing critics, Bragg sought refuge at Sharpton’s headquarters, where members generally approve of his policies as a way of reducing bias in the criminal justice system and sending fewer Black and brown New Yorkers to jail. Bragg, like Adams, is a Black man.
    Instead of taking the Side of the BIAS Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, Eric Adams as the New York Cities Mayor should have said, when you decide NOT TO prosecute Criminals, voters are going to eventually throw you out.
    This is a warning sign to politicians! That is what he should have said.
    We have just gotten RID of a Useless New York Mayor, but it now seems as if the New One is the, same as the Old one, they just changed the people, they didn't change their Policies or Ideology......
    .Except that the USELESS Mayor has nothing to do with prosecuting Criminals... That would be the Cities District Attorney, and he is more Useless than our old Missing In Action Mayor.
    And we need to REMOVE Eric Swalwell, Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler from Congressional Committees as well, they are all Liars, Traitors, and Chinese Spies as well.
    And while we are at it, we need to DO SOMETHING about that Billionaire TRAITOR George Soros, who gave $1 Million to Bragg’s Campaign to elect Progressive District Attorneys Across the County. But the backlash against Bragg has hopefully begun. And the BIG Mistake of New Yorker’s electing a retired New York City ex- Cop as Mayor, tells that voters are concerned about Criminal Justice Reform. Something that Democratic Governors don’t seem to give a Dam about... but they better start being Interested in that if they want to be re-elected!. And there are many others who need to be thrown out of the House committees, namely the members of the Squad, When people see bigots in Congress on TV, they lose all confidence in Congress.
    Also New York’s Mayor Eric Adams needs to know that HE HAS am Expiration Date!

  6. Facts are facts folks...Biden is 80 years old. Fact: mild cognitive impairment is present in 25 percent of those age 80 to 84,

    And Exactly What Is Mild Cognitive Impairment?

    Mild cognitive impairment is a condition in which a person experiences a noticeable decline in mental abilities effecting memory and thinking abilities compared with others of the same age. The decline in abilities is noticeable by the person experiencing them as well by others who interact with the person, or just seeing the person but the changes could, or couldn’t be severe enough to interfere with their daily life activities. Some mental cognitive decline is seen easily in aging. For example, the ability to learn new information may be severe enough to interfere with the persons mental processing slows, speed of performance slows and their ability to become distracted increases.
    But Dementia is a general term used to describe a decline in mental function that is severe enough to interfere with daily living

    Statistics show that about 7.5 percent will develop dementia in the first year after diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment
    About 15 percent will develop dementia in the second year
    About 20 percent will develop dementia in the third year

    Memory loss. Forgets recent events, repeats the same questions and the same stories, forgets the names of close friends and family members, forgets appointments or planned events, forgets conversations, misplaces items often.
    Language problems. Has trouble coming up with the desired words. Has difficulty understanding written or verbal (spoken to) information.
    Attention. Loses focus. Is easily distracted.
    Reasoning and judgment. Struggles with planning and problem solving. Has a hard time making decisions.
    Complex decision-making. May struggle, but can complete complex tasks such as paying bills, taking medications, shopping, cooking, household cleaning, driving.
    Some of the possible conditions include:

    Depression, stress, and anxiety
    Thyroid, kidney or liver problems
    Sleep apnea and other sleep disorders
    Diseases or conditions that affect blood flow in the brain (tumors, blood clots, stroke. traumatic brain injury, normal pressure hydrocephalus)

  7. Victim Rights NY founder Jennifer Harrison slammed the activist DA for being 'completely incompetent'?
    Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg fulfilled a major campaign promise with his indictment of former President Donald Trump last Thursday, but the move raised larger questions about the safety of New York streets under his watch.

    Victim Rights NY founder Jennifer Harrison slammed the activist DA for being "completely incompetent" as she joined Fox News Channel's "Lawrence Jones Cross Country" Saturday.

    "From day one, Alvin Bragg announced that if he was elected then he would promise that he would Get Trump”...

    Making a “Promise” to “GET SOMEONE” is Illegal. And therefor Lets hope Alvin's Law License gets pulled.

    It seems as if every time I think you people have reached the bottom of the Stupid poke a hole in it and dig a new bottom for someone who’s even more Stupid!.
    Bragg cares more about helping violent thugs than their victims, especially if they are Black..
    Yes .. good ol' Alvin Bragg .. the DA who decided to charge a Manhattan Parking Attendant with Attempted Murder, who was shot twice by a thief, wrestled the firearm from the thief and then retaliated. Only in Biden's America !

    Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg is really making a name for himself on a national level, likely much to his eventual regret. After convincing a grand jury to bring preposterous charges against Donald Trump, Bragg had to find something to keep himself busy until Tuesday, and a New York garage attendant named Moussa Diarra offered him that opportunity. Diarra was working the overnight shift yesterday when he spotted Charles Rhodie rooting around the garage with a bag, apparently attempting to steal some of the tools and equipment in the garage. Diarra confronted Rhodie and demanded to inspect the bag. Instead of complying, Rhodie pulled a gun from the bag and shot Diarra twice, once in the stomach, with the second shot grazing his head. Despite his injuries, Diarra wrested the gun away from Rhodie and shot him in return. So what did Bragg do about it? Obviously, he charged the garage attendant with attempted murder

  8. Biden’s Mandate: Electric cars by 2027
    China nearly has a-monopoly on EV batteries
    Gas prices just hit a 5-month high, just moths after hitting an ALL-TIME High.
    Foreign Nations including our enemies have been enriched by this
    Our Strategic Oil Reserves has been depleted to decrease Gas prices only 15 cents a gallon, and that idiotic increase lasted for only 2 months. And now , the average cost for a Gallon of Regular Gas is up 21 cents from just one month ago,
    And now Gas Prices on the Rise Again But This Time the Strategic Oil Reserves are Very Low, and close to being Empty!
    Biden allowed a Chinese Communist Party Spy balloon to just fly over our country for over a week without even knowing what it was.,
    A War very possible with China, and or Russia is getting very close.
    US munitions are perilously low
    The Recruiting in our Military IS VERY LOW due to Biden’s liberal policies!
    US Generals: are all saying that we are NOT prepared for ANY WARS with China, or with anyone else.
    Biden is wholly, and Completely responsible for the tremendous, and mammoth loss of Billions of dollars worth of Military equipment due to his Idiotic withdrawal from Afghanistan.
    NEW Evidence Shows that 6 members of the Biden’s have been paid by the Chinese Communist Party. Frances President Macron has said that France will not stand with the US to defend Taiwan, and Macron is trying to convince other nations in NATO to walk away from the US. Xi has been having a propaganda field day with it.
    Joe Biden could not be doing a better job destroying the USA if he was being paid to do so...
    BUT WAIT A MINUTE! - Biden IS Getting Paid to Do it:


  9. Dear American liberals, leftists, social progressives, socialists, Marxists, and Obama supporters, et al:

    We have stuck together since the late 1950s for the sake of the kids, but the whole of this latest election process has made me realize that I want a divorce. I know we tolerated each other for many years for the sake of future generations, but sadly, this relationship has clearly run its course. So, here’s our Divorce Agreement
    Our two ideological sides of America cannot and will not ever agree on what is right for us all, so let's just end it on friendly terms. We can smile and chalk it up to irreconcilable differences and go our own way
    Here is our separation agreement:

    Our two groups can equitably divide up the country by land mass, each taking a similar portion. That will be the difficult part, but I am sure our two sides can come to a friendly agreement. After that, it should be relatively easy! Our respective representatives can effortlessly divide other assets, since both sides have such distinct and disparate tastes.
    We don't like redistributive taxes, so you can keep them.
    You are welcome to the liberal judges and the ACLU.

    Since you hate guns and war, we'll take our firearms, the cops, the NRA, and the military.
    We'll take the nasty, smelly oil industry and the coal mines, and you can go with wind, solar, and bio-diesel.

    You can keep Oprah, Whoopi, Bill Maher, Michael Moore and Rosie O'Donnell, Joy Behar, and Whoopi Goldberg, You are, however, responsible for finding a bio-diesel vehicle big enough to move all of them.
    We'll keep capitalism, greedy corporations, pharmaceutical companies, Wal-Mart, and Wall Street.

    You can have your beloved lifelong welfare dwellers, food stamps, homeless, homeboys, hippies, druggies, and illegal aliens.
    We'll keep the hot Alaskan hockey moms, greedy CEOs, and rednecks.

    We'll keep Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity, and our Bibles and give you NBC, CNN, and Hollywood.
    You can make nice with Iran and Palestine and we'll retain the right to invade and hammer places that threaten us.

    You can have the peaceniks and war protesters, and even the Transvestites. .
    -When our allies or our way of life are under assault, we'll help provide them security.
    We'll keep our Judeo-Christian values.
    You are TOTALLY welcome to Islam, Scientology, Humanism, political correctness, and Robert DiNero, and Shirley McLaine. You can also have the UN., but we will no longer be paying the bill.
    We'll keep the SUVs, pickup trucks, and oversized luxury cars. You can take every Volt and Leaf you can find.
    You can give everyone health care if you can find any practicing doctors.
    We'll keep "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" and "The National Anthem." and Our Flag, you can keep the Pride Flag.
    I'm sure you'll be happy to substitute "Imagine," "I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing," "Kum Baya," or "We Are the World."
    We'll practice trickle-down economics and you can continue to give trickle-up poverty your best shot.

    Since it often so offends you, we'll keep our history, our name, and our American Flag
    Would you agree to this? If so, please pass it along to other like-minded Liberals, and DON’T FORGET those Holier than Thou Progressives, We will keep our Republican’s, and Conservative Patriots and if you do not agree, just hit delete. In the spirit of friendly parting, I'll bet you might think about which one of us will need whose help in 15 years.
    A American that Loves America
    P.S. Also, please take George Clooney, Ted Turner, Sean Penn, Whoopi Goldberg, , and Joy Behar, Martin Short, Charlie Sheen, Barbra Streisand, and Hanoi Jane Fonda with you.
    P.P.S. And you won't have to press 1 for English when you call our country.

  10. The more they talk about it the worse things get and they don't even realize they are creating a white America and a black America, not to mention a Hispanic America and a LGBTQ+ America and many other Americas where there aren't even two genders anymore. Every group is identified separately. This is all the very opposite of inclusion and diversity. Hell, they've even got a white national anthem and a black national anthem.
    The Gays even have their OWN Flag… is that what they call “Unity “? That’s the way the left want it, total separation, division, and increased racism. Instead of everyone being "Americans" the left want to turn us all into separate groups, all fighting against each other.
    But hell, that’s they way it is in Biden’s America!

  11. So, I’m not really intending this post to be confrontational, and I’m not being snide or have any kind of agenda here, I’m just wanting someone to explain it to me, for real, because I don’t understand. Let me explain…
    Anheuser-Busch sent Dylan a personalized can of beer…from what I understand this was a one off, personalized thing sent to Dylan, they didn’t mass produce this can, so it wasn’t sent out to the country as a whole.
    Yeah, some may not agree with Dylan and his lifestyle, but I don’t see what that has to do with anyone else, it’s not like Anheuser-Busch was trying to force this down anyone’s throat by making a big ad campaign about it, they just send one can of beer to Dylan. Someone please explain the outrage there.
    Perhaps I decided to give a little lecture to Americans about the political implications of the Woke agenda which was apparently WAS intended to change the base of Americans that once supported Bud Lite for years, and was a bit more than just Pissed off that a Freaking, Skinny, Little Man with makeup became the focus of the Budweiser companies asinine campaign and it was a Freaking Disaster. Weren't Anheuser corporate management types paying any attention to the feelings of the country ? Aren't there any Clydesdale heroes to focus on besides a Sick, and Confused Man who want's to be come a Woman? How about real heroes like Joey Jones on Fox who lost his legs in the Marines? How do you think the families of those 13 Dead Marines felt, when Anheuser Bush decided to ignore all the American Hero’s and instead decided in stead to go with a Transie? Well, yes, I blame DO blame the Wokeism and Cancel Culture. I mean, isn’t Anheuser-Busch generally a big contributor to political causes? So, it seems they just caved into the pressure, which you are seeing a lot of. What Budweiser was actually doing was trying to appeal to a different market segment; anyone with two working brain cells should be able to see that!
    Companies don't just make special stuff for no reason and send them to internet Celebrities without getting something in return, OH NO! .
    And the problem isn't with Dylan Dude in particular, the problem is with Budweiser politicizing itself, catering to pop social agendas, to push woke rhetoric, to try and jump on the tranny train

  12. Continue;
    And their loyal customers don't like that, they just want a beer company to be a beer company and that's it. Dylan Mulvaney is known for detailing His, or Her gender transition in daily videos on the social media platform TikTok ever since early 2022. This is not something new! . In 2022, Mulvaney spoke with President Joe Biden at the White House about Transgender rights, so our Delusional Potatohead in Chief was well aware of what He/She was all about!
    the problem is with Budweiser politicizing itself, catering to pop social agendas, to push woke rhetorics, to try and jump on the tranny train. And their loyal customers don't like that, they just want a beer company to be a beer company and that's it.
    It's ALL about the American people being Fed Up with Everywhere they turn it's woke this and this social agenda that is Everywhere invaded everything in our lives. Even in Sports and on TV, and in the Movies and in Commercials you know the kinds of things where people can go to escape that WOKE AGENDA But you can't even escape reality anymore because corporations are trying to cram this crap down our throats. .
    Personally I don't like Dylan Mulvaney because “He” suggests I should lie and be lied to that he is actually a real woman. And Budweiser is also supporting his/her lies which is a horrible thing for anyone to do especially a God Damn Beer Company. Even my Wife hates his guts because he is a slap in the face to Actual Real Women
    As far as the boycott, that’s My, right as well as everyone else’s but honestly, if you are going to boycott every company that has their Stinkin hands in something you don’t like….it’s going to be hard buying anything, as pretty much most companies donate money to leftists/gay/trans corporations, so if you are boycotting because of political reasons…you’re going to be boycotting a lot of companies.
    But that’s just fine with me. They surely know that when they made Aunt Jemima change the picture on their syrup
    Anheuser-Busch has over 100 brands, including all their Budweiser lines, so it’s purely up to them, and the American public.
    The point is, if all the companies that do something you disagree with, there’s going to be a lot of boycotting.

    And lastly…I’m not sure I blame Anheuser-Busch here. I think they are a victim off the woke agenda, which means that companies feel they have to get Involved or Risk the Cancel Culture bunch!
    I would imagine that they would just like to remain silent, but Wokeism says they can’t.
    It just makes people like me wonder why they bring this CRAP like this into Politics, or Food, and Drink, or Sports, and especially Entertainment like TV. Budweiser chose to brink a perverted Freak like Dylan as their mascot and millions of their customers were offended... In America we have freedom of choice and consumers are exercising that freedom! It’s as simple as that.

  13. Joe Biden and Attorney General Merrick Garland are illegally protecting Hunter Biden from being investigated for tax crimes.
    Is this an impeccable offense and should be acted as such immediately

  14. Attorney General Merrick Garland is the unnamed official whose sworn testimony before Congress is being challenged in a bombshell letter from an IRS whistleblower’s attorney that also alleges a coverup in the Hunter Biden criminal investigation.
    The whistleblower already had made disclosures to the Inspectors General of the Treasury and Justice Departments, and will come forward and testify.

    Merrick Garland is the most corrupt an Attorney General as we have ever had, since Obama’s Puppet Eric Holder.
    The whistleblower already has made disclosures to the inspectors general of the Treasury and Justice departments. However, due to a quirk of federal law, he needs congressional approval to more fully describe his allegations to his own lawyers, which he wants to do before testifying to lawmakers.

  15. Breaking New! Believe it or Not.... But it’s true!Merrick Garland is the Unnamed Senior Biden Official at the Center of Hunter Biden Whistleblower Claim!
    Yes! Merrick Garland who labeled parents a domestic terror threat because they went to school board meetings to advocate for their children. Yes, that Merrick Garland who almost became a supreme court justice. He needs to be impeached ASAP.
    Both Merrick Garland...and Anthony Blinken.. Both along with Joe Biden TREASONOUSLY SUBVERSIVE.. Such a coincidence!
    So all you Socialist Democrats, tell us again how Bad Donald Trump is because He paid “Hush” money to a Porn Star?

    Like I've been saying Joey Biden, Garland, Blinken. Wray and Myorkas, ALL need to be REMOVED not just IMPEACHED!

  16. TyroneWeaver@gmail.comApril 21, 2023 at 7:21 AM

    It’s Now Proven to be true that a IRS Supervisor, is the Whistle -Blower says, and will Testify that Hunter Biden was given PREFERENTIAL TREATMENT and accusing Attorney General Merrick Garland of lying under oath about the Hunter Biden Laptop Case being mishandled.
    Finally. Maybe the Republican Congress can accomplish something. But I am waiting with bated breath. Do I really think there is something really wrong in the Hunter mess? ABSOLUTELY!
    Look, Donald Trump was Impeached for ONLY asking Ukraine about the Biden's, and why are only thinking about every one of the Crooked Agencies and INVESTIGATE THEM?

    Did they investigate everything they were given? And what did they do with all of the crap that Rudy gave time from the Ukraine, including the Laptop and what did they do with it? They all signed off it! They all said that N0NE of it was real and ALL of the stuff Rudy brought back, was planted by Russian Agents. They ALL LIED!

    Christopher Wray was the one who investigated it...The Democrats, were the ones who have NEVER prosecuted anybody for any of those things! They even have the bank records. Hunter didn't disclose all those Chinese Communist Party checks along with the rest of the Biden Crime family.

  17. Is there a way to stop our kids from Theorizing America? And can China be more thrilled that our own Kids are doing China’s work for them,. Because our punk kids whose parents don’t give a damn and who are dying from Chinese candy laced with Fentanyl
    There is more deadly fentanyl being seized by our border officials in Texas, and Arizona than at any of the nation’s ports of entry in the world., making this an epicenter for fentanyl trafficking into the United States.
    There is Lithium, fentanyl, cocaine . . . all produced or controlled by various Mafias in Asia and feasting on our CHILDREN, our economy, our trade, and our bodies. And what does our leadership do about it? Throw open the Southern Border wider and to more of these so called “illegal immigrants”, who I call Corrupt Barbarians.
    And the Chaos of these teens, are hurting property and people on City streets Is giving China what they love “America Is on its Way Down” and NOBODY’S going to be there to pick it back up If this continues.
    Just this past week there was 3 nights of rioting and looting and the beating up of a young White girl by Hundreds of these young Punks . There is a Video of them surrounding the Girl and beating her to the ground by mobs of these Savages. It shows her terrorized by a mob of young people who brutally attacked, beat and robbed her. It ended with her being sent to a hospital for treatment.
    The Girl was identified as 18 to 24-years old, she was with a 22-year-old male that was also a victim during the attack, the Chicago police said.

    The MOB of Savages surrounded the victims, and kicked, and beat the victims several times before taking their personal property and fleeing in an unknown direction, the police report said. No arrests have been made in the incident, while the victims were transported to the University of Illinois Hospital with multiple injuries.
    Meanwhile we have a senile old, Delusional, money grubbing, Hair Sniffer in the Oval Office whose shenanigans make Bubba Bill look like a Boy Scout even with his giving the Chinese whatever they want, including our technology while he and his wife enjoy the Perks of being the President, calling his opposition names because they Want To Make America Great Again! Boy are we getting Hosed, Conned, and Screwed

  18. Ok, Lets get ready for the Fact-Checkers on this one! ... but like it or not, I'm going to tell it like it is....
    A great woman erased from history by idiots, why? Because they don't like the way the story goes. It doesn't meet with their Stupid idealistic way of Bullshitting the American public. .
    The branding of the syrup was a tribute to this woman’s gifts and talents. Now future generations will not even know this beautiful woman existed. What a shame. The world knew her as “Aunt Jemima”, but her given name was Nancy Green and she was a true American success story. She was born a slave in 1834 Montgomery County, KY. and became a wealthy superstar in the advertising world, as its first living trademark. Green was 56-yrs old when she was selected as spokesperson for a new ready-mixed, self-rising pancake flour and made her debut in 1893 at a fair and exposition in Chicago. She demonstrated the pancake mix and served thousands of pancakes, and became an immediate star. She was a good storyteller, her personality was warm and appealing, and her showmanship was exceptional. Her exhibition booth drew so many people that special security personnel were assigned to keep the crowds moving. Nancy Green was signed to a lifetime contract, traveled on promotional tours all over the country, and was extremely well paid. Her financial freedom and stature as a national spokesperson enabled her to become a leading advocate against poverty and in favor of equal rights for all Americans. She maintained her job until her death in 1923, at age 89. This was a remarkable woman, and sadly she has been ERASED by politics. I wanted you to know and remind you in this cancel culture time period

    1. Aunt Jemima products were awesome until the woke culture poisoned it. I will not buy their products anymore. I'll stick with Mrs. Butterworth now.

  19. Dr. Morris FishbindApril 23, 2023 at 7:22 AM

    The reason democrats will vote for him is he is a democrat. After all they voted for a guy who campaigned from his basement so his position on anything does not matter..
    And lets remember the obvious fact that he's been in politics, as a senator and the vice president, and now that he’s the president, he still is grossly disingenuous, and somewhat of an Idiot who don’t seem to knw what the hell he’s doing, or coming or going. Any informed person would know EXACTLY what he stands for, ant it ain’t for America. That any fool could see, even Ray Charles.

    And talking about Idiot’s, the idiot Kamala Harris, Biden's failure of a "Border Czar", blames Republicans for the Border Crisis. So, lemme' get this straight: Her Boss the Delusional Joe Biden clearly says that there NO “Crisis” at the border, but it's the Republicans fault. This administration, and it’s “Leader” has just earned its spot as the Absolute WORST IN THE HISTORY OF OUR NATION.

    And Kamala Harris is the reason they SHOULDN'T attempt to remove Biden from office... let's just grin and bear it until after 2024. Just thinking of her become the President put Hairs on my Legs.
    (To repeat an Idiot’s Remarks).
    In fact I strongly believe that “Dr”. Jill, and her band of woke morons chose Kamala Harras as the VP knowing the thought of her being President is enough to DETER any thoughts of removing Biden from office until after 2024. So let's just grin and bear it until 2024. After all we have been able to for 2 years, so what’s another 2 years.

    Just ask the Chinese.

  20. So, first the Ido number 1. Joe Biden says there are more things to be concerned with than our porous border.
    Then idiot number 2 Kamala Harris, Biden's failure of a "border czar", blames Republicans for the border crisis.

    So, let me ' get this straight: There's no crisis at the border, but it's the MAGA Republicans fault.
    This administration has just earned its spot as the absolute worst in the history of our nation

  21. Dr. Morris FishbindApril 23, 2023 at 2:15 PM

    How Much Longer Are We Going To Allow This Outrageous President To Ruin Our Country! IMPEACH Him Now

    1. The big reason why Bidet isn't getting removed yet is this: the roots of corruption need to be dug up and exposed.

    This is something that is TOTALLY unacceptable.
    A popular celebrity figure and an LGBT figure is putting on DRAG QUEEN shows for children that is approved of by our State Politician
    who is inviting adults to bring their Children to see, and hear these LGBT Stories.
    Why is this happening. People will not allow a straight man or a straight woman to have such a show for children. Doesn’t make any sense why is this happening in America. This leads to the weakness in our society and we need to do something about it if you want to make sure that America remains number one most powerful country in the world. Equal rights for all we don’t have that right now
    Don’t we have enough problems here in America? We have a HUGE Border Crisis , we have a HUGE DRUG Crisis, and now we have an LGBT groomer admit how he targets children. He goes after children who don’t have father figures in their life.. You knew we’d have a problem in America when they legalized dope all over the country Making Men feminine, our horrible eating habits including junk food and high sugary food in diets making men weak. So something has to be done about this. We need a stronger society it is very important that society remains healthy and strong so that way America can maintain its position as the number one global superpower. we have a problem with in American folks ….
    So something has to be done about this. We need a Stronger Leader. We need a stronger society it is very important that society remains healthy and strong so that way America can maintain its position as the number one global superpower.

  23. Is Free Speech Gone?
    Are the Nazicrats now in control?
    Is America no longer the home of the FREE, land of the BRAVE?
    It seems as if we ca no longer say what we believe to be right!
    It looks like we REALLY DO NEED DONALD TRUMP!
    Because this is NOT Working!

  24. A woman in a hot air balloon realizes she is lost. She lowers her altitude and spots a man fishing from a boat below. She shouts to him, "Excuse me, can you help me? I promised a friend I would meet him an hour ago, but I don't know where I am."

    The man consults his portable GPS and replies, "You're in a hot air balloon, approximately 30 feet above a ground elevation of 2,346 feet above sea level. You are at 31 degrees, 14.97 minutes north latitude and 100 degrees, 49.09 minutes west longitude.

    She rolls her eyes and says, "You must be a Republican!"

    "I am," replies the man. "How did you know?"

    "Well," answers the balloonist, "everything you tell me is technically correct, but I have no idea what to do with your information, and I'm still lost. Frankly, you're not much help to me."

    The man smiles and responds, "You must be a Democrat."

    "I am, replies the balloonist. "How did you know?"

    "Well," says the man, "You don't know where you are or where you're going. You've risen to where you are due to a large quantity of hot air. You made a promise that you have no idea how to keep, and now you expect me to solve your problem. You as me were YOU. were, and I told you. You're in exactly the same position you were in before we met, but, somehow, now it's my fault."

    1. 😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄Now that is funny!😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄

  25. I have to wonder if Susan Rice or perhaps Michele Obama will be one of the replacements for Joe Biden

  26. I Believe that Susan Rice or perhaps Michele Obama will be one of the replacements for Joe Biden since Biden will not be the no candidate of the presidency in 2024, no matter what he is saying now. Joey is simply not capable of being on the same stage of Trump in a debate, and he is certainly NOT suitable for being the President of the United States of America.

  27. Cancel Culture which is promoted by Leftists who seek to destroy lives by waging a war as a excuse to abuse citizens who don't conform to the Leftist’s Police State.
    Today any Man is likely to lose his career for saying anything even slightly offensive to Women. Of course, I’m not referring to someone who has gone to far, or who has “Assaulted” a Women either Physically, Verbally, or Sexually. And I’, not speaking about Domestic Violence -by assault by a Husband or a Boyfriend
    80% of Americans believe that cancel culture is a problem in this country but we won’t stand up to the 20% who tell us otherwise. Enough is enough!
    Cancel Culture is a way of organizing a movement to get someone fired or demanding someone take action or suffer some sort of consequence because they have offended your political views or feelings. Before it was just Letter Writing, or Boy Coting, but now it has gone full Circle and they just want it to be ENDED, PERIOD!
    It has gone beyond what is acceptable
    I have three words for Cancel Culture “Knock It Off”
    We’ve got to stop using the nondescript words and phrases imposed upon us by those whose entire mission is to destroy our country. These destroyers are not progressives or liberals — they are communists. Their plan is no different from that of the old Soviet Union, which is worldwide domination.

    The “isms” didn’t work out for the communists the first time around because no one would take their advice and “rise up” or “overthrow.” This was particularly true in America, where there were no “class struggles” beyond those created by communists as a strategy to divide us and conquer us. So, they re-tooled. All that you see in our society today is a new concerted effort to achieve what the communist states could not accomplish over 72 years, not even after murdering tens of millions of innocents.
    After cheating the Election, the Left has gone full Fascist..
    This is what happens when the looney tunes stupid shit liberal nut jobs take over a party
    Our worry should be that these modern-day communists have been so successful in the land of the free. We must measure their success by observing our city, state, and national governments. Who is Biden, and what does he propose? Who runs Portland, Minneapolis, Detroit, Baltimore, and what are their ideas? The “race card” has become their primary tool to energize their growing base — that and the brainwashing inside our taxpayer-funded schools.

  28. Continue~

    We must repudiate this nonsense of a “Progressive” party. They are not progressive; let’s stop calling them that. Nor are these people “Liberal.” Neo-Marxists have hijacked these two terms to mask who they really are. Let us stop cooperating with these new-age communists to hide what they truly believe. Let’s begin calling them what they are: communists. They believe the same things Lenin, Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot believed. Our fathers and grandfathers stood up to communists to preserve our Republic; should we be less vigilant in safeguarding America — if not for ourselves, then for our children and grandchildren?
    Foremost of the many reasons to criticize “cancel culture” is that the grounds for cancellation change constantly. People who were considered politically correct yesterday are today’s racists and Fascists.
    Who could have predicted two years ago that the Muppets and Dr. Seuss would be condemned for racism. And Mr. Potato Head for Gender reasons which is as RIDICULOUS as it gets. Of course, there is no guide line, only principle. The SJWs are just making it up as they go along because of the feeling of power they get from cancelling each new victim.
    Bill Maher had his own show on TV called "Politically Incorrect". That show came to an end after he got on TV and said that the 9/11 Terrorists were brave for flying planes into buildings and our own leaders/servicemen were cowardly for firing missiles from thousands of miles away.

    He issued an apology a day later, but the damage was done, and the “Boss Man” fired him. Because that's what the “Boss Man” does.
    Roseanne was kicked off her own show, instigated by the lowlife "daughter" in the show.
    They already got to Aunt Jemima, and Dr. Seuss and canceled them Now, the Latest victim is Pepe Le Pew. And now they are eyeballing Speedy Gonzales. Their Cartoons are going to be their next victims ..
    Its only going to get worse. Much worse. And liberals are STILL keeping their heads in the sand.

  29. Continued~
    That illustrates a major difference between the left and the right. For the most part, conservatives want to live their lives in peace. They get involved in politics when the left tries to foist some new utopian absurdity on the country. Politics is a distraction and an annoyance for those with better things to do and they resent having to take time out to deal with leftist nonsense.

    The left, on the other hand, defines itself through politics and the “great struggle” against the evil de jour and they find the feeling of power they get when they cancel someone intoxicating. That’s why they keep coming up with new things to cancel and constantly must identify new sources of supposed Fascism, racism and whatever new One misstep or slip dredged up from your past, one “wrong” idea, that stupid thing you did you have a pic of from literally decades ago, and boom! you’ve been cancelled by the mob! “Off, off with his/her/their head!” is the new rallying cry in the Left’s woke cultural revolution. Some prominent examples include cancelling various books by beloved children’s author Dr. Seuss, cancelling public figures because they wore an ill thought out costume decades ago as a young and dumb college student, tearing down statues and erasing history out of school curriculum, deciding that classic literature and movies aren’t woke enough for not holding contemporary woke ideas, boycotting various businesses and brands

    The ever changing “enemies list ” is nothing new. By now pretty much everyone has heard of the term “cancel culture”. From your favorite stores, restaurants, movies, books, public figures, and even famous historical figures, no one is immune!
    The only difference is today’s SJWs are so childish as to guillotine Mr. Potato Head. When the struggle is against Children’s TV shows, books and toys, it’s pretty clear that the SJWs are overgrown kindergartners. I continue to be surprised that our society even puts up with the tantrums of those want to be Communists


  30. It's a great day in America
    When we see an ASSHOLE like Don Lemon fired

  31. So the Republican House bill Bans Trans athletes from competing in women sports “ ! And whata ya know, NOT ONE DEMOCRAT voted for this ! What happened to ALL OF YOU who were always fo Women’s Rights? Where are you now? Shame, Shame on you all.
    This is the madness this country is facing. You have to pass a bill to keep men from physically competing with Women in sports .
    What a Shame and a Disgrace.
    Are the “Women Liberals and Women Liberation Organizations “ for or against Biological Men competing with women in Sports ? !

    Tell us how Protecting Liberal Extremist Domestic Terrorists who have firebombed over 70 churches, Women’s Clinics, and Pro-life organizations are “Fighting for the country”.
    What happened to the “Women of the Hands Across the Aisle” Coalition that gave that eye-opening presentation on the Transgender movement and its pursuit in Eradicating Women and Women’s rights in Employment, and in Sports? Where are you all now?
    What Happened to those Progressive, lesbian and straight, religious and agnostic women on the panel who left no doubt in the audience’s mind that radical Transgender activists will not erase all male and female sex distinctions in society. What happened to those Women, that argued regardless of their Political persuasion? What happened to the Public schools have a duty to serve all Children? Where are they?
    You were so upset about a Beer company supporting civil rights, maybe you might want to start with your Children, and your fellow Women!


  32. "Transphobia” = the correct assessment that TRANS GENDERS are completely sick delusional and can be violent communist and often are nutcases

    1. You just described Dervish Sanders to its finest detail.


  33. Several really outstanding Woman have been ignored, and actually erased from history by idiots, why? Because they don’t like the way the story goes. It doesn’t meet with their Stupid idealistic way of being dishonest to the American public. The point is that this is a question that Joe Biden Should have NO say in the matter.

    When a Man takes the spotlight from a remarkable “woman” is beyond all reason. It’s truly grotesque, and absurd. Why is “Lia” Thomas the latest NCAA Woman of The Year when “she” beat all biological women by several seconds in competitions where fractions of seconds determine records and winners? Why is Dr. “Rachel” Levine named one of 12 Women of the Year as an influential woman by USA Today when there are so many other Real Women in the military and in medicine/healthcare who have just as, if not more distinguished, and notable achievements“She” wouldn’t even come close to winning if “She” were a biological Female! And another thing, most of us don’t give a Damn if some Guy pretends to be a Girl or some Girl pretends to be a Boy. But we do object to biological Males using the Ladies Rest Rooms, especially in schools. And in schools, biological Males shouldn’t be in the Females’ gym locker rooms, it’s dumb, and idiotic, and I think that only Mental cases, and Perverts will agree. ...Should Transgenders be banned from Female sports events altogether? The REAL question is “Should a biological Male be allowed to compete against Women in Women's sports?” And the answer should be ONLY BIOLOGICAL Females show be allowed to compete in Women’s Sports!

    1. REAL Female athletes have to Stand up and Speak out.
      And as another poster put it, if they would stop showing up at events to compete, something will get done in a hurry.

    2. It's female vs shemale now. Quite disgusting to see. But that's what happens when you get freaks like Bidet in office.

    3. Is Shaw really a Female as she Claims?

    4. That's a good question. I will be nice and leave this open for Shaw Kenawe to personally answer with her Google Account to verify it really is her replying to this question. If Shaw doesn't reply right here, it'll be proof that Shaw is a shemale.
