Saturday, May 20, 2023

Boston Piggy Loves Her Shemales

Once again, Shenehneh steps into her pig manure and wallows for her wicked demon possessed slobs.

Shenehneh loves her left wing extremist freaks and whackjobs who are destroying The USA with their vulgar wicked freak show.  This needs to stop.


  1. Unfortunately, our country was subjected to a evil, wicked, crooked, corrupt, charlatan, demagogue, entitled with a superiority complex, POWER HUNGRY and totally selfish and shameless women who had the false respect of many of our citizens, and who trusted her to many governmental positions from Arkansas First Lady to the First Lady of the United States, and after her position of the Countries First Lady, she served as U.S. Senator from New York and even as the United States Secretary of State The above are just some of the qualities that describe the Power Hungry Hillary Clinton.
    She Unfortunately dragged the country into the biggest political hoax of its history with no regard for the country or its people.
    Billions of dollars, and God only knows how much time, and what else she wasted on a completely made up false and complex hoax, know as the “ Russian Collusion” to stop her competitor to the Presidency of Donald Trump.
    Not only did she destroy the lives of many of innocent people and almost destroy President Trump, she destroyed the morale of millions of Americans as well as slandering the Russians.
    Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia surly is not a saint by any stretch of the imagination, but she slandered him and the Russian people multiple ways as well.
    She was the one in collusion with Obama, Biden, the FBI , the DOJ & other intelligence agencies & officials
    Everybody involved, including Mueller & Comey were aware of the falsity of the claim.
    Almost as disturbing, if not more disturbing was the collusion between the media & the democrats & government agencies involved in the fraud.
    The way they pushed this falsity forward and the way they constantly attacked Trump and his MILLIONS of followers was totally disgusting. It’s obvious, without any uncertainty, whatsoever, that the media is controlled by sinister government agencies and its operatives and that they are all agents of the democrats and their party !
    They were all part of a misinformation campaign, propaganda & gas lighting against the truth.
    Their goal was to invalidate Trump, his millions of followers & decent patriotic Americans.
    If it were not for the Senate being majority Republican, the witch of San Francisco , Nancy Pelosi, Hillary & the other corrupt players would have succeeded in impeaching Trump, the President out of office !
    Under Biden the country is no longer a Republic or democratic and is sadly falling down, and so many other Countries, and people have lost all the respect that they previously had for the USA. !
    The DOJ, the FBI and many other institutions
    need to be completely revamped, and corrected unless we want to go down the path of a Banana Republic, and Socialist Dictatorship, as we have lost SO MANY of our freedoms, that had made America so Great !
    Hillary Clinton and her co conspirators will forever live in infamy ! And I havened even touched on the 2012 Benghazi attack resulting in the deaths of the United States Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens and U.S. Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith, and killing two CIA contractors Tyrone S. Woods and Glen Doherty, and wounding ten others
    May God protect freedoms, and the United States Constitution, which was so wisely written to prevent tyranny of government against its people.
    May God bless America !

  2. Do you remember when that “SILLY CHINESE BALLOON” was called a “Weather Balloon”?

    President Joe Biden knew when that Chinese SPY BALLOON left China it was a “SPY BALLOON” .
    He was briefed all about it as it traveled up and across the Mainland of the United States!

    He watched as the Spy Craft violated US sovereignty, violated US airspace, and proceeded to fly over the USA.

    He watched it hover over US Silos and Stealth Bases, watched as it collected Intel, and watched as it was allowed to sent that information back to China.

    He then waited until it overflew the US and headed out to sea before giving the order to shoot it down.
    Because Joe Biden willed it to be, 'Mission Accomplished' for China.

    And at NO TIME during this entire Chinese Communist Party Spy Balloon scandal did President Joe Biden EVER pick up the damn phone to try to talk to Xi. NOT ONCE!
    But he told the American people that off the coast of South Carolina was the 1st opportunity there was to shoot it down.

    He told the people that the United States was “Jamming It” so it COULD NOT send any classified info back to China.

    He said that he told President Xi that we were going to meet and discuss it. . And all that time this “SILLY BALLOON” was carrying two car loads of spy equipment was flying over the United States, and it got shut down and changed in terms of talking to one another.

    Thus “SILLY BALLOON was a SPY CRAFT, and NOT a Weather Balloon and it flew directly over the United Stated, and collected Intel that was sent directly back to China.

    Thus this “SILLY BALLOON” was a direct THREAT to National Security.
    Biden NEVER picked up the phone, and never spoke to President Xi, he just allowed it to fly over the USA and waited until it was over before he allowed ti to be shot down. .

    So after Joe was forced to put on a SHOW by shooting “THE SILLY BALLOON'”down
    AFTER IT WAS OVER Biden said that he looked forward to talking to Xi in the WEEKS ahead. Even afterwords, he did not ever pick up the Phone!

    1. My blog partner Mystere posted about the "Silly Chinese Balloon" incident on the blog "Cleveland Foxers" recently. Biden sure is flippant.

  3. It’s no secret that we have gone from one of America’s best presidents in the history of our country to
    the worst president that this country has ever had..
    The enormous rallies that we see in varioys states proves who the people want as their president !
    Joe Biden can’t even dream of drawing such crowds and speaking with them in any manner other than his constant stuttering, mumbling, and pausing while he thinks about what he said, or going to say, or at times where he even is. !
    When Trump was president, the state of the union was at its best and so was the America, as well as the rest of the world.
    Now the weakling, inept & incompetent older than his years Joe Biden has all but complely ruined the USA and the rest of the world with it.
    China & Russia are formal allies now and more countries are about to join them such as Iran, Syria, North Korea, and the Terrorists of Somalia. Biden is not only ruining the Democrat Brand with his Radical Left-wing Policies and Corrupt Personal Finances, yet there appears to be no viable alternative to his finishing out his term of office. And if VP Harris ever becomes the President, then all will be history.
    It’s just amazing the damage that one foolish Man can do in such a short time to ruin some things that a thousand wise Men cannot fix.

  4. The present agenda of the Progressive Communist Democratic Party is clearly head this one time Great Nation of ours toward a future that will undoubtedly destroys the United States of America along with our economy, our constitution, our military, our culture, and most certainly our way of life as we know it today, and have known it for centuries.
    And unless there is a total regime change and a complete change of our leadership, we are headed toward a decline of our society and headed to a Socialist Government the likes of which we have never seen before, and that we do not want to ever see in our future. In other and simpler words.... if we dod not change our leadership and change if fast along with the current administration of fools, we will be Screwed.
    The Democrats and our woke leadership are turning our allies into our enemies....their policies have led and will lead to disaster....absolute disaster...and we are now witnessing that coming down on us at a faster and faster pace.


  5. Congresswoman Luna files resolution to expel Rep. Adam Schiff for pushing 'LIES, and false narratives' in Durham report


    Dave MillerMay 19, 2023 at 5:34 PM
    “It's well past time we ask why these mostly deranged people feel so at home with conservatives, their beliefs and the GOP.

    Whether it's racism, sexism, views on anti-abortion or immigration, the vast majority of mass killers our country has seen in our recent history have not been libs, progressives or members of the Democratic party.”“Why is that”!

    Answer; Because you belong to a party of Morons, and RETARDS!

  7. 'The FBI improperly used warrantless search powers against U.S. citizens more than 278,000 times in the year ending November 2021, according to an unsealed Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) filing.'

    The FBI'S response?

    "As Director Wray has made clear, the errors described in the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court’s opinion are completely unacceptable.

    "As a result of the audits that revealed these instances of noncompliance, the FBI changed its querying procedures to make sure these errors do not happen again.'

    Wow, Deja Vu.....this sounds ALMOST EXACTLY like the FBI's response to Durham exposing and officially reporting on the FBI's TREASON during Hillary's Hoax!


  8. ·
    Did Biden forget what he said about US F-16s for Ukraine in March of last year?

    "The idea that we're going to send in offensive equipment and have planes and tanks going in [to Ukraine] ... that’s called World War III.

  9. 🔺Another stinky fart passed by Dervish Sanders!

  10. I DON’T NEED Shaw to bring a ASS WIPE LIKE Dave Miller TO TELL ME ANYTHING!
    In fact he can STICK IT WHERE THE SUN
    Ans so can Boston Piggy.



  12. “Reparations”? I personally am Sick, and Tried of even hearing about “Reparations”! Where are My “Reparations” for all that I did for my Country? I didn’t receive one cent for what I had done, and I never asked for any, and I never will! I didn’t ask of a single dime for the time that I was seporated from my family while I was Overseas helping MY country doing what we needed to do. And where were the “Reparations” for the Mom’s and Dad’s and Children of the Soldiers that never came home to celebrate, Memorial Day, or Veterans Day, or any of the “Days” that we all celebrate!
    I like most of you worked hard for all the years that I had to so that I could enjoy the Country that I love. I never protested because I didn’t get “Repreations from the Government that I love. I never burned down buildings, or Turned over Police Cars!, or even LOOTED any stores, …. I need to rant for just a moment. I'm getting older and I’ve worked hard all my life. I have made my reputation, the good and the bad, I didn't inherit my job or my income, and I have worked hard to get where I am in life. I have juggled my job, my family, and made many sacrifices up front to secure a life for my family. It wasn’t always easy and still isn't, but I did it all while maintaining my integrity and my principles. I made mistakes and tried to learn from them. I have friends of every walk of life and if you’re in my circle, it should be understood that I don’t have to remind you of what I’d be willing to do for you.
    However....I'm tired of being told that I have to "Spread the Wealth" to people who don't have my work ethic. That my friends is PURE BULL!. People who have sacrificed nothing and feel entitled to receive everything.
    I'm tired of being told the government will take the money I earned, by force if necessary, and give it to people too lazy to earn it themselves
    I'm really tired of being told I must lower my living standard to fight global warming, which, no one is allowed to debate.
    I'm really tired of hearing wealthy athletes, entertainers and politicians of all parties talk like their opinions matter to the common man. I’m tired of any of them even pretending they can relate to the life and bank account that I have.
    I'm tired of people with a sense of entitlement, rich or poor.
    I\If I want something done to this country, I go out and I vote for the person that I think wants it also, I don’t run out and Start Fires, or throw Bricks at the Police so that I could get my way!

    And I’m sick of being called and labeled as a racist because I am proud of my heritage. I never stole any ones land, the government did that..
    I’m tired of being told I need to accept the latest fad or politically correct stupidity or befriending a group that’s intent on killing me because I won’t convert to their point of view.
    I'm really tired of people who don't take responsibility for their lives and actions. Especially the ones that want me to fund it. I'm tired of hearing them blame the government, or discrimination, or big-whatever for their problems.
    Yes, I'm really tired. But, I'm also glad to be in the twilight of my life. Because mostly, I'm not going to have to see the retched, depressing world these useless idiots are creating. And lastly, because even though I shouted from the rooftops, no one listened or seemed to give a damn. You reap what you sow, and so do your children. I don’t want any school system to tell my Children how to thing behind MY back! That’s what I as a Parent is supposed to do.
    No one is entitled to anything. You have a choice to work, a choice to stay off drugs, a choice to make something of yourself. I have nothing to do with your choice. That's all on you. You are entitled to what you earn.
    There is no way these thoughts will be widely publicized, unless each of us sends it on! Surely, the politically correct police censors will try to quiet us. I joined the United States Army to serve the county for 4 years that I believed in, and I would do it again if I was needed to. Thank You for reading my rant for so long. I really appreciate it.

  13. Adam Schiff is a fantastic congressperson! He's going to run for the Senate (Barbara Boxer's seat)... He's going to be an awesome Senator!

    Mystere's hate for trans and gay people is disgusting. Also dangerous. Hate like Mystere's gets people killed.

    1. Derp¡$$ og al b¡n §atan-§ander$666 worships Satan's turds running to ruin and finish off the United States of America by putting in freaks and creeps into government offices. Watermelonhead is a sick pervert loving creep who is bent on destroying America with his lust for power. Watermelonhead will be taken out by God for crimes of High Treason when the military gets ready to hold tribunals and starts raiding offices during upcoming martial law declarations.

      Derp¡$$ og al b¡n §atan-§ander$666's fixation and grand delysion of smearing and spewing lies about Mystere hasn't gone unnoticed by The High Courts Of Heaven. Derpi$$ og al b¡n §atan-§ander$666's sins of Satan Worship and Spirit Cooking haven't gone unnoticed by God Almighty, and will be severely punished.

  14. By the way, Dervish, I removed a number of your vulgar retorts, as they deserved to be removed.
