Wednesday, May 31, 2023

National Doughnut Day #1 2023

This Friday June 2 2023 is the annual National Doughnut Day #1 for this year.  While you wait in line to buy some doughnuts, you might perhaps engage in a conversation with someone next to you and be a positive influence.  You never know what the day has in store for you.


  1. Defense Department leaders have stepped in to stop a Drag show scheduled for Thursday at Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada, according to two defense officials and a U.S. official.

    The show, which was in celebration of “Pride Month”, was approved by some Air Force leaders, but Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Mark Milley, told the Air Force it is not Pentagon policy to fund Drag Shows on bases and the show should be immediately CANCELED or moved off base.
    At a House Armed Services Committee hearing Matt Gaetz, angrily questioned Austin and Milley about Drag Queen story hours on bases around the world, including in Montana, Nevada, Virginia and Germany.
    Austin told the committee, “Drag Queen Stories is not something that the department should be funding.”

    Drag shows and events on military bases have become a politically contentious issue in recent months, with conservative politicians and pundits arguing the military should not be spending taxpayer money on them.

  2. Do you thing the readers of these Facebook comments, or Blog comments only want to hear from their Bleeding Heart Voices? Well then I’m sorry but you are just going to have to PUT UP WITH ME and the rest of the Patriots that are sick, and tired, and embarrassed to hear our Inept, Senile, Stuttering, President insulting the half of the counties Patriotic, and Loyal Americans.
    We can also speak out about these INEPT Morons who are desperately trying to Ruin this Country. Why are we even allowing them to hold those IDIOTIC Drag Queen Stories, when we all know that they have a self interest in doing so. AREN’T THESE “Pride” people satisfied with a “Pride Month”, a “Pride” Flag, and a “Pride” Parade, their own “Pride Bars” ? Do we really need Drag Queen Stories for our Children to be Converted!
    We didn’t spend our years defending our beloved Country so that these TWO IDIOTS and their Puppet Masters could turn her over to the Commie’s. Did You think that you have a Monopoly on writing here?
    Do you think the readers of these Blogs, or Comments only want to hear from your Bleeding Heart Voice? Well then I’m sorry but you are just going to have to Put up with Me and the rest of the people who are Sick, and Tired, of what this Senile President is doing to our country. These INEPT Morons in Washington are desperately trying to Ruin this Country. To “Transform America?
    We didn’t spend our years defending her so that these TWO DELUSIONAL, IDIOTS and their Puppet Masters could bring us to another WAR! And to allow the Communist Chinese to have FREE access to our skies and fly their SPY BALLOONS over our Military Bases unanswered!

  3. Continued-

    We had a President who not only defended our Country, but brought us to a new high that we have never seen before. We had a Country who was NO-LONGER dependent on anyone else for our energy. We were independent from anyone! We had record employment, we put China, and Russia, and Iran in their place. We no longer were paying their bills at the UN, or anywhere else.
    And now we have lost all of that! We have become the laughing stock of the world. Half of our own country can’t stand the sight of our country’s Flag, and would rather get on a KNEE, then STAND and show ANT Respect for it. Enough is Enough. This CRAP is more than Enough. We should NO LONGER put up with it! I for one am proud to stand for our Flag. And to tell you the truth, you can call me a “White Supremacist all you want to . If you hate America that much be my guest and call me any name that you want to, As long as you don’t MESS with MY Freedoms, and MY Rights, You can even get on the next boat to China, or Canada if you Hate this country so much.
    Even the word “Patriot” is now a code word for the Leftist’s according to the media. Showing pride in our country, and also those who defend it is now distorted into something ugly by the Left, who only wish to disconcert from our identity. Even something as simple as standing for the National Anthem is now CHALLENGED. ! In light of that, it’s no wonder many on the far Left even call for cancelling the 4th of July as a “white supremacist, sexist, racist etc…. Everything that we loved from our entire childhood, YOU have wiped out, our Nursery rhymes, our Cartoons, even the Pancake Syrup that we loved.

  4. Continued-
    Now America is only great for milking her, for getting Free Stuff. And if you can’t get it, You are now Stealing it, Looting it. . All of American’s apple pie apparently is also racist and nationalist ! Rightfully defending our country is seen as unjust, and some even go so far as to say “We Deserved 9/11" ! This clearly goes beyond SANE criticisms of our country, instead being a one sided attack that only seeks to tear down our national pride and identity, deconstructing rather than constructively improving our remaining faults.
    You have alreay tore down our Countries Statues, and the History behind them You have been eliminating our Holidays, like Columbus Day, and some of our Great President’s birdays,
    Perhaps next you want to take away the 4th of July, the National Anthem, displaying American Flags and such, is the Left’s various social agendas dismantling our core values. Our country was and still is known around the world as the place where you can work hard and achieve your dreams. Why do you think that all these MILLIONS of Illeagles want to come here? Did you ever see even one person that wanted to go to ANT of those Shit Hole Countries? . No, life is not a picnic here., But we still haer the Greatest Country in the whole world, with the the opportunity to better yourself and the resources to do it are still second to none! However now we seem to be so consumed in racism and inequalities that it make it literally impossible to realize your American Dream. . Yet, try telling that to the disadvantaged people that who came here and beat the odds! No one denies they have had to face far more obstacles, including poverty, bias and discrimination, but never the less they made it and are proud of the country that helped them succeed

  5. The defeatist attitude that you can’t only leads to a society of people who have no motivation to better themselves and blame the system for all their obstacles rather than actively try to overcome them. Relatedly, values such as personal accountability are also under attack. If you can simply blame systemic racism, sexism, or the “claustrophobia” for all your mistakes such as your unwanted pregnancies, broken homes, unemployment, financial struggles, the fact you didn’t get the job or admission to college etc… then that absolves you of your own personal choices you could control despite other circumstances you couldn’t! Shifting the blame onto excuses of insurmountable oppression has chipped away at our moral fiber as a nation has enabled a chronic welfare state, broken families and homes, cycles of violence and abuse and poverty, poorer health outcomes, learned helplessness, underachievement and untapped potential. NONE of which helps our country!
    We ignore the dangers of rising crime rates and results of what it means. ARE racist and sexist brought over by many who want to take advantage of our freedoms yet don’t appreciate our country in return. I don’t blame people who are only here for a better life, and I welcome those who come with an open mind and grateful attitude to share the American Dream like many of our own ancestors. However, along with the good ones, come criminals trafficking drugs or fellow human beings, gangs, and those who resent us and want to undermine Western values. Sounds paranoid and extreme, but those so called sanctuary cities have skyrocketing crime rates, and an overflowing welfare state. Even if only productive families came who would help the country, we can only take so many and must look after those already here as legal citizens.

  6. No one has the right to just enter any country and demand its resources. There are ways to officially become citizens and many immigrants honor this and it’s unfair to them to just jump the line! Imagine if I randomly decided to go to Canada and demand they give me all their resources without becoming a Canadian citizen! If that sounds ridiculous then why isn’t it for America? Don’t even get me started on how we’re treated internationally by other countries and how we let them step all over us…

    We now have a President from the party who would rather divide the country along identity lines. Conservative vs. Liberal. White vs. Black. Men vs. women. Gay vs. straight rather than lose their power.
    These Socialist Democrats, who are leaning on Communism actually would rather destroy America and to divide us against each other! We did that once, and the results ended in 600,000 Americans dead, more than WWI and WWII combined! While there haven’t been calls of a literal second civil war yet, the violence this division is stoking is an all too real threat. With racial tension at an all time high, and BLM and Antifa around there has been an increase in violent protests, looting and overall lawlessness. Even more frightening, they get a free pass to do all of the above as it’s politically undesirable to hold them accountable to the law. Looting hundreds of dollars worth of merchandise is now okay in the name of reparations! If that doesn’t sound like insanity I don’t know what is… Now, the latest attempt at utterly dividing America comes from Critical Race Theory. This is their view that everything can be seen through the lens of racial injustice and oppression at the hands of white people, and that our country is inherently racist at its core. And that White people must renounce their “privilege” and people of color are oppressed.

  7. . Just ask Colin Kaepernick he has become the Hero of the Oppressed Blacks, he even has this CRAP being taught in schools across the country to our children as well as in higher learning to brainwash and divide them from their white friends. Are You Going to even try to tell me that this is healthy for anyone? To tell their white friends, the same children that they grew up with that are “oppressors”? To tell children of color they’re inherently oppressed and cant go as far as their white friends can?
    How about ALL of our Black Doctors, and Lawyers, and School Teachers, and Politicians, and Generals, Mayors, Governors, Actors, and Actresses, AND YES THE POLITICIANS! Barrack Obama, the new Mayor of New York City (this biggest City in the World) THE MANY other Mayors of America’s largest cities? Were they ALL Oppressed? Was Colin Kaepernick so Oppressed? If so then how did he get the Millions that he has, or the Mansion that he lives in, or ALL of his Luxury cars? And how come he has become the Spokesmen for a company like Nike?
    If you ask me, HE IS A Resentment to his own Race!
    Instead of being one “UNITED” Country, we now have two separate National Anthems, our Regular Anthem, that we had for almost 100 years, and now a Black Anthem WHY? Because of Black “Activist Athletes” who instead of thanking America for the wonderful, opportunity that they have achieved so much and come so far and represent America at the Olympics of all places, where they Stand to Protest in Spite of what they have managed to achieve. They would rather have two separate Americas! Where their friends, and families are divided over politics. Politics told to them by some strangers from an Organization called Black Lives Matter, where children are estranged from their parents, their siblings on opposite sides of each other, separated from their relationships, friends unfriending each other over a political sides, this is exactly what is tearing us apart.. Politics is no longer about ideas, but identity, and every little thing that you do now puts you on one side or the other regardless of your own opinions! It’s going to lead us into another civil war!

    Our history, and our values, as well as our identity, our unity, it’s all being DESTROYED ! Most of Americans really want a unified country and less of the increasing hatred that is going on.: We need to be standing up for our country. We need to foot down and saying NO to open borders, No more Critical Race Theory, No more Defunding our police, No more Sanctuary Cities, No More Destruction of our History, our Statues, and our Values, No More Banning of anything any We need to be treating others with equality, We need to NOT being afraid to express our Patriotism and to Support our country against the anti-American Lunacy. We must all take a stand!

  8. Here's a question:
    Will Biden’s supporter remain loyal to a man who blatantly breaks the law and launders money from China, and Russia, as well as from Ukraine, and who is more loyal to the enemies of the United States then to the American people?

    I think that the answer is NO!


    1. #1
      Hunter Bidn reported that his firm made approx $11 Million from his dealings in Ukraine. As of 2020, when his father began runnibg for office,this began to become a problem, so Hunter took out a loan to pay $1 million in back taxes.

      (Lawyers also revommend their clients pay their back-taxes because juries are more lenient on tax evaders if they pay their back taxes before the trial.)

      The fact that he finally paid his taxes on the money he made in Ukraine still does not answer all the questions that still exist and address the legal problems he and his family face.
      For Example
      Money Laundering Profit / Payment:
      ok, he paid off his back-taxes from the $11 million he maid from Ukraine ... but what about the tsxes he owed from the money he received from the Russian Oligarch whose money he helped launder? Hinter also reportedly received a huge diamond as partial payment.
      -- Remember, the IRS just passed a lae stating all money received die to a crime has to be reported. (They should call it the Himter Biden Law.)

      CCP Cash:
      Did Hunter pay taxes on his portion of the $3 million the CCP was just proven to have given him and tbe 3 other Bidens?
      - Did Jim, Hallie, & Joe pay their taxes on the CCP payments?


  9. Is Lester Carpenter really as DUMB as he appears to be?
    Can ANYONE actually be that IGNORANT?
    I guess so, just being a regular on that IDIOTIC blog is a sign of Mental Illness.

    1. I saw this comment yesterday on Lisa's blog and replied back. This is what I wrote yesterday:

      "His name is Leslie Elden Carpenter 3rd, not Lester. He appears to have moved out of his apartment in Ludlow MA, and moved into a trailer in Belcherville MA according to some real estate sites. His avatar on Disqus shows him with a scraggly beard, like a homeless bum or hippie high on choom."

      I don't appreciate clowns reposting replies on other blogs without permission.

      I suspect a certain blog clown posting behind the anonymous curtain, but I'll take the high road.

  10. Just ask Colin Kaepernick he has become the Hero of the Oppressed Blacks, he even has this CRAP being taught in schools across the country to our children as well as in higher learning to brainwash and divide them from their white friends. Are You Going to even try to tell me that this is healthy for anyone? To tell their white friends, the same children that they grew up with that are “oppressors”? To tell children of color they’re inherently oppressed and cant go as far as their white friends can?
    How about ALL of our Black Doctors, and Lawyers, and School Teachers, and Politicians, and Generals, Mayors, Governors, Actors, and Actresses, AND YES THE POLITICIANS! Barrack Obama, the new Mayor of New York City (this biggest City in the World) THE MANY other Mayors of America’s largest cities? Were they ALL Oppressed? Was Colin Kaepernick so Oppressed? If so then how did he get the Millions that he has, or the Mansion that he lives in, or ALL of his Luxury cars? And how come he has become the Spokesmen for a company like Nike?
    If you ask me, HE IS A Resentment to his own Race!
    Instead of being one “UNITED” Country, we now have two separate National Anthems, our Regular Anthem, that we had for almost 100 years, and now a Black Anthem WHY? Because of Black “Activist Athletes” who instead of thanking America for the wonderful, opportunity that they have achieved so much and come so far and represent America at the Olympics of all places, where they Stand to Protest in Spite of what they have managed to achieve. They would rather have two separate Americas! Where their friends, and families are divided over politics. Politics told to them by some strangers from an Organization called Black Lives Matter, where children are estranged from their parents, their siblings on opposite sides of each other, separated from their relationships, friends unfriending each other over a political sides, this is exactly what is tearing us apart.. Politics is no longer about ideas, but identity, and every little thing that you do now puts you on one side or the other regardless of your own opinions! It’s going to lead us into another civil war!

    Our history, and our values, as well as our identity, our unity, it’s all being DESTROYED ! Most of Americans really want a unified country and less of the increasing hatred that is going on.: We need to be standing up for our country. We need to foot down and saying NO to open borders, No more Critical Race Theory, No more Defunding our police, No more Sanctuary Cities, No More Destruction of our History, our Statues, and our Values, No More Banning of anything any We need to be treating others with equality, We need to NOT being afraid to express our Patriotism and to Support our country against the anti-American Lunacy. We must all take a stand!

  11. I miss the Good Old America when everyday was a "Pride Day" for normal families. Real families with a real (Female) Mom and a Real (Man) for a Dad.

    Anyone notice the more America loses its morals and standards and values the more shootings, crime, illegals, inflation, government control, and so on we have? A lack of the real, and traditional families. Today they raise a generations of dumb, lazy, selfish, immoral, moronic kids who are influenced by the Rotten Left
