Friday, June 23, 2023

Dervish Sanders Wishes Evil Upon President Donald Trump And The Trump Family

From the trash dump of Dervish Sanders' hate blog:

"Under the Biden administration the United States is becoming a totalitarian shithole. A shithole where evidence is fabricated to take down The People's choice for president. aka we're becoming JUST LIKE Nazi Germany!

According to this "Q" idiot, at least. Me, I think the tape is real and that it is damning evidence that will (hopefully) result in dotard donald being sent to prison for a long time.

Regarding where the tape came from, turns out it isn't a deep fake. Nor did it originate with a CNN wiretap.

"The recording was made in the summer of 2021, and includes Trump speaking with individuals who were hired to help Mark Meadows, Trump's final chief of staff as president, with researching a book he was writing at the time".

Post authored by the Pro-Biden, Anti-tRump blogger Dervish Sanders."

Notice how Dervish wishes evil upon Donald Trump, wishing Trump would end up in GITMO to be executed for crimes he did not commit.  There is no proof that President Trump did any kind of criminal act, unlike the thief in the Oval Office and his coke snorting womanizing boy Hunter Biden.

Dervish backs having child molesters running the country into the ground, while a just and true patriot gets wrongfully persecuted for standing up to a worldwide crime cabal ruining every nation worldwide.  Dervish worships his idol Satan as if he were a god and Joe Biden as if he were the annointed one.

Notice the "Political Bonkery" from Dervish Sanders as he bends over for his god Joseph Robinet Biden Junior?  Notice how he slobbers for that pants pooping public farting jackal clown who makes The United States Of America look like a clown show regime?  This mentally unstable douchebag from Paris Tennessee prays to Satan to get Trump executed with his whole family, while Joe Biden and the Biden Crime Clan sell the United States Of America to foreign criminal gangs.


  1. Hey there A§§face Dervi$h b¡n-§atan-§ander$666! I do believe that Crooked Hildebeest Clinton is rumored to be a practicing witch from what I'm hearing through prophets and the prophecies given publicly. What you choose to believe is your own God Given right and choice. Your actions show that you're a Satan Worshipper, Dervish. Everything you do goes against the 10 commandments. But if you wish to risk your eternity of hanging off a meathook in Hell impaled through your anus and scrotum, that's your choice, not mine. It's up to you to choose which way you're going to choose. You take sides with the queertards and others who are on the side of Satan. You slander those who fear God, calling the belief in Jesus Christ "Religious Bonkery." But if you wish to play with fire, you'll find yourself "Feeling The Eternal Burns" and that is your own fault.

  2. Once again, we find Donald Trump catering to his ego while ignoring the reality surrounding him…

    At a time when Trump should be courting the disaffected Democrats and independents to create a winning coalition, he chooses to dump on DeSantis calling him “Ron DeSanctimonious”, and saying things like “ Ron has always been a loser” rather than Dumping on Biden, and the Democrat Disasters that have been surrounding him, instead of saying things like “DeSantis has Zero Chance of winning”..

    WHY is he not HAMMERING on the corruption of Joe Biden, which clearly meets the Constitutional requirement of the standards of “IMPEACHMENT” based on bribery? Or the many failures of Biden’s cabinet-level officials? Or the destruction of the Constitution and Rule of Law in America? All without making it all about Donald Trump and engaging in name-calling.
    Why is he not following Ronald Reagan’s advice of his 11th Commandment..... “Thou shalt not speak ill of ANY fellow Republican”! In stead of his personal attacks.
    Trump should know that ALL of the other hopeful Democrats will be attacking DeSantis, and doing the job for Trump.
    Is Trump willing to put the nation ahead of his ego?
    Lets face it, Desantis graduated from Yale & Harvard Law School. He served in High Ranking Positions as an attorney in the Navy.
    So I doubt that DeSantis is the Idiot that Trumps makes him out to be.
    There are PLENTY of other things that Trump should be saying about Biden, and NOT DeSantis. Like, we are the only country in history with OPEN BORDERS, and that the Democrats have undercut the Police, the Military, our Girls Soccer Team Kneels to protest the country, every Black killed by th Cops was “murdered”, and the streets in our Cities aren't safe. The Subway in New York is a DISASTER. For example how about speaking more about Biden and the Chinese SPY Balloon? And that a recent News poll showed that 70 percent of Americans believe the economy is getting WORSE for their family. A demoralizing 78 percent of Americans now do not believe their children will live better lives in the future, by far the worst mark in the history of a Wall Street Journal poll that goes back decades.

  3. Are YOU Sick of Pride Month? I am. Pride Day, or Week, or Month is Prideful this year. And I know that many of us, incliding ME is really SICK of the entire thing!
    Last year was a FREAK SHOW. And I thought that we got rid of that. But NO, This year nothing has changed. And if anything it got much WORSE!
    We are seeing that Damned LGBQT Rainbow everywhere...
    Even our Kids in Pre-K, and Elementary Students are being Forced to Celebrate “Pride Month” With NO approval from the Parents


  4. James Comer Says that he’s About to Expose More Biden Payments: “Millions and Millions of Dollars' From 'Adversaries All Over the World” and he promised to show new evidence of funds wired to the Bidens from several foreign countries. As we’ve reported, the Bombshell News broke on Friday that Sonny Boy Hunter Biden received $5.1 from a Chinese firm after he sent a threatening WhatsApp message to an associate, Henry Zhao. Hunter claimed in the message that he was “sitting here” with his father, a clear effort at intimidation.
    Comer told host Eric Bolling that he has more information to share soon:
    Let me assure the American people…we have bank records that came in this week that we’re going through that we think are going to show more wires from more countries. Remember, we just disclosed two countries thus far, we’ve disclosed China and Romania. There are still some more Chinese wires that we have yet to present to the American people.?
    He went on to claim that he has evidence of lots of transfers:
    And there are a lot of wires, mysterious wires from Ukraine and Russia, that we’re about to expose. So, this is just beginning for the Crooked Bidens. All the Department of Justice is doing is standing in our way.?
    Needless to say, the president is going to have a really tough time trying to keep pretending this story is no big deal if James Comer delivers on his promise. Comer says there are millions and millions of dollars involved:
    And lets see how, and if the Biden's can wiggle out of this!

    1. The Biden Crime Clan won't wiggle out of this. They're a bunch of dung beetles in the midst of a feeding frenzy.

    2. The dotard donald Crime Klan won't wiggle out of this. They're a bunch of dung beetles in the midst of a feeding frenzy.

    3. 🔺The more you curse the Trump Family with false accusations, the more it boomerangs back at you with more chronic pains being inflicted upon you for sending undeserved curses.🔺

      That warning doesn't come from me. It comes from God Almighty, and you know it.

  5. Exactly WHAT has the Democratic Party and their DISASTROUS Leader done for this Country?
    Well, lets check the Video Tape!
    They stood by and allowed the Fauchi Flu, to launched & spread a Virus on us killing millions on respirators in the nursing homes. They Locked out kids for 2 years of no school setting America back further.

    They harassed our most successful President Trump of modern times. Impeached him twice, and even had him Indited , and it’s Still going on, with their false charges, and rigged courts.
    They used the MSM to send out rag tag groups of ANTIFA & BLM almost every night in 2020. At worst they burned city blocks, looted stores, and even caused death.

    Now they are grooming and targeting young children for conversion to the LGTBQ Sickness while parents are busy working to try and support their families, after their Delusional President unleashed this HORRIBLE Inflation on the country. . Just this weekend naked, ans Sick LGTBQ members on bicycle peddled up to children in a parade. They installed cross dressing Loons in the Military and Government jobs as a form of taunting.
    They gave Billions of dollars worth of Supplies, Vehicles, Arms, and Equipment to the Taliban,
    They hand out borrowed money to NAZI globalist to use in a war not of our concern. All to shield their past crimes.

    A bottle of Canola oil is $5.59 at Walmart with $5 gas to go get it. That were under $2.00. Trump common sense policy. House value down, IRA down and feels like its' only just begun. Zero confidence in 75% of citizens.

    10s of millions have rushed over the border, with Drugs that have been KILLING our Children, . And Now we are housing and Feeding them on YOUR money.
    This is your Democratic Party in action.

  6. If a Politician, and/or his Son, and family is taking money from our citizen and he isn't working for the people the people, he is working the people who paid him, and who are also paying his Crack-Head Son, the we’re electing idiots.There is simply no better word I can think of to describe the current operson occupying the White House at this time and his sycophants in his Cabinet than idiots. A nd it’s not just the money, it’s also the job, or LACK of doing the Job! It’s also the security of our Country that’s on the line, and the influence peddeling that his UNFIT, INEPT, out of Control Son has already done. It’s called Bribery.
    We are sitting back and electing the wrong peole with electing the same status quo lifetime career politicians like we have been doing by voting “down the “Party” lines that is the problem.
    There is simply no better word I can think of to describe Joe Biden, Adam Schiff, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Jerry Nadler, Nancy Pelos, and ESPECIALLY Ilhan Omar, and Rashida Tlaib, and the many other sycophants in Congress than idiotS. We must do better.
    We can, and we must do better.

  7. I truly can’t care less about how the fascist leftist Socialists will label me a racist for what I am posting or whatever else they might say!
    When I see advertisements on television and I didn't know any better I'd think we are living in Africa, not America. The majority of advertisements are now absolutely, positively dominated by Black Actors and Actresses. Well, what makes that interesting is, the percentage of black people in America is 13.6%, yet they are in they are now on the majority of advertisements. So, I ask; why are there not more advertisements featuring Latinos instead of Black people? There are more Latinos in America than Black people, there are more white people in America than Black people - yet Black people now are dominating the advertisements. Do we live in Africa and I am just not aware of it and I am using stats for America instead of Africa? Don't EVER talk to me about white privilege, the only racial privilege that there is now is Black privilege - that is the only race that has a privilege, and yer we DON’T hear anybody complaing about that as they did with White privilege! So what the hell!

    As for me, I would not mind at all seeing some advertisements featuring Latinos, Native Americans, Asians, Pacific Islanders, Eastern Indians and giving them some identity and significance as well. Why are some of these ethnicities being ignored? And what the heck was all that NONSENSE about Whites? Supposedly, we live in the melting pot known as America - not Africa, perhaps corporations should do a better job of diversity instead of caving in to Black privilege. And WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO BIDEN’s DIVERSIFY? This White BOY would like to know!

    Probably because the Media is the most gullible consumers, so the marketers go after them. If they can be sold “Rap” as real music, they can be sold anything. Same with daytime TV. Who else sits around watching any of that crap?
    And now, Guess what, they are doing the exact same thing with the LGBTQ’s and Guess what again? They are shoving that down our throats and the American public has gotten SICK of it and they are rebelling.


  8. Whereas the allegation that President Donald Trump colluded with Russia to interfere in the 2016 Presidential election has been revealed as false by numerous in-depth investigations, including the recent report by Special Counsel John Durham, which documents how the conspiracy theory was invented, funded and spread by President’s Trump’s political rivals;

    Whereas Representative Adam Schiff, who served as ranking minority member and then Chairman of the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence of the House of Representatives (the “Intelligence Committee”), occupied positions of extreme trust, affording him access to sensitive intelligence unavailable to most Members of Congress;

    Whereas for years, Representative Schiff abused this trust by alleging he had evidence of collusion that, as is clear from reports by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz, and Special Counsel Durham, never existed;

    Whereas for years, Representative Schiff has spread false accusations that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia;

    Whereas on March 20, 2017, Representative Schiff perpetuated false allegations from the Steele Dossier accusing numerous Trump associates of colluding with Russia into the Congressional Record;

    Whereas once again abusing his privileged access to classified information, Representative Schiff released a memo justifying the accuracy of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant application on Trump associate Carter Page, of which was later found by Inspector General Horowitz to have 17 major mistakes and omissions, provoking FISA Court Presiding Judge Rosemary Collyer to state unequivocally that the Federal Bureau of Investigation “misled the FISC”;

    Whereas as ranking minority member and Chairman of the Intelligence Committee, Representative Schiff behaved dishonestly and dishonorably on many other occasions, including by publicly, falsely denying that his staff communicated with a whistleblower to launch the first impeachment of President Trump;

    Whereas as part of his impeachment efforts, during a hearing on September 26, 2019, Representative Schiff misled the public by reading a false retelling of a phone call between President Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky;

    Whereas on March 28, 2019, every Republican member of the Intelligence Committee signed a letter calling for Representative Schiff’s immediate resignation as Chairman;

    Whereas Representative Schiff hindered the ability of the Intelligence Committee to fulfill its oversight responsibilities over the Intelligence Community, an indispensable pillar of our national security; and

    Whereas these actions of Representative Schiff misled the American people and brought disrepute upon the House of Representatives: Now, therefore, be it

    Resolved, That—

    (1) the House of Representatives censures Adam Schiff, Representative of the 30th Congressional District of California, for misleading the American public and for conduct unbecoming of an elected Member of the House of Representatives;

    (2) Representative Adam Schiff will forthwith present himself in the well of the House of Representatives for the pronouncement of censure;

    (3) Representative Adam Schiff will be censured with the public reading of this resolution by the Speaker; and

    (4) the Committee on Ethics shall conduct an investigation into Representative Adam Schiff’s falsehoods, misrepresentations, and abuses of sensitive information.
    And the Bottom line is that ...

