Friday, June 9, 2023

Phony Tony Fowchee's New Flesh Eating Virus: Coming Soon To Backfire

Word is out to the Prophets that there will be a flesh eating virus released soon, but it will backfire badly against the liberals.  You can only guess it's coming from Fowchee's mad science labs.  This psychopath is bent on experimenting and hurting the population.



  1. The Justice, Honesty, and Fairness have died in America ever since the most investigated, prosecuted, and, I dare say, persecuted Man (President) in the history of the United States of the United States and the Republican front runner for the 2024 Presidential nomination, Donald J. Trump, has been selectively indicted in an yet another attempt to interfere with the 2024 Presidential election.
    Lets face the facts, the Progressive, Liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Democratic-Socialist, are all the something, just under a different name.... “COMMUNISTS.” Most of America already understands that, it is only a few Hardcore Trump Haters that refuse too.

  2. The Department of the Treasury and The Chinese Communist Party Bank both released Biden Family financial records proving the Biden's took millions / were paid millions from the Chinese Communist Party and did so for years.
    There is no denying these documents were released and what they show.

    The fact that Joe Biden is a COMPROMISED President after having received over $1 million dollars from the Chinese Communist Party is not even questionable any longer.

    The fact that Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, and 2 other Biden's received MILLIONS of dollars from the Chinese Communist Party is not even up for debate anymore

    The FACT that Joe Biden and his family engaged in Influence Peddling, Potential Classified Information Peddling, Espionage, Conspiracy, Russian Money Laundering, negotiating and conducting foreign business deals illegally without being registered as a foreign agent, committing Perjury is undeniable without ignoring proven, reported, recorded, documented fact, irrefutable evidence, and reality ... despite the fact that the Democrats, MSM, and the US government's own corrupt criminally partisan Federal Bureau of Investigation and Department of In-justice has and continues to protect the Biden's from indictment and prosecution.
    At this point everyone on the planet, even the most die-hard Biden defender and apologist, knows the Biden family has been for decades and continues to be corrupt, self-serving / Enriching, Criminals and Traitors. It seems as if ALL WE SEE AND HEAR ABOUT IS DONALD TRUMP!
    So WHY, after despite all of the UNDENIABLE PROOF, do the snowflakes still so adamantly defend him and lie for him? And why do they seem to always get away with it?

    To make matters worse, Joe Biden is a Dementia-ravaged, Pathologically Lying, Embarrassing Disgrace on the world stage. He, like Diane Feinstein, is literally incapable of carrying out his duties as President, even if he weren't the most compromised, Criminal President in the History of the United States, and the rest of his Clown Parade .

    Now That It Has Been Proven Biden and WE KNOW that His Family Took Millions From The Chinese Communist Party and that Joe Is a Compromised Criminal. Just imagine what that would do to straighten out this country's problems to begin holding our lascivious politicians accountable for their actions, greed, and words?
    So, the point is when, if ever will the Republican controlled House of Representatives going to initiate Impeachment proceedings? Let's get it done already!.
