Friday, June 2, 2023

Sudden Comment Policy Change

I just changed the comment policy because someone whom I suspect is a certain blog enemy decided to steal comments from another site and post them anonymously here.  I'm not cool with that, and neither are Don Key, Porky and Mystere.

I might change the policy back a bit later, depending how well behaved others are.


  1. State after State, and city after city……we have seen crime, racism, and violence, out of control and in Democrat party controlled cities…controlled from top to bottom..even the police….for decades and sometimes even more years….by the Democrats….

    And yet the Democrats have control over the media, so the destruction they cause is hidden, or just not reported,for example just look at what has happened to Cities like San Fransisco, Atlanta, New York City, Portland, and it goes on, on and on. When if ever with these Bleeding Heart Morons wake up?

  2. Last year the entire “Pride Parade” was more like a Freak show.
    There was NOTHING to have any”Pride” in.
    The whole Pride Theme, turned into a Show that you’d have Nothing to have any Pride in or have any Pride in allowing your Children to even look at!.
    LGBQT’s Shit was everywhere, Flags, Nude people danceing around like Gypsy's on Coke .... This year they are going to have a banner that only says, if you want to see “Pride Crap
    go to your local School where they have Drag Shows by more Freaks. I’m so sick of seeing all this Pride stuff EVERYWHERE.
    This year... I wouldn't even know it was “Pride” month if I didn't already know it because I keep away from those Idiots Prancing all around naked on Trucks, showing off their “Junk” It’s really getting to be TOO MUCH!

  3. More Insanity from the Leftist Idiots in charge of the Nuthouse Asylum!
    The California Legislature is Proposing to Pay Unemployment Benefits For Illegal Immigrants.
    The California Legislature is proposing a program to provide unemployment benefits to illegal immigrants coming to and residing in the state.
    This is unbelievable," Jones said. "California Republicans, we're fighting like hell here in California against this Democrat supermajority, and this is just one more issue that we've got to fight every single day… This program could cost up to $2 billion over the every year for as long as the Democrat supermajority wants to have it in place."
    The governor has already told us… we don't have the money. We're already in a $31 billion deficit. We just do not have the money," he continued

  4. How many of President Trump's supporters swarmed into Washington, D.C., this weekend for the Million MAGA March? More than a million, as the White House says? Hundreds of thousands, as the president asserts? Maybe 10,000 or so, as local authorities estimate?

    The answer: It doesn't matter.

    The nation's political tribalism defies debate. Throngs of largely mask-free, conspiracy-immersed Americans turned the city's Freedom Plaza into an alternate reality on Saturday. Within that zone, there was no question that they numbered a million. Trump did not lose the election; it was stolen. Antifa is the nation's gravest threat. Socialism is lurking around the corner. The coronavirus pandemic is hype. Children are being trafficked by a cabal of global elites. And the nation's valiant, outnumbered police are under attack.

    Parents bedecked in red, white and blue Trump paraphernalia said they brought their children to see a historic day, the day the patriots would "take back America.

  5. Ahh, there is nothing like a Sunny day in New York City they have one of the bluest skies of any big city . A sun shining day in Central Park with more Criminals roaming around then there are on Riker's Island.
    Criminals attacking a mother with a baby for a dollar, homeless guys sleeping next to you on the bench that you just sat down on.
    There is actually nothing like it when the Democrats are in power.

  6. Trump indictment day for stealing classified documents

    When is Biden's, whose classified scandal is a helluva lot worse?

    As Biden's world is imploding with exposed scandals - criminal evidence, whistleblowers, Hunter's laptop, the fact that both Garland & Wray are corrupt as hell and protecting Biden - indicting Trump (while ignoring Biden) is the only thing big enough to possibly be the distraction Biden desperately needs

  7. the Republicans have several candidates that are capable of beating Biden in 2024

    And no matter what they try,they won't stop him Trump can and WILL beat Biden in 2024.
