Thursday, June 15, 2023

Whackjob Dervi$h bin §atan-§ander$ Claims Conservatives Had Conspiracy Theories Of Betty White Dying From COVID 19.


Derpy's lost his BBs in his reply to Mystere's 2021 post on the Cleveland Foxers site.  A conspiracy theory that Betty White died of COVID19?  Dervish must be smoking some potent BUTT SHROOMS or drinking some serious Moonbat Hooch if he read such a conspiracy theory.  When Mystere sent me that copy of the screenshot, I laughed.

Derpish loves that Buttweiner Beer!


  1. CLAIM: Betty White told a news outlet she received a COVID-19 vaccine booster on Dec. 28, three days before her death, saying: “Eat healthy and get all your vaccines. I just got boosted today.”

    AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. The quote is fabricated. White did not receive a booster that day, her agent confirmed to The Associated Press. The news article cited by social media users does not contain the bogus quote or anything about vaccines.

    THE FACTS: Days after Betty White’s death at the age of 99 was confirmed on Friday, social media users are falsely claiming “The Golden Girls” star had received a COVID-19 vaccine booster on Dec. 28, using a bogus quote to suggest her death may have been related.

    1. STFU Your Socialist Idiot

    2. As communities across the United States celebrate June as Pride Month, a city near Detroit, Michigan, has voted to permanently ban the display of all PRIDE FLAGS on public property.
      The resolution, brought by the city council who says that the city will not allow flying the Pride flag could potentially lead to radical or racist groups to cause damage and or problems.

    3. Hey Dervish, you realize you're late in raising up conspiracy theory stories of the death of Betty White and COVID19? Why the sudden interest in stirring up a blip? Are you bored?

    4. By the way Dervish, when you troll and write lies and other vile things, the team will take them down without warning.

    5. I gave an honest answer to the question you asked, dipshit.

    6. 🔺Dervish Sanders uses one of his fake accounts above to write a retort.🔺

      Dervish will claim that either Mystere or I faked his account and wrote that stupid retort.

    7. 🔺Idiot🔺

    8. Yes Dervi$h bin §atan-§ander$666, you certainly are an idiot.

  2. Thanks to the long list of the FALSE prosecutions of Donald Trump by the Progressive Leftist’s, and the Lying Democrats Biden Administration and everyone connected with the Socialist Democrats we have seen the fast deteriorated of the United States
    Be it China, Russia, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, or even Venezuela .....nobody wants to do business with the United States any longer, so make no mistake about it, ever since Joe Biden took office as President of the United States the country has gone on a speedy downward spiral of corruption, censorship of Republicans, and conservatives. The lunacy being taught to the next generation, is weakness in the eyes of our opponents. They have seen the economic crash, the supply shortages, the empty selves in our Super Markets and the massive inflation of our goods and services. In a season where we ought to reflect upon being thankful for what we have, many fellow Americans are struggling to afford the bare basic necessities at reasonable prices. Forget a large holiday dinner to feed everyone around your table, the food shortages and astronomical prices mean many struggle, the lack of our citizens taking those yearly vacations, they simply cannot afford to carry on the usual family traditions. Many of them even struggle to even buy enough groceries to last the week, and have enough left to pay their rent. . That family road trip that they took yearly may cost double or triple the price than it did before. The price of gas has doubled, or tripled. That electric bill has gone sky high. For many this Christmas, the tree will look smaller, and barer than in past years and even Santa Clause may have a tighter budget for the kids this year. . This will be the reality for many middle class families, not just who we usually think of as poor or needy. Families who have been smart, saved money for rainy days have found under Joe Biden, and the storm has no end in sight.
    People are working at multiple jobs just to say above water.
    And forget about putting away some money for a rainy day, because that Rainy day is now.. Under Joe Biden, and the rest of the Democrats prices have doubled, and even tripled, even are expected to quadruple in some cases! The rich and upper class elites who are often radical liberal won’t be affected. But, I’ll bet that Nancy Pelosi still can fill her luxury fridge full of the finest brands of Gourmet Ice Cream that money can buy.. Those on welfare or are here illegally will be provided everything they need free of charge so they’ll vote Democrat. The small business owners are letting employees go the big corporations are laying off employees . The supply train shortages etc. is hurting businesses . The Government is putting restriction after restriction on the trucking industry, shutting down domestically sourced pipelines, inflating prices on everything, all trickles down to how we can afford to live the lives we want, and frankly, have earned through our labors. Funny thing how under “America’s most Hated President” WE HAD ONE OF THE BEST ECONOMIES EVER!

  3. Continuehe Left would blame conservatives for ruining the economy and keeping people at poverty level. They offer handouts to the Millions of Illegal Immigrants that they allowed in. Thank God that the ridicules student loan has been cancelled or we’d be even deeper in debt. But the welfare checks, keep on coming to the lazy non workers. Trouble is, it’s all a scam; encouraging dependency on the government makes us Putty in their hands Just vote how the Left tells you too no matter how damaging it is in the long run since we’re footing the bill! Their “solutions” are Actually bribery, and a band aid over a gaping wound without solving what’s really driving prices sky high. The elites tell us to adjust our standard of living. Settle for less while still working just as hard if not harder to get less than what you could get two years ago. Pay more for your electric bill while having to endure blackouts every week. Pay more to get less gas in your car. Pay more to buy half of what you need to feed your family. Your retirement has been pushed back ten years or is now only a pipe dream. Sending the kids to college? Beg the government to cancel their debt or go without. That vacation you saved for 10 years to celebrate your 50th anniversary? Forget it, It’s Just Not happening now! Is this acceptable to you? To see the sacrifices you’ve made towards your future fall short of what’s needed? To realize in a country the world envies for its wealth and standards of living you find yourself perilously close to the edge of poverty on a middle class salary? How does it feel as the main provider for your family to struggle to provide basic necessities, never mind any wants? Then welcome to the Socialist Democratic Party.

  4. Thanks to the long list of the FALSE prosecutions of Donald Trump by the Progressive Leftist’s, and the Lying Democrats Biden Administration and everyone connected with the Socialist Democrats we have seen the fast deteriorated of the United States
    Be it China, Russia, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, or even Venezuela .....nobody wants to do business with the United States any longer, so make no mistake about it, ever since Joe Biden took office as President of the United States the country has gone on a speedy downward spiral of corruption, censorship of Republicans, and conservatives. The lunacy being taught to the next generation, is weakness in the eyes of our opponents. They have seen the economic crash, the supply shortages, the empty selves in our Super Markets and the massive inflation of our goods and services. In a season where we ought to reflect upon being thankful for what we have, many fellow Americans are struggling to afford the bare basic necessities at reasonable prices. Forget a large holiday dinner to feed everyone around your table, the food shortages and astronomical prices mean many struggle, the lack of our citizens taking those yearly vacations, they simply cannot afford to carry on the usual family traditions. Many of them even struggle to even buy enough groceries to last the week, and have enough left to pay their rent. . That family road trip that they took yearly may cost double or triple the price than it did before. The price of gas has doubled, or tripled. That electric bill has gone sky high. For many this Christmas, the tree will look smaller, and barer than in past years and even Santa Clause may have a tighter budget for the kids this year. . This will be the reality for many middle class families, not just who we usually think of as poor or needy. Families who have been smart, saved money for rainy days have found under Joe Biden, and the storm has no end in sight.

    People are working at multiple jobs just to say above water.
    And forget about putting away some money for a rainy day, because that Rainy day is now.. Under Joe Biden, and the rest of the Democrats prices have doubled, and even tripled, even are expected to quadruple in some cases! The rich and upper class elites who are often radical liberal won’t be affected. But, I’ll bet that Nancy Pelosi still can fill her luxury fridge full of the finest brands of Gourmet Ice Cream that money can buy.. Those on welfare or are here illegally will be provided everything they need free of charge so they’ll vote Democrat. The small business owners are letting employees go the big corporations are laying off employees . The supply train shortages etc. is hurting businesses . The Government is putting restriction after restriction on the trucking industry, shutting down domestically sourced pipelines, inflating prices on everything, all trickles down to how we can afford to live the lives we want, and frankly, have earned through our labors. Funny thing how under “America’s most Hated President” WE HAD ONE OF THE BEST ECONOMIES EVER!

  5. Independant ThinkerJune 17, 2023 at 5:39 AM

    MANY Catholics are slamming the LA Dodgers Baseball Team for their "Disgusting, Alarming, Repulsive, Sickening, Nauseating and Dangerous normalization of anti-Catholic bigotry" after the major league team plans to Honor an Gay, Activist group known for their Shocking protests.
    The Dodger’s Baseball team’s choice to honor a Blatantly Perverted, Sexual and Disgusting anti-Catholic hate-group signals an alarming and dangerous normalization of anti-Catholic bigotry that SHOULD NOT BE TOLERATED.

    All Americans, especially the Catholics, should be extremely, and deeply concerned that the Dodger’s feel comfortable in their platforming such a Grotesque and Blatantly Anti-Catholic HATE group at a time when Catholic Churches across our great nation are already suffering a wave of violent attacks instigated by Pro-Abortion Radicals! The Celebrating LGBTQ Pride Month in this way is TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE.
    This Evil and Disturbing Behavior makes a Mockery of Catholic religious across the entire nation.. This is much worse than a Rainbow on a Can of Beer. I just can't believe that the Dodgers were SO STUPID to have invited this bunch of Blasphemous individuals.
    What Total Idiot Originally Approved This In The First Place?

    1. If Tommy Lasorda were still alive, he'd be throwing a huge fit over this.

  6. The Los Angeles Dodgers' Pride Night arrived on Friday, with the protester and police presence you would expect after weeks of controversy stirred up around the guests invited to the event.

    The Dodgers received criticism from Catholic and conservative figures when they announced they would be giving an award to the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, a group of people who dress in drag as nuns who were among the first people to offer support to AIDS patients at a time when such help was severely lacking.

    The team reacted to the backlash by uninviting the Sisters from Pride Night, leading to an opposing backlash from its other Pride Night partners.

    And by the Way, Why did Biden End his Speech yesterday with saying " God Save The Queen, Man"?
    Did he forget that he;s an American? And that the Queen is Dead

    1. Butt Blaster Bidet has no marbles left in his mostly empty head.


  7. So we already know Democrats support Homos, , Drag Queens, shemales, and other sexual perverts, all in the name of "diversity and inclusion" which denotes less than 0.000000000000001% of the population, yet here we are flying the “Pride” flags.. Well, here comes the next unimaginable thing:
    Kiddie Diddlers and the NAMBLA crowd. The Democrat Party will sure as shit support them in their quest to "normalize" their "sexual expression" just like every other deviant. So why should we, as normal healthy heterosexual people, especially people of faith, bend over backwards to accommodate these sick individuals who need Christ more than anything, and the life changing power of G-d Himself?


  8. Under the leadership of Governor Gavin Newsom, California has gone from a fiscally sound and strong economy to one that is following in the footsteps of Washington D.C., mired under mounds of debt. $31.5 billion to be exact.

    These numbers are enough to make anyone say….AND THIS GUY WANTS TO BE PRESIDENT?

  9. Joe Biden should run for another term as President. That way, the debates will be quite entertaining when he rips a few loud ones while mumbling his retorts.

    1. Joe Biden has DECLARED that he is running for a second term, Mystere. And Joe Biden will WIN a second term.

    2. 🔺"Joe Biden has DECLARED that he is running for a second term, Mystere. And Joe Biden will WIN a second term," says Dervish the clown who thinks he's smarter than God and claims he tells God who is to enter into Heaven.🔺

      You have proven yourself to be an unstable psychopath, Derp¡$h b¡n §atan-§ander$666.

    3. I hope that he brings his Wife the NURSE with him when he Campaigns

  10. I Only think about abortion, when I think about "transgenders" and liberal progressives.
    And how Good an abortion would have been in their case!


  11. Demented Joe Biden said he is "very proud" of his son Hunter Biden who signed a plea deal on federal tax, and on Illegal GUN charges.
    Imagine being proud of a Crooked, Crackhead who cheated on his Taxes , snd lied when he ILLEGALLY bought a GUN.
    What happened to the Democratic's and their Gun Control laws?

  12. Adam Schiff has been Censured by the House.
    He should be thrown out of Congress, but he joins just two dozen other House members in history to get this punishment. "As chair of the House. They need to throw out all of these Lying Troublemaker. The Russian Hoax thing has been proven to be a Hoax, and a LIE many times over and orchestrated by those abusing their power, this vote was on party lines, with just about every democrat backing Schiff's Russian collusion hoax to this day, as if it were true.
