Thursday, July 13, 2023

Dervish Farted...

Fartbreath Dervi$h bin §atan-§ander$666 ripped a super nasty fart on Who's Your Daddy, causing the blog to go dark as it undergoes a blog fumigation.

Blogs tend to go upside down whenever Fartface Dervish bin Satan Sanders stops by and passes his windbag.


  1. It’s so ridiculous, and outrageous with the surveillance , and cameras all over the place at the White House that this administration still hasn’t disclosed the identity of the cocaine culprit.
    Unless they know who ie is but won’t disclose it!

    1. It's Robbert Hunter Bidet aka Boofing Booby Bidet.

    2. The cocaine is Don Jr's.

    3. 🔺"Anonymous July 14, 2023 at 11:01 AM
      The cocaine is Don Jr's."

      A cowardly accusatory retort from Dervish Sanders.🔺

      Hey Dervish, why do you keep on falsely accusing the Trump family members of doing wicked deeds? Those baseless attacks are a form of casting curses against people who don't deserve them. Don't you know that baseless curses boomerang back at the person who castes them? Your hate towards Donald Trump and his family has boomeranged back at you with the chronic pain and health issues you now suffer. Your hate is destroying your carcass, Dervish. If you want your carcass to turn back into a body again, you need to turn back to God, confess all your hate to him and get His help to restore your carcass back into a whole body again. You turned yourself into a midnight snack for Satan by rebelling against God's ways. You can't blame Mystere or me because you did that to yourself and inflicted the suffering upon yourself.

  2. I feel a superly bigliester butt blast coming from my juicy bung hole.

    1. Dervish, you do know that sin tastes sweet at first, but envenomates you as you keep indulging in it, don't you? You need to turn away while you can, lest the sins' venom takes you out permanently.

  3. I say do not believe one single thing that anyone in the Left says.

  4. I stopped by Boston Piggy's hatful blog Progressive Disruptions today and noticed Dervish commenting there again… Assface Dervish fits right in with the rest of hate filled group perfectly, especially with Dave Miller!


  5. “MAGA” What does it mean, and WHY is it a bad thing, as Boiden and the rest of the lefties make it out to be ?
    First of all “What does it mean” It CLEARLY means “Make America Great Again” So how in the world can ANY American have a problem with that?
    In the late 1970's Ronald Reagan was a leading force in American National politics. He had an impact because he had deep convictions, star power, and political, as well as Speaking skills and also because he arrived on the scene when the winds of change were blowing in the direction of Conservatives. It was not apparent to most Americans when Reagan made his national debut, but boy did that change, and change drastically.
    In 1980 "Let's Make America Great Again" was one of Ronald Reagan's most famous campaign slogans during his campaign for President of the United States. And NOBODY had a problem with that slogan then.... So Why Now?
    Even if you did not agree One Hundred Percent with him, you had to respect what a good human being he was. And what a Skillful Speaker he was. He was the right man at the right time in history
    It's hysterical that leftists were never offended until Trump revived it. They use it as an insult but how is making America great a bad thing? If They Were Smart They Would Co Opt the Slogan but I digress.... IF They Were Smart is a large obstacle.
    And right now, I really think that a Ronald Reagan is exactly what we need, and what we DON’T need is Joe Biden.
    Our Cities, Streets, and Subways are extremely dangerous.
    Our Cities are filled with Homeless Druggies causing Mayhem with violent, and damaging, disorder; Chaos..
    People are getting charged with Crimes for defending others and themselves. .
    Our Border is a Major disaster.
    Our schools are full of violence, and our children are being taught everything but the right things.
    Our Budget is out of control.
    We' are getting ourselves into another never ending war.
    Social nonsense is poisoning or children.

    And it goes on and on.

    1. Donald and Ronald will go down in history as 2 of the greatest Presidents the United States has had before its 250th birthday.

  6. They ask you to pay close attention to the candidate’s positions on the issues that matter most to you and match your values and priorities to the candidates platforms.
    Does Biden even have any “Values”, I don’t think so. hey ask you They ask you to assess the candidate’s track record and integrity, evaluating the candidate’s past actions and looking for consistency in their stance on important issues. Does Biden even have any “Integrity? Again, I don’t think so.
    So, it is my personal observation that the Progressive Communist Democrats, especially the Communist-in-chief Barack Obama and Obama's sock-puppet, the Corrupt Senile Joe Biden, have nearly succeeded in destroying our nation, its military, its economy, and its culture from within. We have gone over the abyss and are clinging to hope, waiting for a rescue from this Nightmare we have suffered with for the past 2 ½ years , and God only know what is to come in his remaining term.
    This may be our last chance to GET RID OD THIS HORRIBLE NIGHTMARE and to preserve our Nation from more of this

    1. The Democrats installed the Jackal Joey Bidet so that they could easily manipulate the people to blindly follow them. But We The People are not easily manipulated, as they are starting to find out.
