Thursday, August 3, 2023

Ashley Biden's Diary...

Uh oh!  Oh my!  The diary is real!  The dirty deeds are about to hit the fan!  Will the feds come after Sniffy dirty JoeJoe?  Pervert Pedo JoeJoe needs to go to GITMO for this.


  1. So what? She had a diary. The entry is fake. It is dotard donald who fantasized about having sex with his daughter.

    1. In your Choom Pipe Dreams, Assface Dervi$h bin §atan-§ander$666. Your nightmares are coming to pass. That entry in her diary is for real. Your god Joe Biden is a pedofile who had sex with his daughter while in the shower.

    2. Dervish, how long are you going to keep sticking your head up your stinkhole before you yank it out and start seeking sanity? How much longer are you going to keep poking God in the eye by attacking the Trump family, only to find your painful suffering getting worse by the day? The moment you launched personal attacks on Donald Trump by casting curses at Trump and his family, you set yourself up for suffering big time. It doesn't take a genius to figure that out, Dervish. God tells people things, and sends messages to people through others, whether an aquaintance, friend or enemy. And for the record, I don't worship Satan or pray to him. Satan is the Father Of Lies and man's worst enemy. By the way, unlike that farting perverted pedophile Joseph Robinet Biden Junior, Donald Trump never chose to molest his daughters Ivanka and Tiffany. He may have been crude during one of his speeches, but he never dared to touch either of them, unlike your god Joe Biden did to his daughter Ashley, and as Joey's boy Robbert Hunter Biden did to his half sister.

    3. Ashley is a wonderful woman. If she weren't my daughter, I'd limit myself to just sniffing her instead of... Uh Uh... Bulbophyl Bassoon got to...Uh...Uh... the big guy... I want my Chocolate Chocolate Chip Ice Cream now!

    4. Mystere: launched personal attacks on Donald Trump by casting curses at Trump and his family...

      Curses cast by me? Zero. None. I have never (and will never) cast a curse.

    5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    6. 🔺Don't you ever learn the lesson God is trying to teach you, Dervish?🔺

      Your fake Donald John Trump retort just opened another door for Satan and his minions to inflict more chronic pain upon your diseased carcass. You keep on self inflicting the suffering upon yourself with the dumbest moves you make.

    7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    8. Dervish Sanders August 7, 2023 at 12:40 PM
      "I saw the confession posted by "Donald John Trump". You deleted it because it told the truth about the Orange Turd that you refuse to believe."
      Hey dumb dumb, I'm Rattrapper. And I took the comment down because God said take it down. You wrote that comment, Assface Dervi$h bin §atan-§ander$666. And you wonder why you suffer chronic pain and serious health issues. I don't keep retorts from occult rituals on my blog posts when I catch them. Your temper tantrum is proof you wrote that Trump retort. You're the only one who would write such a vulgar retort and enjoy it big time.

    9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    10. 🔺🔺🔺Do you wish to repeat what you said, Dervish?🔺🔺🔺


      Really Dervish?

  2. MikeAugust 2, 2023 at 4:40 AM
    WHEN is that asshole Biden be going to jail!!!!

    1. When God sees everything is in place, God will pull out all the stops and send Biden off. Whether it's GITMO or Fire Lake, God will determine where it is. Hopefully, for the benefit and mercy for Biden's soul, it'll be GITMO rather than Fire Lake.

  3. Our fantastic president Joe Biden will never be sent to Gitmo. Nor will Our fantastic president Joe Biden ever be sent to "fire lake". Those are Mystere delusions. Lies fed to him by false prophets.

    Who might go to "fire lake"? Satan's minion, donald tRump.

    1. Your foolish retort is giving the demonic minions excuses to inflict more chronic pain and suffering upon your rotting diseased carcass, Dervish.

      I'd be very careful about calling the prophets of God false prophets. You're telling God to punish you by doing that. You won't be happy if you find that you slammed the doors in God's face when He was trying to show you mercy.

      Your false prophecies of Donald Trump being Satan's minion and Donald Trump going to "Fire Lake" is grounds for the punishment awaiting you when Satan gloats with glee over your dirt nap. But you have at least a few seconds to change that course if you choose to listen to God and change your mind.

      Your Emperor Biden whom you slobber over is going to end up in Fire Lake when he takes his dirt nap soon. In fact, his whole family except for Navy is headed towards Fire Lake if they keep aiding and abetting the jackal usurping the Oval Office.

      The youngest granddaughter Navy is not of age at this moment, so God sees her as sinless for the moment. Hopefully, she will make the decision to follow Jesus in the future and be spared the grief of a political clown show.

    2. Your false prophecies of Joe Biden being a "jackal" and Joe Biden going to "Fire Lake" is grounds for the punishment awaiting you when Satan gloats with glee over your upcoming dirt nap, Mystere. But you have at least a few seconds to change that course if you choose to listen to God and change your mind. As opposed to slamming the door in HIS face (and spitting his eyes) when HE tries to show you mercy, Mystere.

      Your Emperor donald tRump (whom you slobber over) is going to end up in Fire Lake when he takes his dirt nap soon. In fact, all the Orange Turd's spawn are headed to Fire Lake if they keep aiding and abetting the minion of Satan in his attempt to return to the Oval Office (so he can finish destroying America).

      God does not see you as sinless, Mystere. HE sees you willingingly choosing EVIL. Your soul is at grave risk if you continue down this path, Mystere. If you were smart (LOL) you would repent and stop listening to false "prophets" telling you Satanic lies.

    3. You really don't give up on your gig of being a prophet of Satan, Dervi$h bin §atan-§ander$666. I pity the grand delusion Satan inflicted upon you when you invited him to. When God holds you accountable for harming and killing children and harming your pooches, you will end up hanging off a meat hook next to your idols Stalin and Hitler. And that is not something to gloat over, either. And just to be clear, I am not a prophet. But I am told things at times, and I just follow orders. Your infantile temper tantrums prove I'm on the right track. Your false accusations against me are boomeranging back at your diseased rotting carcass, Dervish. Your symptoms of AIDS going full blown in your rotting carcass is making you quite touchy, Assface Dervi$h bin §atan-§ander$666.

    4. Я бог. Я делаю правила на лету. Во мне нет греха.

    5. Mein stinkender Arsch rumpelt mit heftigen Kribbeln.

    6. The barbecue is almost ready Dervish. The party is about to begin!

  4. I would love to debate any one of those Progressive bastards on exactly what "crimes" Trump is guilty of.

    ALL of these four indictments are bullshit - provable bullshit. NONE of them will ultimately result in a conviction for any crime.


  5. The dolt in the Whole House is responsible for the worst border-surge in over 20-years, and is letting these people travel all over the country even when they test positive for the Wuhan virus.

    And he makes a joke about it because he knows his voters are even dumber than he is. And you know who you are.
    In case you don’t, I’ll remind you, it’s everyone on that STUPID Progressive Blog!

    1. The SENILE, DELUSIONAL, MORONIC, DOLT in the White House is responsible for the worst Border-surge, and the results of it in over 20-years, and is letting those people travel all over the country even when they have tested positive for the Wuhan virus, AS WELL AS TURNING OUR ONE TIME BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY INTO A SHIT-HOUSE!

      And he makes a BIG Joke about it because he knows his voters are even Dumber than he is( and yes that's actually possible) . And you know who you are.
      In case you don’t, I’ll remind you, it’s everyone on that STUPID, and ASININE Progressive Blog INCLUDING IT'S AUTHOR.

  6. Joe Biden is the perfect example of who we DO NOT want as part of our government.
    Let NOT forget that this is the same Guy who grievously insulted our soldiers by continually lying about his son "Dying in Iraq".
    And dragging his 11-year old daughter into the shower with him? And Let’s not forget Selling out the country for $50 million dollars.
    And then he says that I am threat to Democracy... ME who spent 4 years serving MY Country with Honors.

  7. The leftist Democrats are ALWAYS doing what they accuse the Republicans of.

    A disgraced former senior FBI agent Charles McGonigal who was involved in the agency’s investigation into the 2016 Trump campaign based on phony allegations of collusion with Russia is expected to plead guilty to illegally working for a sanctioned oligarch when his case is being heard next week.
    But not mentioned in that story was that there was a “Community Organizer”
    (where have you heard that term before), from New York City who was involved in Chicago politics who set up Barack Obama with a job in Chicago Progressive politics, named Jerry Kellman who was a follower of Saul Alinsky.
    Charles McGonigal, the former head of counterintelligence for the FBI’s New York field office, is scheduled to Plea Guilty in a plea proceeding next week according to a judge’s order.

    McGonigal is being accused of working for the sanctioned Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska and the change in plea is related to criminal charges of evading U.S. sanctions and money laundering,

  8. The leftist Democrats are ALWAYS doing what they accuse the Republicans of.

    A disgraced former senior FBI agent Charles McGonigal who was involved in the agency’s investigation into the 2016 Trump campaign based on phony allegations of collusion with Russia is expected to plead guilty to illegally working for a sanctioned oligarch when his case is being heard next week.
    But not mentioned in that story was that there was a “Community Organizer”
    (where have you heard that term before), from New York City who was involved in Chicago politics who set up Barack Obama with a job in Chicago Progressive politics, named Jerry Kellman who was a follower of Saul Alinsky.
    Charles McGonigal, the former head of counterintelligence for the FBI’s New York field office, is scheduled to Plea Guilty in a plea proceeding next week according to a judge’s order.

    McGonigal is being accused of working for the sanctioned Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska and the change in plea is related to criminal charges of evading U.S. sanctions and money laundering,

  9. The leftist Democrats are ALWAYS doing what they accuse the Republicans of.

    A disgraced former senior FBI agent Charles McGonigal who was involved in the agency’s investigation into the 2016 Trump campaign based on phony allegations of collusion with Russia is expected to plead guilty to illegally working for a sanctioned oligarch when his case is being heard next week.
    But not mentioned in that story was that there was a “Community Organizer”
    (where have you heard that term before), from New York City who was involved in Chicago politics who set up Barack Obama with a job in Chicago Progressive politics, named Jerry Kellman who was a follower of Saul Alinsky.
    Charles McGonigal, the former head of counterintelligence for the FBI’s New York field office, is scheduled to Plea Guilty in a plea proceeding next week according to a judge’s order.

    McGonigal is being accused of working for the sanctioned Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska and the change in plea is related to criminal charges of evading U.S. sanctions and money laundering,

  10. The NY Yankee players got to get fired up. They Need to Have Fire in Their Bellies if They are Going to Win This Year’s Play Off’s. Right Now They Look Defeated Already!

  11. This Trump persecution, and demonizing, and whatever has to end. Stop. When Democrats tried to destroy a popular political rival in this weird obsessive compulsive way, without any rational proof and some of you just accept it. When a group of jealous opponents campaign to get him out of their competition, as Hillary, Pelosi, and Schumer, and Adam Schiff did by LYING, something is wrong! Lets see they impeached Trump TWICE, with out any proof. No problem? January 6 hearing led by primarily Democrats, without ant Republicans to rebut, without any proof? No problem. and how about the Raid Mer-A-Lago with secret hidden subpoenas because He "might have done stuff"? When a TV star has to FAKE a beating by a MAGA supporter, I’d say this has gotten to be Insane! When a Blog Author continues to Constantly write about him, and NEVER ONCE writes a word about the constant Insanity of the Current Moronic President, you know that someone is Obsessed with Donald Trump!
    i personally, am getting sick, and tired of pointing out how UN American and idiotic the democrats ARE.

  12. Shaw Morons like you are so totally blinded by your partisan preconceptions that it doesn’t even dawn on you that we don’t think the way you imagine we do.

    President Potatoehead is a disgusting wreck. His administration is a disaster. Why on Earth anyone supports that delusional Alzheimer victim is a mystery. And why any thinking individual would approve of his desire to “finish” the disgusting job that he has started is also a puzzlement.

    But vermin like you Communist’s can go ahead and genuflect to the moron who thinks “Made in America” is two words.

    1. They don't come much Dumber then she is.
