Friday, August 25, 2023

Boston Piggy Got Snookered

Poor Shenehneh!  Boston Piggy got snookered:

First time in American ex-POTUS got his mug shot taken, was fingerprinted, and weighed as he was arrested and processed in a sweeping racketeering case accusing him and his allies of conspiring to reverse his 2020 election loss in Georgia. This is in addition to the 70+ felony charges he's already facing in three other indictments.What a disgrace for him and for our country.

(Not sure this is Trump's actual mug shot)

Millions of Americans want this man, who was also found credibly liable for rape in May, to lead this country as POTUS and represent American democracy to the rest of the world.

What a sad and shameful time we live in.

Shaw Kenawe 

Shenehneh is desperate.  Shehnehneh wants to see President Trump executed by a lynch mob over crimes he did not commit.  Shenehneh could care less whether the circus trial is constitutional or not.

Shenehneh and her idiots in her barnyard run around like dumb apes and headless chickens.  But on second thought, they are dumb apes and headless chickens!  And Boston Piggy squeals out of her back end to throw infantile hissyfits.  

The truth is this:  Donald Trump did nothing wrong.  Those who have a brain can see he did nothing wrong, and that the Democrats are all too willing to usurp your rights to grab more power.  The power hungry party of asses will soon find themselves on the menu as dogfood for a bunch of hungry mutts, ready to tear them apart.

Remember, the far left behinds tend to eat their own members when they find themselves in a big jamb.  Steve Cohen and Poopy Pants Jerry Nadler think it's funny to cannibalize their own.

Update 08/26/2023 @5:38 PM Pacific Daylight Time /8:38 PM Eastern Daylight Time:

Someone at another blog site posted evidence where the actual photo of Donald Trump came from.  Apparently, Patriot Derek Johnson had that photo posted a while back on a Telegram account.  Yet a bunch of liberal sites stole that photo and said it is a genuine mug shot of President Donald Trump.

Shenehneh, you're a sucker for getting tricked into believing that was an actual mug shot because one of your far left wing extremist propaganda sources said it's genuine!  You got double snookered, Boston Piggy!  Your loud sow oinking sounds like a desperate squeal for mental help.

You really got snookered, Shenehneh!  You took the pig slop and gulped it down, big time!  You were so desperate and foaming at your snout for a big mugshot.  You slurped up the diarrhea from your left wing extremist go to sites! 😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄🐱😄😄😄😄😄


  1. "donald tRump did nothing wrong".

    He isn't being charged with doing nothing wrong, Mystere. He's being charged with being involved in a criminal conspiracy to steal the 2020 potus election.

    Mystere got snookered.

    1. A$$face Derpi$h bin §atan-§ander$666 claims Mystere got snookered. Mystere isn't here. I, Rattrapper, posted the blog post. How can Mystere be snookered? Are you casting wicked spells and curses again, A$$face Dervi$h bin §atan-§ander$666? Dealing with the occult makes you suffer even more. Your SLAVE MASTER SATAN has you snookered, Butt§niffer Dervi$h bin §atan~§ander$666.

  2. What a Sad, Sad, World we like in when an Clown, an Retarded Idiot, a Moronic Disgusting Fool like the PISS ANT on a Progressive Blog could, or "WOULD" say Breaking news... Florida atty Caplan sues tRump based on his involvement in the J6 2021 insurrection attempt following his legitimate loss to the Orange narcissist.
    Based on the 14th Amendment to the Constitution. The one that tRump said should be suspended. say "
    The MORONIC Imbecile that he is speaking about a Former American President and that any Normal, and SANE person would have more Respect in their Dumbassed head.

    1. I would have to agree with the poster above.
      Especially when HIS President is a Delusional Old Fool, and full of incompetence, corruption, bribery, lies and
      demagoguery, extortion , failures
      and embarrassments, lack of honesty & integrity and his Idiotic Bidenomics makes the worst sense of any former president that this country has ever had.

    2. Constitutional Attorney Alan Derschowitz, who is not a Trump Supporter, even says this Justice Department is now a weaponized arm of the far left Democratic Party.

  3. The Progressive Queen Shenehneh is desperate. Shehnehneh wants to see President Trump executed by a lynch mob over crimes he did not commit. Shenehneh could care less whether the circus trial is constitutional or not as long as Poopy Pants remains in office, and his Crackhead, Lying, Cheating, Retarded Son is not indited.

  4. If Boston Piggy sees this post, she's going to have a coronary and pass out.

    1. So? Whats the Problem?

    2. "Anonymous aka Dervish Sanders August 27, 2023 at 8:56 AM
      So? What's the Problem?"

      Since you asked, Dervish, if Shenehneh keels over at this point in time, she'll be hanging off a meathook in Hell for eternity. And I say this with sadness because she has confessed on her site that she's an atheist. And THAT is not a good thing. As much as I despise her views, I wish no eternal banishment in the Lake Of Fire upon anyone. It's up to her to choose what she believes. If she stays her course to the second she croaks, it's certain eternal death and suffering self inflicted upon her.

      I do hope she changes course and comes to Yeshua for a second chance.

    3. I didn't write "So? Whats the Problem?". I did not ask.

      Shaw Kenawe, if she sees this post (authored by Mystere using his "Rattrapper" account) will not "have a coronary and pass out".

      A Shaw hater wrote that comment. I like Shaw Kenawe.

      Mystere said, "she has confessed on her site that she's an atheist. And THAT is not a good thing".

      Better an atheist than a 100% fake Christian like you, Mystere.

      Mystere lied, "I wish no eternal banishment in the Lake Of Fire upon anyone".

      Mystere prays to Satan for misery to be inflicted upon his enemies quite frequently. I have seen the posts. Here and on your "foxers" blog, liar.

      You can't wait for the True Christian (and great man) Jimmy Carter to die, for example. Mystere (a very evil individual) will gloat with glee when Jimmy Carter dies.


    5. Hi there Dervish! Are you upset because I trash every one of your stupid retorts from Cleveland Foxers? I manage that blog, but I'm not the one who owns that site. Polar Bear is the guy who created the site. And by the way, when he opened up that site, he was a big Obama fan. He invited everyone on that site, both conservative and liberals. One of the bloggers has passed away since he opened up the site. When I got word, I finished off her last post, as a tribute to her.

      You'll never get posted on Cleveland Foxers. I'll never let you stink up the blog site. You're nothing but a Satan possessed piece of trash.

      I don't wish eternal death upon anyone. Neither does Rattrapper. But we're honest about who is on the highway to hell. God declared what will happen with 5 ex Presidents. George HW Bush was 1 of 2 who will and have been taken. Jimmy Carter will be next because he hasn't been as highly involved in the corruption. Rattrapper and I have just stated what is on the horizon. You twisted the words because you're under the orders of Satan, the one you worship as a god. You love evil and want corrupt politicians to continue inflicting suffering upon We The People. You worship Resident Poopy Pants Biden as if he were some god. You're a demon worshipping fool who hates truth and justice. I can say more, but I'm not going to waste my time on you.

  5. Hey Georgia why isn't Stacey Abrams in Prison?

    1. Perhaps Stacey Abrams will end up pulverizing all the prison toilets when she sits on them to take a dump?😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄

      Perhaps she'll eat up all the prison rations in the kitchen in just 1 mealtime sitting, leaving the prison liable for starving the other female inmates to death over shortages?😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄

      Perhaps Stacey will demand the top bunk bed in her cell, and end up creating a huge sink hole in her cell when the bunk bed crashes through the prison cell's floor, crushing the cell mate below her at the same time?😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄 Oh wait... that isn't funny. My bad.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Just in time to assist the progressive communist democrats in stealing the 2024 election Joey Biden is demanding mail-in balloting, Mask wearing, and vaxinations to avoid the spread of the new COVID variant, which seems to mutate at the speed of politics.

  7. A new record amount of Americans say they are worse off under Biden then they ever were under Trump, and much ..worse off financially since President Biden took office, the most ever recorded by the poll in its 37 years of asking the same question.

    According to the ABC News/Washington Post poll, 41% of Americans say they are in a t much worse financial situation since Biden's inauguration in Jan. 2021, while only 16% say they are better off.

    Those numbers stand in stark contrast to when the poll asked Americans the same question two years after the election of former President Trump, when just 13% said they were worse off and 35% said they were better off.
    The same poll also showed that Joe Biden with a 41% approval rating and a 54% disapproval rating.

    When asked about the upcoming 2024 Presidential election, 61% of Americans said they would be extremely disappointed or angry if Biden were to be re-elected, while 39% said they would be enthusiastic or satisfied.

    Trump fared better in the same question at this point in his presidency 51% of Americans said they would be disappointed or angry if he were to be re-elected, compared to 49% who would be enthusiastic or satisfied.
    People mentioned the follow in their answers.
    Gas prices skyrocketing
    Food prices skyrocketing.
    Rent skyrocketing.
    Interest rates skyrocketing.
    Crime skyrocketing in Blue cities and states.
    A Record number of people saying they are worse off than before Biden took office.
    Millions of illegal’s flooding over the border

    Thousands of terrorists flooding over the border.
    People also mentioned that Biden has been /and is the laughingstock of the world

  8. I have had just about enough of you Lester Carpenter and your constant degrading one of the BEST Presidents that this country has ever has, because of your defending the Senile, Delusional, Half-Witted, Stuttering, and Blabbering, Moron for his 50 years in politics with his constant Lies & Treachery, Phony Stories, Manufactured Hoaxes, and Fabricated Collusion,
    Obstruction, Fraud, Treasonist, Falling, Tripping, Walking like a Zombie, so called “President”.

    Maybe it is because you yourself is defending that Moron, and his Treasonist Son with a corrupt and Hostile News Media Industrial Complex and Government Agencies , like the FBI, and the DOJ, while they close their eyes and allow those Monsters storm across our border Illegally!
    Maybe it is questioning the results of an election that reeked of being rigged & stolen by millions of Americans.
    Or is it, that your opponent, sitting in a basement, without any major campaigning, or with dementia & total cognitive failure gets the most votes in history and “ wins the election “ ? While you defend those Incompetent, Disloyal, Opportunistic Hypocrites.
    Like Nancy Pelosi, Adam Shiff, Chuck Schumer, Jerry Nadler, These Democratic CREEPS did not defend the Constitution, they treaded on it. ALL of those people violated their oaths to the American people. They like YOU are complete failures
    And this IDIOT aka Vice President Harris is so unqualified for her office that she doesn’t even know what she should be doing, so she stands there a Giggles like the Laughing Heana she is... Trump may have made some mistakes, but being Patriotic, Efficient, Effective, Presidential & Smart in Favor of Putting America First and Wanting to Make America Great Again, Was Not among His Mistakes.
    We had the best economy in decades, no inflation, the lowest unemployment rate, much lower crime, secure borders, no wars & respect all across the globe by allies & foes !
    Trump is not “the most hated politician” in America” but the most Loved & Respected & Logical & Patriotic in a long time ! They don’t Laugh, and Boo when he’s in a crowd.
    America needs a President, that can stand tall & achieve greatness against enormous harassment & willful abuse & treachery against Americans by the “Deep State”.
    A President that does not falter or bend or lower his head in defending the country and it’s people. And he has RESPECT for our Gold Star Parents!
    None of your people are worthy or possess the qualities to be President. ESPECIALLY the Current President, and the Vice President, who have become the Laughing Stock of the World.
    God save America ! God is our only hope.

    1. When I light up and toke my weed stash, it smells and tastes like the ass end of a bull, LOL! LOL! LOL!

    2. Tom, his real name is Leslie Elden Carpenter Jr.

    3. BiDumb's Un-constitutional Illegal border Invasion is out of control, the courts keep blocking his illegal and Un-Constitutional moves while ten’s of, Thousands of illegals cross the borders daily, with over 6 million in only 2 years, and BiDumb’s temper is melting down.
      BiDumb is WAY over his Dementia-Ravaged Head.

      If BiDumb, and the bunch of DOPES in his administration really cared about Covid control, they’d would surely implement Border Control.
      But They Don’t So They Don’t.
      Bidumb was furious and Cursed Fiercely, Savagely, Violently, and repeatedly about the Border Crisis as Illegal Immigrants kept flocking to the Overwhelmed Southern Border, according to an upcoming book detailing the first years of Biden's Presidency.

      In "The Fight of His Life: Inside Joe Biden's White House," author Chris Whipple describes Biden’s fury as his administration attempted, but couldn’t get a grip of the raging crisis at the border in 2021 where a historic surge was underway, and there was growing criticism of his entire Administration.

      Meanwhile, illegal immigrants kept arriving. And Biden was furious," the book says. "Aides had rarely seen him so angry. From all over the West Wing, you could hear the president cursing, dropping f-bombs (he’d even apologize when women were present"

    4. Looks like "The Fight Of His Life" will be a tall tale of Butt Blast Bidet's dumps in his Depends.

  9. There is no doubt that the grandfatherly-like communist Bernie Sanders resonates with a younger, college-indoctrinated crowd and represents a clear threat to the corrupt cognitively impaired Joe Biden and interloper California Governor Gavin “Gruesome” Newsom, who is waiting for Biden to stumble and die. Nobody in the progressive communist democrat party believes the Unlikable and Incoherent Vice President Kamala “Giggles” Harris is a viable candidate for President, or any other office.
    Also there is little doubt in my mind that the untrustworthy Hillary Clinton and her pack of lying, treacherous, Communist Clintonistas conspired with the Democratic National Committee to steal the presidential nomination from Bernie Sanders in the 2016 Democratic primary season. Much of the evidence revealed in the release of allegedly hacked DNC emails demonstrated DNC bias against Sanders. Although the DNC claimed that Russia hacked the emails, the FBI was prevented from thoroughly investigating the alleged email server breach by the DNC and stonewalled the investigation of the mysterious murder of DNC Staffer Seth Rich, who favored Sanders and had access to the emails.
    Even today America is still paying the price for Hillary Clinton’s lies, and treachery! Just when you think you’ve seen the worst of her, proof emerges that she was even more duplicitous than we knew. Hillary, has recently said that she believes that Trump stands no chance of being elected again and that Joe Biden can serve a second term. But who is surprised that this Jealous Lying Cheat would say anything else? And Coming from her that is absolutely WORTHLESS. .

  10. Canada says Joe Biden's America is not safe for LGBTQ people
    Joe Biden is turning our country into a dangerous banana republic.
    Donald Trump was a great president ..the point is that talking about the private lives of Hunter Biden, Joe, Biden, and Donald Trump and all of this rhetoric about race relations in LGBTQ relations in America is not good for the country. The most important thing is how is your health, how is your spiritual life and how is your bank account doing.

    We are in the midst of one of the worst economies in American history, and the media is talking about investigations of Hunter, Biden, and Donald Trump. They also talk about Black Lives Matter in LGBTQ rhetoric. This has done nothing good for anybody. It’s a smoke screen for our bad economy. Concentrate on what counts my friends, your health, God, and your personal finances.
    It is important to look at the personal lives of our leaders. And to see if foreign companies or foreign countries are paying our leaders. Now that being said I believe that the media is engaging in distraction tactics. Our economy is in one of the worst states it’s ever been in.

    There are no racist in America, except for Black Lives Matter leaders, and the elite, rich white people who give millions and millions of dollars to BLM while building up crack, houses and drug dens all over the country.

    Much of the media spin concentrates on “white privilege , the 400 years a slave” argument it’s all nonsense, and it is a distraction tactic, it’s part of the matrix it’s part of telling someone do you want to be in this fake world because we don’t want you to be in the real world

    And I do believe that our government and the media should be putting forth stories showing Americans how to get better jobs. The government should be out there, talking about building up factories and building things. But they don’t do that. It’s all nonsense. It’s the war in Ukraine, it’s Hunter Biden it’s Donald Trump. It’s the personal lives of Hunter, Biden and Donald Trump. It’s too much of it. Some level of it is OK but it’s way too much. It’s all of this is happening millions of Americans are starving. They are homeless or living in squalor.

    We’re not programmed by the matrix. I don’t think most Americans are.. Tens of millions of people watch Tucker Carlson on Twitter millions of people watch Glenn Greenwald on rumble. People are waking up.
    Donald Trump was a great president ..the point is that talking about the private lives of Hunter Biden, Joe, Biden, and Donald Trump and all of this rhetoric about race relations in LGBTQ relations in America is not good for the country. The most important thing is how is your bank account doing.
    I don’t know what you’re engaging in here, but we have high gas prices now, high price of homes, astronomical interest rates that have tripled since Joe Biden took office.

    Eggs may have come down in price, but chicken and beef is still very high. Chicken fingers and chicken wings are upwards of $20 for a single order…. The four pack of burgers is like nine or $10 at my grocery market when it was $4.50 when Trump was in office.
    A home that was 150,000 and 2018 is easily going over 300,000 now that right there is a great marker for the failure of the United States government.
    Yes, it should be talked about. It’s part of the Blatant hypocrisy of the me too movement, left-wing Democrats and Black Lives Matter…. they apparently don’t care at all about Hunter Biden’s sex life, but they wanna Pry into the sex life of Donald Trump, into his private affairs. Andrew Tate, and many many people. Ask ourselves why hasn’t the media found a way to accuse Hunter Biden of sexual assault of rape, or at least being a traitor?
    And I’d also like to see the media and politicians inform Americans about job opportunities. And they should inform young people on how to start a relationship, we have a horrible problem in this country. Huge numbers of young people are single, depressed and suicidal like we’ve never seen before in this country history.

  11. U.S. District Judge Timothy Kelly sentences ex-Proud Boys leaders to 17 and 15-year terms for their roles in the Jan. 6, 2021, attack, were below U.S. sentencing guidelines and far lower than the 33-year and 30-year terms sought by federal prosecutors.
    Thus was an Absurd sentence. Rapists, and Murderers, all get less time and are REAL threats to society. These two clowns were acting ignorant yes, but let's keep in perspective, they didn’t even try to harm anybody. . And that Cop who murdered UN-armed Ashli Babbitt is walking around a free man.

    But No worries we'll pardon them after the Republicans Re-take the White House from the real Insurrectionist, the Democrats.

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Anonymous September 5, 2023 at 7:01 PM
      "Mystere is completely insane."

      Derpi$h bin §atan~§ander$666 is beyond mentally ill. Mystere isn't here at this very moment. Derpi$h bin §atan~§ander$666 is hallucinating and seeing things again.

  13. Jimmy Carter is still alive, while Diane Feinstein just died. Looks like your "prophets" lied when they said Jimmy Carter would be next, Mystere.

    How do you explain that, asshole?
