Sunday, August 13, 2023

From The City Of Dervishville From Moonbatland:

From the "Royal Palace" Of Pelosi:

From The Mental Institution Gymnasium:


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Blushing much, Dervish? You can take off your Bernie mask now.

    2. رائحة الريح مثل الورود!

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. Dervish is constipated. There's nothing coming out of his body holes.

  2. Does the Senile Vegetable Joe Biden and the rest of the Socialist Democrats know what harm they are doing to our country?
    And do the (Questionable) 81 million people who had “Supposedly” voted for Joe Biden. And I don't believe it. But so these people actually get through their dumb heads that we are in a economic and societal collapse brought on by the Liberal, Socialist, Democratic Policies. And now we are seeing the political persecution of a rival Candidate Donald Trump, like we have never before ever seen in this county. This is the evact sort of thing that we had seen in 3rd World Countries 30-40 years ago, countries like , China, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Lybia, and Cuba.
    Yes, the Democrats in this country are doing this. How do we address this? This has to end, and it needs to Stop right NOW!

    I thought that I had the answer, but I DO NOT! I have no answer how to address this. The Democrats went from being our friends to our Enemies, and they made it that way. And it’s no doubt that they are being funded by George Soros and China. The Democrats of our parents years ago have lost all their love to Americana. The Democrats have sold themselves to the highest bidder. NO, This is Not your Father's Democratic Party anymore! The party that ws once known as the party of the "common man," the Democratic Party of years ago that stood for individual rights is long Gone!
    When before were you told by a president that he kept Classified Documents in his Garage next to his Corvette? The garage in the same house where his Crack-Head Lying, Crooked Son was living.
    Do you think that this Wack’o President even cares?
    Americans are still being held hostage in Afghanistan.
    200,000 Americans dead from fentanyl poisoning by these animals who are storming our Border. .
    Millions of our citizen are going to bed hungry because of the prices of Food, Medicine, and Gas.
    And Joe Biden just laughed off the fact that over 100 Americans have already Died in the fires in Maui, and all he can say about it is “No Comment!
    Sadly we as a Country are more, and more divided since Obama was President, and it has only gotten to be worse with Biden!...
    And they think that “MAGA” "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN" is a joke to make fun of!
    So I ask you again! Does Joe Biden and the Democrats know what harm they are doing to America?

    Of course they do. One would have to have their head up their butt not to realize that.

  3. Was the Election of 2020 Stolen ? Well, I’ll give you the Facts, and You decide!
    We had unchecked absentee ballots, we have the ballot harvesting, the voting by mail under the excuse of Covid-19, and we saw the the counting of votes stopped in the middle of the night, All of this while Donald Trump was leading in the “Swing States” and miraculously having Joe Biden pull ahead during the middle of the night, and take the lead when all the vote “Checkers” returned in the morning !
    There was changing and relaxing the rules for checking “legal” votes , also there was a extreme lack of signature verification and even more, much more!.
    You can add to that, the fact that Biden remained in his Basement and couldn’t get more than a dozen people attend his rare, and his few campaign rallies , whereas his opponent Donald Trump drew Millions of people to every single one of his many rallies!
    Then throw in the phony Nancy Pelosi impeachments of Trump after failing to pull off the hoax of the Russian Collusion and the Obstruction of Justice and the constant hostility of the news media ! And lets not forget the INSANE act of Jussie Smollett the Black TV Actor of the drama Empire, who was found guilty of staging a Hate Crime against himself in what prosecutors said was a HOAX! Who was found Guilty of filing a False police report in his Hoax attack. The actor lied about being brat up in a racist attack by 2 MAGA men.
    Finally, the add the dismissal of the Hunter Biden laptop contents as Russian propaganda since 2018 and the FBI hiding the facts of bribery and corruption till 2023 !
    The MAGA President basically lost to a Vegetable with major cognitive disability and dementia. An opponent who couldn’t even find his own way off the stage, after given a Babbling, stuttering meaningless speech. .
    That’s right, you have to believe all those facts are wrong, and mistaken and that the Lying Clown, Joe Biden got the most votes in history with 81 million votes, even more than his former Boss Barrack Obama did.
