Saturday, September 30, 2023

Governor Moonbeam's Latest Choom Pipe Dreams



  1. The Moronic , Communist-Democratic Representative Jamaal Bowman committed a felony by pulling the
    Fire Alarm to delay the congressional vote to fund the government.

    Bowman was reportedly caught on camera pulling the Fire Alarm which is in violation of obstruction of an official proceeding.

    He can face up to 6 months in prison, leys hope that Justice will Prevail. .

    After more than 18 months of heated rhetoric, political commentary, and nonstop media coverage, do we really know what took place in Washington on Jan. 6, 2021? Was it a coup, a riot, an insurrection, or a protest? To provide new clarity on the events of that day, EpochTV and The Epoch Times have produced a documentary, "The Real Story of January 6." The film takes a close look at the shooting (Murder) of 35-year-old Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt and the deaths of three other supporters of former President Donald J. Trump. It analyzes the police response to the massive crowds and use of force around the U.S. Capitol.

    ”The Real Story of January 6,” a documentary by The Epoch Times, reveals the truth that has been hidden from the American people. While a narrative has been set that what took place that day was an insurrection, key events and witnesses have been ignored, until now. The documentary takes an unvarnished look at police use of force and the deaths that resulted in some measure from it. The film asks tough questions about who was responsible for the chaos that day. With compelling interviews and exclusive video footage, the documentary tells the real story of January 6.

    There was no insurrection. That is a lie. There was a protest from Americans who feel like their vote was stolen from them. There was some criminal damage, yes. But an insurrection? No. That is a lie concocted by Democrats in order to keep Trump off the ballot.

  3. Let's Take a Look at Our Last Five Democratic Presidents!
    1. LBJ - Prosecuted a disastrous war and condemned African Americans to lives of welfare slavery.
    2. Jimmy Carter - Gave away the Panama Canal, abrogated our treaty with Taiwan and undermined our military.
    3. Bill Clinton - Personally corrupt, sold military secrets to China for campaign contributions.
    4. Obama - Racist America-hater who negotiated with terrorists & gave $billions to Iran for a phony nuclear deal.
    5. Biden - Crooked shake-down artist who would start a new war if he thought it would benefit him politically, and Personally. .

    Quite a lineup, eh? It is a wonder that we haven't collapsed already. Or have we?
    Think About It! A vote for a Democrat is a vote for more Crime, less Freedom, More Open Borders, a Lower Standard of Living, and the Further destruction of our Country.

  4. Having only a little Knowledge is more dangerous than ignorance.!
    And Progressive, Liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Socialist Democratic’s are all COMMUNISTS. Meaning that Neither Joe Biden, or Gavin Newsom Should Not, and should Never be President.

  5. alifornia Governor Gavin Newsom is acting as absurd as Joe Biden when Biden picked Kamala Harris as his Vice President , and now Newsom is doing the exact same thing by picking Dianne Feinstein’s replacement by color and sexual orientation over competence by nominating a pro-abortion, Black, Female, Lesbian, Communist, Labor Activist to fill the term of the now deceased Senator Dianne Feinstein.
    I guess that he can’t think of a better way to completely run California into the ground.

  6. Some Questions for those who lean Democrat about the Biden Family!
    1. Why was Hunter Biden paid enormous amount of monies from foreign companies, of which the companies are corrupt? Why can't Hunter explain his value beyond "the Biden brand"?

    2. What would these entities get from Hunter in return? Do people do business only to receive nothing in return, and consider these transactions are in the 10s of millions?
    3. Oh yeah, why is Hunter now supposedly "broke"? :abgg2q.jpg: Bet I can guess, drugs, the "great life", but mostly because they had to cool off since the heat's on while his dad is POTUS.

    4. Why were these foreign interests sending mass of amounts of monies down to shell companies (fake companies) of which fell to the Biden family? Why can't the Bidens explain their value beyond "the Biden brand", while of course Uncle Joe said he was unaware of everything. Wow, he can and could really play the game of dementia off.

    5. What would these entities receive from the Bidens in return? Do people do business only to receive nothing in return, and consider these transactions are in the 10s of millions?
    Could it have anything to do with the fact that they thought he might have some influence over his father who in turn might influence the President.
    How about this for an answer.
    Access to the US market. Is bullshit putting it lightly, you know it's more than that. It doesn't take a Rocket Scientist to see Biden headed sweetheart deals to favor the entities for which the Bidens received payments via shell companies.
    What IS proven is that the Biden's received these payments from shady foreign entities of which JOE BIDEN himself met with and and entertained. via shell companies And he denied everything. And (LIED) about everything..

  7. So, what happens next now that Kevin McCarthy has been ousted as the Speaker?
    Will anything meaningful change? No, things aren’t going to great! In fact I’m hard-pressed to think of one single thing that Joe Biden has done that benefits the country.
    Biden campaigned on the message that he would be Uniting the country, but the country seems more divided and more fractured since he took office!
    Meanwhile, in America, the cost of living is still up. Interest rates are through the roof. The 10 year bond yield is approaching five percent. The markets are starting to worry about the debt and government instability. Gas prices are soaring. Crime is Running Rampart in many of our communities.
    Security at the Southern Border has been an ongoing disaster, though Biden’s Presidency and barely is given coverage by the media.
    The massive spike in border crossings initially was excused by Biden allies in the media as a “Seasonal” problem. It was Seasonal all right: Open-borders Season.
    Since day one of Biden’s taking office, a historic surge of migrants has crossed the border ILLEGALLY in numbers that are the highest in decades. And the problem isn’t abating.
    During the Pandemic Americans in many places were forced to show their vaccine papers to even just go into a restaurant. The Biden administration tried to force Americans to get vaccinated or they would lose their jobs, and at the same time, the Biden administration has been letting Millions of illegal people with NO proof of vaccination—or proof of anything else—into the country
    As prices reached Sky High levels in our restaurants. Also many of these restaurants had closed.
    Biden’s sham of a withdrawal from Afghanistan was certainly one of the low, or even LOWEST points of his presidency and one of the lowest points of American foreign policy since the fall of Saigon at the end of the Vietnam War.

    The Biden administration assured the country that the withdrawal would be orderly, and that the Afghanistan government was stable upon America’s departure.
    But the Afghanistan mess wasn’t the only foreign policy debacle so far under Joey Biden. Russia launched a Major invasion of Ukraine in the days before the president’s State of the Union speech.

    And that farce also known as the former Secretary of State John Kerry, Biden’s Climate Czar, said the situation in Ukraine is worrying because Russia will be distracted from staying “on track” to fight Climate Change.

    Just another illustration of just how misguided the Biden administration’s priorities actually are.
    And now the House Republicans have gone home until next week. And the Speaker’s Chair is “Vacant.”
    Chaos is not leadership. It is also not a strategy. Biden is now hitting record-low’s on his approval ratings for a president at this point in his term. And we American are stuck with him and Giggling Kamala until 2024.

  8. Former President Donald Trump still manages to COMPLETELY dominate the Polls, and the political headlines, two and a half years after leaving office. On Thursday, the House select committee investigating the January 6 attack on the US Capitol, as well as several other investigations about Trump’s using his power to try and overturn the 2020 election result.
    I don't generally put a lot of stock in polls but I can't put aside the over-whelming 29 of 30 polls that clearly show the enormous lead that Donald Trump has, and is growing. The Democrats will show up and march in lockstep behind Biden, or Newsom, or even Hillary. They represent around 65 million votes. But... Trump and his 14 million supporters are going to win in a landslide! They DO NOT need help from anyone! Trump seems to grow more, and more popular the worse his legal troubles seem to become.
    The criminal charges against former President Donald Trump could have been his downfall. Instead, he’s turned them into an opportunity. He’s been indicted four times, and on 91 counts, most recently surrendering on Thursday to Georgia authorities on charges that he Tried to Overturn the 2020 Election. Despite that, he continues to pull ahead in the poll numbers that put him in a historically strong position for a non-incumbent to win his party’s nomination, running ahead at a Hugh 40 percentage points.
    Rather than hiding from his legal problems, Trump is leaning right into them, arguing that he’s “Done Nothing Wrong” and that the charges represent a plot , and a “Witch Hunt” against him.
    To the frustration of his Democrat Opponents, instead of Trump’s being defeated at the polls, Trump is getting Stronger

  9. In the normal world Banks, as well as other money lenders do their own homework and lend or not accordingly.
    EVER HEAR of “Appraisers”?
    In Nutty Liberal Idiot land TDS is all that's required to spout nonsense with no relation to reality.
    It's simply a case of political persecution. If the TDS afflicted bunch of Liberal Dingbats cared about justice they wouldn't have cared one bit about this ordinary Little White Lie, as Everybody does it, and as I just wrote, that is exactly why Banks, and other Lenders use their own Appraisers.
    Under ANY OTHER administration they would have just passed, as they always do as NO real Crimes had been committed but not if the lender was Donald Trump, and the prosecutor was a Democrat. Or a JACK-ASS like Letitia James!

  10. God bless Letitia James! She is doing the Lord's work!

  11. Our big Cities are in such direr need for help in the Illegal Immigrant situation that just saying that it’s “troubling that government”is in itself troubling. Biden now is willing to continue building it even if he as to admit that he was wrong, (which he will never do). But it does appear to be attempting to interfere, once again, in the presidential election by suggesting that Trumpis once again being targeted in the courts..
    AND LOOK AT WHATS GOING ON IN OUR Town’S and Cities amount the States!
    In what universe do we find PROGRESSIVE COMMUNIST DEMOCRATS burning down Cities, Rioting, Looting, and Committing Murder and Mayhem? At the same time, peaceful members of traditionalist religious and political institutions are designated “Domestic Terrorists, as our Leader does? Or in what universe do we ever see the government just “Giving ” illegal immigrants government benefits, costing the taxpayers billions? NOWHERE!
    This week, the U.S. released a report saying that the US added well over 6.5 million people to the country ILLEGALLY just since Biden’s first days in office.

  12. Our big Cities are in such direr need for help in the Illegal Immigrant situation that just saying that it’s “troubling that government”is in itself troubling. Biden now is willing to continue building it even if he as to admit that he was wrong, (which he will never do). But it does appear to be attempting to interfere, once again, in the presidential election by suggesting that Trumpis once again being targeted in the courts..
    AND LOOK AT WHATS GOING ON IN OUR Town’S and Cities amount the States!
    In what universe do we find PROGRESSIVE COMMUNIST DEMOCRATS burning down Cities, Rioting, Looting, and Committing Murder and Mayhem? At the same time, peaceful members of traditionalist religious and political institutions are designated “Domestic Terrorists, as our Leader does? Or in what universe do we ever see the government just “Giving ” illegal immigrants government benefits, costing the taxpayers billions? NOWHERE!
    This week, the U.S. released a report saying that the US added well over 6.5 million people to the country ILLEGALLY just since Biden’s first days in office.

  13. As I read the post Dave Miller wrote on Shaw's blog, One thing came to mind...."You Can't Fix Stupid"

  14. Can someone, anyone truthfully explain why people attack the idea of "Make America Great Again" (known as MAGA") is not a GREAT thing, and not a Bad thing?
    Why would ANY real American Lover NOT want this?
    Are they forgetting all the Greatness that America has brought to this world of ours?
    Remember Us winning World War Two”
    Remember our Freeing all those poor people who were in the Nazi Concentration Camps?
    Remember our going to the moon?
    Remember when housing was affordable?
    Remember when Detroit ruled the world with its Automobile Industry?
    Remember when you kids could go play safely at the neighborhood parks, at the Ball games, in the Subways?
    Remember when we didn’t locl the doors to our apartments, or to our Cars?
    Remember when jobs were plentiful and you could support your family on one, and the wife, Mother in your family stayed home and Cooked?
    Remember when our Kids walked to School, and weren’t afraid to talk to strangers?
    Remember walking down your street at night wasn’t a crazy thing to do?
    Remember the Corner Candy Store?
    Remember when the doctor made house calls?
    Remember D-Day and the Liberation of Europe?
    Remember the Greatest Generation?

    Who in this country doesn’t long for the days when America was great? I'll tell you who: DEMOCRATS.

    Now Democrats are Socialist’s, and Progressives are something that is Evil, they hate freedom, they hate the idea of Free Speech, that Ban anything and everything that THEY don’t like! They hate America, they are promoting socialism, they are the enemy of everything that is good and descent. They promote sodomy and sexualizing children and murdering babies by abortion. From the days of slavery, which democrats fight for, to today, Democrats have been a satanic evil entity.

    US Real Americans Love America and want to "Make America Great Again" And there is NOTHING wrong with that!

    Beware of those who mock the acronym MAGA. They are very likely your mortal enemy. Beware of those people that say Republicans are their enemy, and are destroying Democracy. !
    My friends, Love is better than Hate, or Anger. Hope is better than Fear. Optimism is better than Despair. So let us be loving, hopeful and Optimistic. Lets Make America GREAT Again!


  15. Trump for Speaker of the House?---
    What a great way to make Democrats regret their vote to oust McCarthy. Trump would control the House where all the financial bills are introduced. This would be so great for America President Donald Trump is considering a visit to the U.S. Capitol early next week, as divided House Republicans consider who should be the next speaker, two GOP lawmakers and two Trump allies confirmed to NBC News.
    I guess that If the Democrats doesn't like it, then it must be a Good Thing.
    The former president, who has not set foot on Capitol grounds since prior to the Jan. 6 riot, is considering making an appearance in an effort to “unify the party,” according to one Republican lawmaker who discussed the possibility with a member of Trump’s inner circle And think about this! If they do manage to impeach both Joe Biden and Kamala “The “MORON” Harris, then guess who gets to be the President and to fill out the rest of Biden's term. And, since less than half of Biden's term remains, he'd still be eligible to run for another full term in 2024. How do you like them Apples? Now is the time for some real bold action.
    America needs a Hero speaker.
    Trump would be awesome. Trump is the Guy!

  16. If you bother to read the Blogs of the Socialist-Progressives around these parts, You would see the results of being today's Democrats...
    Each and everyone of them are NUTS!

  17. Hillary Clinton Calls For "formal deprogramming" of Trump supporters!
    And just how does this Moron expect to have this done? Perhaps by having Reeducation camps, as they did in Nazi Germany!
    What’s Next, It Probably involves Box Cars and Gas Showers!
    Hens the term..."You Can't Fix Stupid".


  18. So Once AGAIN the Crooked Hillary Clinton Lashes Out Against the Republicans calling them “ Maga Cult Members”
    As she is Interviewed by that other Moronic Christiane Amanpour on CNN calling for a Systemic Deprogramming of Donald Trump’s MAGA “Cult members.”
    Systemic Deprogramming? Isn’t “Deprogramming” a system used by the NAZIS? How would this be done by Reeducation Camps? Would Box Cars and Showers be involved?
    And isn’t it Ironic that the Hillary Clinton interview follows the FBI's announcement that it plans to follow political extremists?.Do you mean to tell me that Hillary Clintoon isn’t an “Political Extremist”?.
    Hillary Clinton is still the same Dumb Ass that she always was!

  19. We can always count on LESTER CARPENTER'S trolling ass to swoop into a new thread and start Dumbing it down,

  20. Joe Biden gave Iran billions of dollars which they used to pay for this barbarian attack on Israel.
    Joe Biden funded this War on Israel
    when he gave that 6 Billion dollars to Iran!
    When will Jewish Americans wake up to the disaster of Joe Biden?
    One out of three have woken up already, myself included. Perhaps the fact that Biden is so pro-Muslim that he handed over $6 billion to Iran, so they in turn could fund the murder of hundreds of Israelis and take dozens more hostage will be enough to convince another one out of three to vote Republican.
    I guess that everyone forgot that President. Trump brought peace to the Middle East when he was in office.
    The remaining third are so far to the left that they’re beyond all reason.

  21. What Did You Learn From Our Idiotic, UN-Planned,Withdrawal from Afghanistan?
    Add that to the SIX BILLION dollars that Biden Gave to Iran and LOOK at what happened?

    Israel was Attacked and Multi-Families were taken hostage , over 350 innocent civilians were KILLED, and over 15000 people were wounded. Along with Billions of dollars in Damage along with all the human suffering that it cost.
    Still think that Trump shouldn't be REELECTED?
    If you do, Your living in the wrong Country!

  22. Hamas stunned Israel on Saturday, a holiday day of religious observance, a holiday (Simchat Torah), and the 50th anniversary of the 1973 Yom Kippur sneak attack, with the most damaging surprise multi-front land-sea-air attack in decades. Thousands of rockets, murder and mayhem in the streets, and the kidnapping of Israeli citizens and soldiers – to be used as bargaining chips in future negotiations. And so far over Six Hundred of innocent civilians have been slaughtered and Murdered.
    And lets say it as it really is... Joe Biden is largely responsible for arming Iran, and Hamas is taking advantage of it.
    And the Democrats have the blood of innocent Israelis on their hands

  23. The Israeli government formally declared war Sunday and gave the green light for “significant military steps” to retaliate against Hamas for its surprise attack from the Gaza Strip, portending greater fighting ahead as the toll from the conflict passed 900 dead and thousands wounded on both sides.

    More than 24 hours after Hamas launched its unprecedented incursion out of Gaza, Israeli forces were still trying to crush the last groups of militant fighters holed up in several towns of southern Israel. At least 600 people have reportedly been killed in Israel — a staggering toll on a scale the country has not experienced in decades — and more than 300 have been killed in Gaza as Israeli airstrikes pound the territory.
    Authorities were still trying to determine how many civilians and soldiers were taken and are being held HOSTAGE by Hamas during the mayhem and taken back to Gaza for WHO KNOWS WHAT.. . From the videos taken and by eye witnesses, the captives are known to include Women, Children, and the Elderly.

    On another note: Lets keep in mind that There is no such thing as the "Palestinian’s land".
    In MY humble opinion, Israel needs to wipe Hamas, Hezbollah, and all the rest of that STINKING RAT PACK off the face of the earth. An attack on Iran could be coming soon too, as they are 3 months from having nuclear weapons thanks to Barrack Obama. And Joe Biden, who never does anything right, has really Screwed things up in a Major way again. The idiot gave $6 (SIX) Billion to Iran, and consequently we now are seeing these attacks coming from Iran's Cronies. Also besides Biden giving Iran that SIX BILLION, he also gave Hundreds of Million of $$$ to the Palestinians, and you are seeing what that has done!.

    In summation, on the one side, we have the American people and Israel. On the other is Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Palestinians, the Muslim Brotherhood, and Joe Biden. We, as always, are firmly united with Israel. We are at War against our "Own" incompetent, inept, President, as There is no such thing as "Palestinian land". Israel needs to wipe Hamas, Hezbollah, and all the rest of that rat pack off the face of the earth. An attack on Iran could be coming soon too, as they are 3 months from having nuclear weapons.

    Well, Joe Biden, who never does anything right, has really f'kd up again. The idiot gave $6 Billion to Iran, and consequently we now are seeing attacks coming from Iran's proxies. Biden also gave hundreds of Million$$$ to the Palestinians.

    In summation, We, as always, are firmly united with Israel. We are at war against our "own" president.
    Reports say that at least 600 people have been killed in Israel, including Civilians, and Soldiers. And some 2,000 people have been wounded on each side. An Israeli official said that Israel forces have killed 400 militants and captured dozens more.

  24. The Israeli government formally declared war Sunday and gave the green light for “significant military steps” to retaliate against Hamas for its surprise attack from the Gaza Strip, portending greater fighting ahead as the toll from the conflict passed 900 dead and thousands wounded on both sides.

    More than 24 hours after Hamas launched its unprecedented incursion out of Gaza, Israeli forces were still trying to crush the last groups of militant fighters holed up in several towns of southern Israel. At least 600 people have reportedly been killed in Israel — a staggering toll on a scale the country has not experienced in decades — and more than 300 have been killed in Gaza as Israeli airstrikes pound the territory.
    Authorities were still trying to determine how many civilians and soldiers were taken and are being held HOSTAGE by Hamas during the mayhem and taken back to Gaza for WHO KNOWS WHAT.. . From the videos taken and by eye witnesses, the captives are known to include Women, Children, and the Elderly.

    On another note: Lets keep in mind that There is no such thing as the "Palestinian’s land".
    In MY humble opinion, Israel needs to wipe Hamas, Hezbollah, and all the rest of that STINKING RAT PACK off the face of the earth. An attack on Iran could be coming soon too, as they are 3 months from having nuclear weapons thanks to Barrack Obama. And Joe Biden, who never does anything right, has really Screwed things up in a Major way again. The idiot gave $6 (SIX) Billion to Iran, and consequently we now are seeing these attacks coming from Iran's Cronies. Also besides Biden giving Iran that SIX BILLION, he also gave Hundreds of Million of $$$ to the Palestinians, and you are seeing what that has done!.

    In summation, on the one side, we have the American people and Israel. On the other is Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Palestinians, the Muslim Brotherhood, and Joe Biden. We, as always, are firmly united with Israel. We are at War against our "Own" incompetent, inept, President, as There is no such thing as "Palestinian land". Israel needs to wipe Hamas, Hezbollah, and all the rest of that rat pack off the face of the earth. An attack on Iran could be coming soon too, as they are 3 months from having nuclear weapons.

    Well, Joe Biden, who never does anything right, has really f'kd up again. The idiot gave $6 Billion to Iran, and consequently we now are seeing attacks coming from Iran's proxies. Biden also gave hundreds of Million$$$ to the Palestinians.

    In summation, We, as always, are firmly united with Israel. We are at war against our "own" president.
    Reports say that at least 600 people have been killed in Israel, including Civilians, and Soldiers. And some 2,000 people have been wounded on each side. An Israeli official said that Israel forces have killed 400 militants and captured dozens more.

  25. This is really infuriating. Many, MANY Israeli’s and Americans Are Dead and/or Being Held Hostage. And our “Leader, Joe Biden went to a BBQ and Blinken is begging Turkey to tell Israel to “Stand Down”..... Stand Down? . I've never seen, or heard anything like this. Ever.

    Twitter personality Amiri King: has told us first hand that "Israeli citizens are being Raped, Tortured, and Slaughtered in the Streets, less than one month after Joe Biden complely SCREWED -UP AGAIN! This time by releasing more than $6 BILLION DOLLARS in funds to IRAN in a SLANTED prisoner swap on the Anniversary of 9-11. What does Biden do? Biden says SAY SOMETHING in a Speech, before noon, and Then He Throws a Barbecue with Live Music in the Rose Garden.
    But hey, I Guess That the Big Bad Orange Man and January 6th is more important, So the Dems haven’t got any other worries.
    And that was Biden's response to the Hamas TERRORIST’S attack that killed over 750 of our Israeli Allies, and several Americans. This is even much worsde that Biden’s Withdrawal from Afghanistan.

  26. It is disgusting, and heinous that there are Harvard Student Groups are blaming Israel for Hamas barbaric terrorist attacks that have killed over 700 Israelis,
    I am calling on the leadership of Harvard to immediately, and publicly condemn these vile anti-Semitic statements by these asinine Harvard student groups!
    Over 700 Israelis are dead over 2,150 are wounded and 100 were taken hostage with the death toll expected to rise after Hamas terrorists fired thousands of rockets and sent dozens of militants into Israeli towns. Women, and children were DRAGGED out of their Homes, and their Cars and kidnapped, or Brutally Killed, young girls were Raped. An American Man was on the phone with his daughter in Israel as she was shot and killed by Hamas gunmen while shielding her son from their bullets.
    And some of you people have been BLAMING ISRAEL for this Slaughter? These people only know what their Leftist Masters tell them -- The DISGUSTING FILTH that their teachers, their Union Masters, and their leftist political leaders tell them. They're too easily used by murderers in the region like Iran, Iraq, Russia, China, North Korea, and others. What is happening today is a direct result of policies that have been taught in our Universities for years by these Leftist Professors.
    This is mainstream thinking of the left, and is essentially the policy of the Democratic party...But it's not like it wasn't predictable..
    The Left has raised a generation of Brown shirts, it’s as pure and simple as that, as they are actually cheering for another Holocaust.
    Shame on YOU!

  27. It is disgusting, and heinous that there are Harvard Student Groups are blaming Israel for Hamas barbaric terrorist attacks that have killed over 700 Israelis,
    I am calling on the leadership of Harvard to immediately, and publicly condemn these vile anti-Semitic statements by these asinine Harvard student groups!
    Over 700 Israelis are dead over 2,150 are wounded and 100 were taken hostage with the death toll expected to rise after Hamas terrorists fired thousands of rockets and sent dozens of militants into Israeli towns. Women, and children were DRAGGED out of their Homes, and their Cars and kidnapped, or Brutally Killed, young girls were Raped. An American Man was on the phone with his daughter in Israel as she was shot and killed by Hamas gunmen while shielding her son from their bullets.
    And some of you people have been BLAMING ISRAEL for this Slaughter? These people only know what their Leftist Masters tell them -- The DISGUSTING FILTH that their teachers, their Union Masters, and their leftist political leaders tell them. They're too easily used by murderers in the region like Iran, Iraq, Russia, China, North Korea, and others. What is happening today is a direct result of policies that have been taught in our Universities for years by these Leftist Professors.
    This is mainstream thinking of the left, and is essentially the policy of the Democratic party...But it's not like it wasn't predictable..
    The Left has raised a generation of Brown shirts, it’s as pure and simple as that, as they are actually cheering for another Holocaust.
    Shame on YOU!

  28. The Sassy Irish LassieOctober 10, 2023 at 11:00 AM

    What do I say ?

    I say that we should SOOT every STINKING one of those Barbaric Sons Of Bitches. And then Set their Homes on Fire and then shoot their LOUSY Parents who gave birth to those ANIMALS , and everyone of them that is still breathing.

    And then Piss on their Graves.
