Thursday, November 30, 2023

AETNA Being Racist In Ad?

It appears AETNA Women's Medicare will not be targeted by any left wing groups.  Apparently, they don't see the 2 black women cackling like hens as racist, as long as it supports a leftist KKK loving group such as AARP, a huge contributor to left wing extremist groups.

If the AETNA Women's Medicare ads were run by AMAC and had the same ads on TV, liberals would be playing the race card, looting & rioting violently, issuing threats to firebomb the AETNA offices over the AETNA Medicare recruiting and enrollment ads.

What would Oxcaca Dave or Nursie Poo Poo say?  And why hasn't Boston Piggy said anything on her hate filled blog site Progressive Eruptions?  Oh wait, the ad is a big supporter of far left wing extremist groups.  Never mind!


  1. Mystere: supports a leftist KKK loving group such as AARP...


    1. Hey Derpish? How come you never piped up about the ad? Are you giving AETNA a pass because AARP supports your far left wing extremist groups? You give your bottom lip service when you play your race card against blacks. Why aren't you protesting against the hen cackles in that ad? Oh wait, I know why. It's okay because AETNA'S supporting far left behind Democrats. It's OK to use black stereotypes as long as it supports the far left, right Derpish?

  2. You lie, Mystere.

    Fact check: AARP maintains nonpartisan stance. A false claim states the group, which advocates for older Americans, makes donations to the Democratic Party.

    Aetna discloses political donations. Insurance giant Aetna inadvertently disclosed more than $7 million in donations to conservative political groups in a regulatory filing made earlier this year, according to a Washington-based advocacy group.

    1. You're only telling a half truth, Dervish. You deliberately left out the fact that AARP continually contributes to left wing extremist causes, and that AETNA is supported by AARP. That's 2 strikes, Derpy. You'd be oinking and squealing the race card if AMAC ran such an ad like the one with the 2 black women cackling in it.
