Saturday, February 24, 2024

Dervish Has Even More Groupies?


  1. TEN (10) MILLION ILLEGAL,, I Repeat TEN MILLION ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS, have come into OUR Country ILLEGALLY since Biden was in office. . This was NOT due to any “Amnesty!.... Amnesty is as the granting of legal status to a foreign nationals
    And NOT to the people who illegally entered the United States or illegally overstayed their work or travel visa, or that crossed our border without their required papers etc.
    Each year since Joe Biden’s presidency, , 10's of Millions of ILLEGAL Aliens deliberately violated our NATION’S LAWS BY UNLAWFULLY CROSSING U.S. BORDERS
    The Biden Administration’s Open-borders policies have set records that no one should be proud of, the most notable of which is a historic amount of illegal encounters: 8.5 million illegal aliens at our borders over just three years, plus 1.8 million “gotaways.” Amidst the record encounter numbers, aliens from hostile countries such as China have begun flooding our borders in increasing numbers.

    Of the nationwide encounters reported by citizenship group through Customs and Border Protection Chinese nationals have quickly become the fastest growing demographic crossing our southern border illegally. Now I ask your, What the Hell is that all about? Under the Biden Administration, encounters of Chinese nationals at the border have risen from 450 in the year 2021, to over 24,000 in 2023, with the vast majority of those encounters being single adults. That represents a staggering 5,200 percent increase. So far in 2024, nearly 20,000 have been encountered. And Crime has gone up 100 percent.
    At a recent shooting in New York’s Times Square. Police officers jumped in midtown Manhattan. Thieves on mopeds snatching purses in Brooklyn. An immigrant crime wave has exploded in recent weeks across deportation-free New York, a “sanctuary city” that has attracted almost 200,000 border crossers in less than two years

    On Thursday, Feb. 8, 2024, there was a brawl between New York City Police Department officers and migrants in Times Square, when several young ILLEGAL’S attacked, and beat, and kicks the Police Officers and were released days later without bail , due to the Progressive District Attorney Alvin Bragg.
    And it is only going to get worse as the lawlessness from the DA’s Mayor’s, and Governors in these Sanctuary Cities.
    Another illegal immigrant was arrested for killing a Georgia Nursing Student crossed the border in Texas Sept. 8 last year and was sent to a processing facility there, but was quickly released before being put on a bus to New York City, where he was later busted and set free again,.ose Antonio Ibarra and wife Franco from Venezuela entered El Paso together with her 5-year-old son, and the family was then sent to New York Sept. 15, where the PUNK posted smiling, carefree pictures of himself on social media. He is now in Jail for Murder.

    Also, according to a release from the Sheriff’s Office, officials were called to investigate the killing of an American Bald Eagle. The investigation is still ongoing and more serious charges are possible in the future.
    This is what Joe Biden has brought within our borders.

  2. Mystere: Dervish Has Even More Groupies?

    No, you are my only groupie, Mystere.

    And the "no" above isn't mine. But you know that, give that you entered "no" and clicked "publish".

    Am I "ticked"? Why should I care? Your delusions are your problem. I have my own problems to worry about.


    1. Flarpy Blunderguff, if you're a real woman, Dervish is not your type. If you're either a shemale or a queer guy drag queen, then Dervish will be highly interested and into you.

    2. Dervish can't resist me. I'm so meaty delicious! Dervish is my Oogah Oogah Boing Boing Bear!
