Thursday, February 15, 2024

Missing binder at center of new claim that CIA drummed up spy operation on Trump’s 2016 campaign


  1. "The Spirit of God says, "I have chosen this man, Donald Trump..."

    LIE!! The Spirit of God does NOT say that.

    1. Dervish Sanders February 16, 2024 at 1:15 AM
      ""The Spirit of God says, "I have chosen this man, Donald Trump..."

      LIE!! The Spirit of God does NOT say that."

      🔺Dervish denies what God says and calls God a liar.🔺

      Calling God a liar lands you into serious trouble, Dervish.

  2. Mystere is upset because I called his god, Mark Taylor, a liar. But I don't care. Because, unlike you, I don't bow down and worship Mark Taylor as a god.

    Worshipping false gods lands you into serious trouble, Mystere. Worshipping Mark Taylor as your god will lead to your destruction, Mystere!

    The first and most important commandment was that they must not worship any god other than the Lord. Whoever violated this commandment should be killed and Exodus 22:20 reads "Whoever sacrifices to any god other than the Lord must be destroyed".

    Mark Taylor is a LIAR!

  3. Mark Taylor is not God, nor is he a god, Dervish. Mark Taylor is merely a prophet CHOSEN by God Almighty. GOD ALMIGHTY chooses who HE will use as prophets, Dervish. You'd be wise to stop speaking for Satan, lest you end up suffering pain far worse than the chronic pain you're inflicted with from Satan. You're on the path that the rich man took when he had no mercy on the beggar Lazarus before both of them left earth. Abraham's Bosom is now empty, moved to Heaven and Lazarus is with Yeshua and their friend Abraham. That rich man is getting smoked in Fire Lake, where you're bound for unless you change course while you still have the opportunity to do so.

    You really shouldn't blame God's Messengers, Dervish. If you continue to poke God in His Eyes, you'll end up like the the rich man who had no mercy on Lazarus the beggar.

  4. YOU claimed that I called God a liar, Mystere. When I was calling Mark Taylor a liar. I never called God a liar. God never said what the false prophet Mark Taylor says he did. Mark Taylor is NOT a messenger of God. Mark Taylor is a lying turd.

    As are you. I am not poking God in his eyes. Mark Taylor is poking God in the eyes. With his LIES about dotard donald being chosen by God. YOU are poking God in his eyes, Mystere. Things will not work out well for you if you keep believing Satan's lies.

    donald tRump is an evil man and a servant of Satan. You stand with dotard donald because you are also an evil turd, Mystere. Proven by your wishes for me to suffer pain in this life and eternal torment after I die.

    Because I tell the truth about your Orange Turd idol, dotard donald tRump. Also because you suffer from religious delusions sent to you by your master, Satan.

    Mystere: ...getting smoked in Fire Lake, where you're bound for unless you change course while you still have the opportunity to do so.

    You should take your own advice, Mystere. But you won't. Because you evil to the core -- you are a horrible rotten hate-filled turd. You can't change. That is your nature.

  5. Dervish Sanders February 16, 2024 at 1:15 AM
    ""The Spirit of God says, "I have chosen this man, Donald Trump..."

    LIE!! The Spirit of God does NOT say that. Mark Taylor is NOT a messenger of God. Mark Taylor is a lying turd."

    Calling someone annointed by God to be a prophet a liar when you know he is a Prophet is the same as the Pharisees who knew Jesus did things in God's power, and then said "He does miracles in the name of Beelzebub."

    And yet you inflict more chronic pain upon yourself, Dervish, and chug down addictive narcotics in vain to attempt to ease the pain.

  6. But I don't "know" that Mark Taylor is a prophet of God. I KNOW he is not.
