Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Chasing Out The Cabal...

The Democrat Crime Cabal has been panicking, just like this baboon running for its life.  (Yes, this baboon became breakfast for the cat.)

Word to you progtards:  "Cheatahs" don't prosper!


  1. The criminal dotard donald is panicking, Mystere. The money judgements are draining away his wealth. The criminal judgements will take away his freedom.

    That the imaginary "Democrat Crime Cabal" is panicking = Mystere's delusion.

    1. Hey player! Why are you baselessly attacking Mystere? Shouldn't you be going after Rattrapper instead, player? After all, Rattrapper wrote the post. The loot Farting Poopy Pants pResnit JoeJoe got with money laundering will get burned in a flash. And your confession by calling the DCC a delusion proves it's for real. After all, when you open your piehole and oink loudly, you squeal lies, Player!

  2. btw, I see you cowardly disabled comments in the thread where you confessed that you drool over getting stinkfaces from your husband, Rikishi.

    1. Dervish Sanders March 12, 2024 at 4:19 PM

      "btw, I see you cowardly disabled comments in the thread where you confessed that you drool over getting stinkfaces from your husband, Rikishi."

      Hey Player! You certainly have baseless wild accusations about a post being closed to comments, calling Rattrapper a coward. This isn't YOUR blog, Assface. You're the coward, Assface, because YOU refuse to show your true self. You sniff men's buttocks and enjoy it. You're blushing because you got exposed, Player!
