Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Dervish Sanders Prays For Death Upon Prophetess Kat Kerr

The Death Angel is waiting for you, Dervish Sanders.  Your prayers to Satan are boomeranging back at you, Butt Pimple Dervish Bin Satan Sanders.


  1. I don't pray for her death. I don't care. Though she is a turd. But there are so many. My observation concerned only the fact that she is old. People don't live forever, Mystere.

    Though you will likely say I lie. "oh no, you did pray for her death".

    Because Mystere knows better than me what I "really" mean. Yes? You just interpreted my words that way because YOU pray for the deaths of those you dislike. Like The Clintons, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden.

    Just recently you spoke of your desire for someone to commit arson at the Obama home in Kalorama (your comment as "Geraldine").

    btw, Kat Kerr is not a "Prophetess". She is a grifting liar.

    1. Wow, Assface! Do you know who "Geraldine" is? She's supposedly a relative of your fartmaster Joey Biden. Someone used her name (probably you) and wrote an innocuous comment about 0bama's home having potential fire hazards around it. Anyone with half a brain can see that, except those who are bent on committing acts of violence. Based on your accusations, you probably want one of your libtards to go off and burn the house down so that you can baselessly blame conservatives.

    2. Mystere: Do you know who "Geraldine" is?

      Yes. "Geraldine" is YOU.

      Mystere: Based on your accusations, you probably want one of your libtards to go off and burn the house down so that you can baselessly blame conservatives.

      No. You want one of your magaturds to burn down the Obama house. Why you posted your "Geraldine" comment. If something like that happens you'll blame the Left no matter what. Like when a magaturd attacked Paul Pelosi with a hammer. You said it was a Lefty that did it. Despite the FACT that the assailant was proven to be a deranged Fat Orange Turd supporter.

    3. You're mistaken, Dervish. Mystere isn't Dervish. Neither Don, Porky and I know anyone named Geraldine either. Geraldine is too smart to be you, Butt Pimple Dervish, so she's someone who notices details.

  2. Dingleberry Dervish Sanders brings out his personal desire to see God's prophetesses die, so that Satan can kill more people before their times. Assface wants evil people to live long lives and spread destruction until they take their dirt naps and find out they're going to Hell.

  3. Assface Dervish Butt Pimple Cretin Bin Satan Sanders refuses to believe God tells others what someone is thinking and intending to do to others. Assface Dervish by default declared war on God's Army with his retorts.

  4. Mystere: ...Dervish Sanders brings out his personal desire to see God's prophetesses die...

    Kat Kerr is NOT God's "Prophetess". She is a con artist who tells bigly lies for money. She does Satan's works by leading gullible people like you away from God. She is a member of Satan's army pied piping fools like Mystere straight into Hell.

    With Mystere isn't wasn't very hard though. Because Mystere is so filled with hate and blood lust to see his enemies killed. And also an imbecile. It was very easy to convince him that Satan's minon dotard donald the Orange Turd is actually "God's chosen leader".

  5. 🔺A fool looks wise when he keeps his mouth shut, but removes all doubt when he peeps and mutters.🔺

    Dervish has removed all doubt and proven himself a fool.

  6. Dozens of Major companies across the tech, media, finance, and retail industries made significant cuts to staff in 2023. Tech titans like IBM, Google, Microsoft, finance giants like Goldman Sachs, and manufacturers like Dow all announced layoffs.. Those along with the Hundreds of Major Retail stores such as CVS, Walgreens, Macy’s, Walmart is closing 23 stores in 8 states (all blue).
    Target is closing 9 stores in 4 states
    Walgreens is closing 900 stores Bed bath and beyond is closing its remaining 360 stores.
    Lowes has closed 50 stores.
    Macy's is closing 150 stores
    Starbucks has closed 61 stores)
    Home Depot is closing 15 stores
    Dollar Tree is closing 1,000 stores
    Foot Locker is closing 400 stores
    Gap is closing 350 stores
    Party City is closing 24 stores
    Big Lots is closing stores in Cali and Colorado
    Burger King is closing 400 stores
    Best Buy is closing 20 stores
    Boston Market is closing 27 stores
    Kmart only has 2 stores left
    Sears closed all but 22 stores
    Regal Cinemas has closed 429 movie theaters
    Kroger grocery chain has closed 413 stores
    US Bank is closing 23 branches
    Wells Fargo is closing over 60 branches
    Capital One is closing 50 branches
    Bank of America is closing 20 branches
    All because of Biden’s economy is so wonderful.
    And 2024 is looking grim too. And it's only March.
    Nearly 40% of business leaders surveyed think layoffs are likely at their companies this year, and about half say their companies will implement a hiring freeze. Resume Builder talked to about 900 leaders at organizations with more than 10 employees. Those above cited concerns about a recession, and a very bad economy as well as the Crime, and Looting as a reason.
    So, Hang onto your panties, hell is coming if Biden should win.... Thanks Joe Biden.

    1. Suzanne, keep your eyes out on what happens, starting Monday night when the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse occurs. The moon will be a bit dimmer than usual during the eclipse. The solar eclipse 2 weeks later on April 8th will be the big event when God starts changing things to our relief. Assface Butt Pimple Dervish bin Satan Sanders666 will be throwing his usual infantile temper tantrums on Blogger when he sees changes going against his far left wing extremist commietard plots.

    2. Mystere: Dervish ... Sanders... will be throwing his usual infantile temper tantrums on Blogger when he sees changes going against his far left wing extremist commietard plots.

      Impossible. That will absolutely positively NOT happen. I've never thrown any "infantile temper tantrums on Blogger". And I don't have any "far left wing extremist commietard plots".

    3. You misspelled your name: it's B-U-T-T-P-I-M-P-L-E A-S-S-F-A-C-E.

    4. "Assface Butt Pimple Dervish bin Satan Sanders666 will be throwing his usual infantile temper tantrums on Blogger when he sees changes going against his far left wing extremist commietard plots."

      I was 100% Prophetic. You threw your temper tantrum as I said you would, Assface Butt Pimple Dervish.

  7. Hey Assface, you made some kind of comment on your blog "Dervish Sanders' Death Angel" about a comment on your fake Mystere blog "White Gravy." Your link says the blog doesn't exist. What happened to it, Assface? Did you change something on it, or did you get caught breaking Blogger's rules? Your links on your hate site to your blogs on your fake 2nd accounts are either dead or saying the blogs have nothing posted.
