Saturday, March 16, 2024

Did You Miss National Pie Day 2024?

Okay, I made some of you drool.  We just had International Pie Day on 03-14-2024.  I'm loading up plenty of pie photos to make you slobber.  

I could post more pie pictures, but that would be cruel to make you readers slobber in your minds.  But don't worry!  St. Patrick's Day is coming fast.  You can have a piece of pie with whatever you enjoy drinking, such as an Irish Coffee.  You can have a slice for dessert after an Irish dinner too.  Have a tasty slice and enjoy the pie!


  1. "Pi day". NOT "pie day". Dumbass.

    How many pies did you boof, Mystere?

    1. Poor Buttstink Dervish! He has a hard time performing his duties for his boifriends at his Paris brothel.

  2. . It is no surprise that the Delusional Joe Biden had another misinformation campaign bash
    Former President Donald Trump trying to deflect from embarrassment Biden that supported the irresponsible speech of the Honorific Democrat Senate Leader Schumer that promote a Regime Change in Israel interfering in the internal affairs of US ally Israel, as if Israel is a US colony not a sovereign country, that angered many Israelis and many Jewish Americans in US. Shame on you Schumer your speech was not only Disgusting, but completely false, and UNWARRANTED.
    How dare Schumer call for an insurrection by one of our allies.
    Schumer is a very dangerous person and should resign immediately.
    His violent rhetoric is very dangerous. He is radicalizing left wing racists.
    And to make matters even worse, Joe Biden said that he totally agreed with him

  3. Did the Progressives, and the Socialist-Democrats including the Current President, and the Senators of the United States of America ever hear of THIS OATH?…

    “I do solemnly swear that I will SUPPORT AND DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. SO HELP ME GOD”?

    I Can Remember that Oath from when I was a School Kid! Perhaps it needs to be tattooed on to their brains!

    1. Where are their brains? Sometimes you might wonder if it's in its proper place or stuck up some place where it's unnatural.

  4. I boofed FIVE pies! My anal cavity was stuffed full with warm pie 🥧 it felt so good 😋

    My brothel boifriends Dave Dubya and Les Carpenter boofed chocolate pies. Then I ate sloppy seconds out of their cracks. So yummy 😋

    1. Sticking pies up your stinkhole is a waste of desserts, Assface Dervish. How long did it take for you to poop them out and feed them to your flea ridden mongrels, Assface Dervish?

  5. I enjoy all kinds of pie with chocolate chocolate chip ice cream on top.
