Friday, March 8, 2024

Senator Steve Garvey

California, we have a huge choice ahead of us. Which one will you choose?
Will we get Senator Steve Garvey this November?

Or will we get this establishment fool of a baboon Pencilneck Watermelonhead Adam Schittler?

An eclipse is short and temporary.  It clears and goes away for a time.

posted from Bloggeroid


  1. Adam Schiff is God's chosen leader for California.

    1. Is that a threat that you're going to rig the election from your home in Paris Tennessee by mailing in ballots with California business addresses used as fake residential mailing addresses, Assface Dervish Sanders? Rigging elections can be prosecuted as an interstate crime when you do it from your Paris Tennessee queer brothel. Tiny, Momo and Big Bubba are waiting for fresh white cracker meat. They'll turn you into a BIGLY HOT DAWG to pass around in the ape cage. BOING BOING! BOING BOING!

    2. Why are you asking Mr. Odbody you your idiotic question about me, Mystere?

      And, why would I do that? Adam Schiff will win fairly with no cheating. Though you will probably claim (with no facts) there was cheating when Adam Schiff wins.

    3. Dervish Sanders March 9, 2024 at 2:37 PM
      "Why are you asking Mr. Odbody you your idiotic question about me, Mystere?

      And, why would I do that? Adam Schiff will win fairly with no cheating. Though you will probably claim (with no facts) there was cheating when Adam Schiff wins."

      Who are you fooling, Buttstink Dervish? Only yourself. Clarence 0dbody is you. And your buttboys are going to have the tables turned and flipped over starting on April 8th and continuing throughout the election season and afterwards when Steve Garvey wins. You just admitted that Adam plans to cheat in the November election by trying to steal it again.

      Now make room at your brothel, buttstink Dervish. When Gaffing Nuisance gets recalled, his family's going to need a place to permanently move to after he goes to prison for election theft. They'll enjoy the stench of your outhouses at your queer brothel on Highway 69 in Paris. I'm sure you can feed them their favorite delicacy of coq in wine made by the guys at your brothel. Your Tennessee Moonbat Moonshine Hooch will be a bigly hit with the Newscum family. They'll gobble up the coq and savor it.

  2. The Obsessive Progressives, and Socialist-Democrats are churning out the same story about that senile, and highly delusional old man who should be in a nursing home repeating his childhood memories rather than TRYING to run a country, but rather is RUINING the Country is getting to be pretty damb disgusting.
    These BIDUMB Supporters who get so excited from ONE Angry, disgusting Speech from a man who should be UNITING his Country but is DIVIDING it instead!
    Maybe I should be asking your Idiotic Biden Supporters why don't you teach your “Man” Joe to read and Speak his speech that was Full Of Lies, instead of talking smack like some Punk on the Street
    And while you are at it, how about telling Sleepy Joe to CLOSE those damn borders that encourage Child Sex Trafficking, and are bringing in Murderers, Drug traffickers, Hoodlums, and to stop loading HIS BILLS with tons of PORK that don’t belong in those Bills!. And by the way! What was that story in todays paper all about?
    T said and I quote “Nearly 100 special forces from five Western countries — including more than a dozen Americans — have been operating on the ground in Ukraine, according to a leaked document.

    The classified document, was dated March 23 and marked “Secret,” revealed that the US HAD 14 SPECIAL FORCES IN UKRAINE AS OF LAST MONTH,
    Does this mean that we already have Troops on the Ground!

    1. Warmonger JoeJoe Bidet's circus clowns can't hide anything, can they, Mega Maga Man? And we know that Pencilneck Watermelonhead Adam Schittler gloats with glee as he watches our troops getting blown to bits in Ukraine.
