Monday, June 24, 2024

Lefties Losing It:... Dimwitted MSNBC Host Symone Sanders Corrects Co-Host For Saying "Illegal Immigrants"

It's quite rich watching MSNBC having a huge mental meltdown over the fact the Co-Host used the "forbidden" word on camera.  Oh by the way, the Co-Host is a liberal black man.

posted from Bloggeroid


  1. Mystere is expressing his hate for Christian refugees again. Because he is a totally FAKE christian.

    Don't mistreat any foreigners who live in your land. Instead, treat them as well as you treat citizens and love them as much as you love yourself. Remember, you were once foreigners in the land of Egypt. I am the Lord your God. Leviticus 19:33-34.

    Yet you aren't JUST for keeping out Christian refugees from across the Mexican border, you support killing them. You defended the MURDERER Greg Abbott slicing up immigrants swimming across the Rio Grande with razor wire so they die horrifically. That is pure evil. And YOU are evil for supporting the evil Turd Abbott. Why I don't buy your "christian" BS for one second, Mystere.

    1. Wow! You keep poking God in His Eyes with your baseless accusations that Satan keeps feeding you, Fartbreath Dervish. You should invite everyone illegally crossing the border to stay at your dive, and let them stay for free as long as they want, Dervy. After all, you falsely accuse the Texas Governor Gregg Abbott of being a murderer who slices up illegals sneaking in. Funny thing: Abbott is a paraplegic dude. He must have some very special German Hitleresque secret flying knives with wings to hack up people? OH WAIT, that's only in your deranged murderous fantasy, Dervish. Tell you what: when you finally let the illegal Mexican "Chinamen" stay at your dump, you should open up a laundry and Chinese restaurant, calling it Ching And Chong's Chinese take out and laundering services. Maybe those Mexican "Chinamen" can launder the putrid stench out of your Muslim Burqa and get the brown streaks out of it.

    2. OH MY! Dervish's fugly fat bald half sister Symone threw an infantile hissyfit on MSNBC.😆😆😆😆😆

    3. Hoooo boy! Symone is one fugly fat black cow with a nasty temper. The far left liberal inbreeding has gone bad.

  2. RITA is a smoking hot Iranian refugee! She is on fire! She's made an awesome name for herself! Smart and smoking hot!😋😋😋😋😋

  3. Rita Panahi is hate filled bigot. WHY you like her. Also because she is "hot". Mystere is a typical conservative misogynist who cares only about appearances... for women. Men can be butt-ugly and he doesn't have a problem with it. As long as they hate the same people he hates.

    If Rita Panahi was a liberal who defended the people who she attacks in "Lefties losing it", you be attacking her for being Iranian. She spews hate that you like -- so you bring up her being Iranian, THINKING that is some kind of proof that you aren't a racist (which you are).

    I didn't say the Turd Gregg Abbott personally murdered anyone. He gave orders that Christian refugees trying to cross the US southern border be murdered. His minions put the razor wire in the Rio Grande that sliced up several refugees, causing them to die in excruciating agony. But Mystere probably thinks "God" approves. Mystere's "Jesus" never said to welcome the stranger -- he said to murder them. That's from Mystere's rightturd version of the Bible.

    "that's only in your deranged murderous fantasy, Dervish"...

    That is YOUR deranged murderous fantasy. I'm OPPOSED to murdering Christian refugees. YOU have come out strongly in support of it, you evil Turd.

    I'm not related to Symone Sanders. Also, you seriously hate Chinese people, Muslims and brown people from Central America. I get it. Didn't you know that donald tRump and Chinese president Xi are in love?

    donald tRump (re Xi): "We love each other". Video.

    1. Rita Panahi's family fled from Iran after your favorite buddy the Ayatollah issued fatwas against her family. You love the bloodshed that your alibabas commit in the name of your moongod Allah, Dervish. And I oppose Communist Chinamen illegally invading our country. And Symone Sanders is part of your bloodline. She's at least as dumb as you are. And I really don't care about some queer Faceboob event I have better things to do than watching some queertards joebidening each other. I hate sickos who harm children. You, on the other hand, get a thrill about whacking off with kids and animals. You slobber over a child sniffing deranged freak in DC named Joseph Robinet Biden Junior, your idol freak.

  4. Mystere: I hate sickos who harm children.

    That is a lie. You love them. If not you wouldn't be trying to cover for them by blaming innocent people, you evil Turd.

    Dr. A. Nicholas Groth, researcher on adult male offenders and author of “Men Who Rape: Psychology of the Offender", states that it is a myth that adult males who molest boys are homosexual. He provides several clinical examples to back up his finding including the connection that molesters see themselves in their victims, but would not be attracted to adult males. link

  5. I revealed the truth, which is that Mystere loves sickos that harm children. Could be because HE is a sicko that harms children??? He did accuse me... So this could definitely be just like his accusations against Joe Biden...

    It's not tRump who poops his pants, farts, is sexually attracted to his own daughter and is bigly corrupt -- it's Joe Biden!

    Now... it isn't Mystere who sexually abuses kids -- it's me.

    BOTH -- The exact opposite of the truth. Well, the first one for sure. Everyone paying attention knows donald tRump poops his pants, farts, is sexually attracted to his own daughter and is bigly corrupt.

    And Joe Biden isn't guilty of any of those things. That is trumpturd projection.
