Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Trump Case Thrown Out By Supreme Court

posted from Bloggeroid


  1. Replies
    1. That you're an idiot? That's for you to deal with, not me. Aileen Cannon isn't on the Supreme court. The Supreme did not throw out any tRump case.

    2. I never said Aileen Cannon is a US SCOTUS Justice. You're the mental midget, Butt Brush Dervish.

    3. You said the case was thrown out by the Supreme Court. Aileen Cannon dismissed the case. Therefore you were saying Aileen Cannon is on the Supreme Court, Mental Midget Mystere.

    4. Have you not heard of each state having its own Supreme Court? A state Supreme Court threw out the case. Bad news for you, mental midget Ichabod.
