Saturday, August 31, 2024

Beware, Blogger Enemies Of America...

Beware, Shaw Kenawe!  Beware, Nursie Poo Poo Rational Nation Leslie Elden Carpenter III!  Beware, Dervish Sanders!  Beware, OxCaCa Dave Miller!  Beware, Dave Dubya!  Beware, Pookie Toot Toot aka "This One"!  Your days are numbered!  God isn't going to tolerate you much longer!  Your sins are catching up to you very soon.  Worshipping fake gods and attacking prophets of God Almighty is a BAD, BAD, BAD, BAD move!  You're playing with your eternal fate.  You'll be cooked geese for Satan if you keep up what you're doing.

posted from Bloggeroid

Lefties Losing It...

posted from Bloggeroid

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

By Special Request...


A few friends wanted to see some funny Fani Willis photo shops.  So here they are!

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Democrats Kept Passing Gas In The Windy City


What has the DNC Convention done in The Windy City this week?  They farted around, passing gas and stinking up the neighborhoods.  They had nothing of substance to bring to the delegates.  All they did was fart around, trash talking Donald Trump with nothing of substance.  Typical Chickens. 

Friday, August 23, 2024

Mamala Hoebama Empoxx - Border Czar


Plans Of Evil Foiled!

Update:  Joe's coded threat of assassinating PRESIDENT DONALD JOHN TRUMP SR.: 
"PUT TRUMP IN THE BULLSEYE"  = code for Assassinate Donald Trump.  And one more thing to say to you, Dervish:  joebiden yourself!

posted from Bloggeroid