Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Timmy Time???

posted from Bloggeroid


  1. And just when you thought it couldn't get worse.. Dark, evil forces have seized control of the Democratic Party. Our enemies, both foreign and domestic, in the Democratic Party the newest duo in American history, Kamala Harris and Tim Walz,who are straight-up communists who would do or say anything to gain and maintain political power are sitting idly by while the seeds of discord planted over the past few decades bloom and flourish They are wreaking havoc on our nation
    Kamala Harris who has had an dismal record in her own State of California as Attorney General and Vice President in the Biden Administration. And her running mate, Tim Walz, who sat idly by as progressive communist democrat-approved thugs the BLM group of hoodlums burnt Minneapolis to the ground, while our VP Kamala Harris raised funds to bail the criminals out of jail—including murderers, rapists, arsonists, and other degenerates

  2. Tim Walz was an excellent VP choice while jd "Vance" was a terrible VP selection. That is why Mystere is crying. 😂🤣😂

    1. Hey player! You're half correct here. Tampon Tim is an excellent VP choice, not was, for Kamala Harris. And he's an excellent choice because he and Kamala will crash YOUR party full speed into the ground, causing your party to destroy itself while providing sheer entertainment as your party digs its own fiery grave.

      Pass the popcorn, PLAYER!

    2. Манӑн мӑнтӑркка пысӑк кайӑкӑм нӑйкӑшать, вӑл ман Тим Вальц мур илесшӗсем валли ҫӗнӗ вилкӑпа кӑчӑртатнине туять.

      Моя большая жирная задница урчит и чувствует большие покалывания с моими новыми затычками Тима Уолца, вибрирующими на полной скорости.

      Mein Bigly fetter Arsch rumpelt und fühlt Bigly kribbelt mit meinem neuen Tim Walz Arschloch Plug, der mit voller Geschwindigkeit vibriert.

  3. The Bottom line...Can we Ignore the Democratic s Laughing Loon who is more of a Communist trying to sell you her Propaganda on supporting Communism and Communists. Who is a DUMMY when it comes to policy be it Foreign, or Domestic ! Who tries to LAUGH if off rather than give a descent, and a Logical reply! Who would rather help the CRIMINAL or the DISTINCTIVE PROTESTER then help the Victim? This is not the American way. We don't elect a person because of her Black Race, or her Gender,or ability to Laugh rather then than find a remedy. Or the pick a Moronic running Mate! Who would rather ignore the press then to embarrass herself by showing the reporter that she is so UNQUALIFIED that she just can't give a Press interview!

  4. While birds of a feather flock together Bernie Sanders and this turd Tim Walz are horses of a different color. A weekend at Bernie’s consists of, along with his wife and daughter, checking their investment portfolios and property valuations feathered with funds from their various public money “appropriation” schemes like the good commies they are while Tim looks for loose change in the sofa cushions so he can buy a cup coffee at Starbucks.


  5. So not only did Timmy Walz the Lying Creep who is running for Kammy’s side Kick falsely claim he was in a war zone, he turned tail and abandoned his men when they shipped to IraqTo answer everyone’s questions about the video being shared. Governor Tim Walz's service record indicates that he did not deploy to a combat zone. Instead, he was stationed in Italy to support combat operations. While all Soldiers carry an M4/M16 rifle during training,. And to put it Clearly to anyone that is concussed, HE LIED ABOUT BEING IN THE WAR, AND WILL LIE AT THE DROP OF KAMMIES HAT OR whatever he needs to.
    Tim Walz a is a ‘coward’ and ‘traitor’ for retiring from military before Iraq, says Guardsman who replaced VP pick?
    When Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz chose to leave the military on the eve of his deployment to Iraq, Thomas Behrends went in his place.

    “I needed to hit the ground running and take care of the troops — and tell them we were going to war,” Behrends said of the 500 soldiers under his command. “For a guy in that position, to quit is cowardice.”
    Behrends, a 63-year-old farmer in Brewster, Minn., called the Democratic vice presidential candidate “a traitor” for retiring from their Minnesota National Guard unit just before their deployment to Iraq in 2005.
    “When your country calls, you are supposed to run into battle — not the other way,” the retired command sergeant major told The Post Tuesday. “He ran away. It’s sad.
    He had the opportunity to serve his country, and said ‘Screw you’ to the United States. That’s not who I would pick to run for vice president.

    1. Tampon Timi's the perfect choice for Mamala Hoebama. They'll crash the party and run them into the ground, while we watch them with amusement as they self destruct in front of the whole wide world.

