Friday, September 6, 2024

Lefties Losing It...

posted from Bloggeroid


  1. Mystere will lose it bigly when Kamala Harris is elected president.

    1. Little Mamala's white china boy Dervish Xi Sanders will lose it when his flatulent pants pooper's carcass gets exposed in its casket. The white china boy's Mamala will become President over her dead poisoned plucked carcass.

    2. I don't have any Chinese ancestry. My middle name isn't "Xi".

      You voted for the flatulent pants pooper, d0n-OLD tяump, not me.

      Our fantastic president Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and Mike Johnson won't be poisoned (as per a fake prophecy you keep babbling about).

      Troy Black is a lying Turd. I don't know is that is his fake prophecy though. I think is was another fake prophet. Why don't you remind me who lied and said God told them that.

    3. Be very careful what you wish for; it can boomerang back with God's vengeance and wrath.

  2. Praying to Satan for the death of Joe Biden again, Mystere?

    1. Buyer's remorse, Dervish? Be careful about praying to Satan. Besides, Satan can't hear people's prayers. Your prayers for the death of Joe Biden are gonna get you into trouble.

      Falsely accusing others of praying for the demise of a person is a Bad, Bad, Bad, Bad, Bad Thing, Dervish. BUT it's NOT against me, Dervish. AND that's...A GOOD THING!

  3. Joe Biden has been a fantastic president. My preference would be for him to serve a second term. I want Joe Biden to live many more years. You're the one who said a fake prophet was told by God he will die by poisoning this year.
