Thursday, December 12, 2024

Throwback Thursday 09-21-2019

I'll never forget reading this post from September 2019.  Porky, Don Key, Mystere and I laughed so hard when we saw what was happening on Dervish's hate blog site.  Those Nigerians and Kenyans spamming Dervy's hate site kept pushing all kinds of African snake oil products, especially those aimed at queers fixated on beating off with each other.  Queer porn potions of "Snake Oil" kept getting pushed, and Dervish couldn't keep up trying to delete their replies.  Dervish kept throwing temper tantrums as the snake oil kept pouring in.  Now on a side note, Dervish was fixated on Kenyan and Nigerian Rooster Coq and Monkey Sausage concoctions.  For the record, there are trees in Africa named Monkey Sausage.  The fruit is poisonous to mankind, but monkeys eat it with no problem.  Does Dervish like concoctions made from Nigerian monkey sausage and Kenyan Rooster Coq?  That could be the causes of his queerness he expressed on his hate sites and his hateful retorts.



  2. Player really got played by the spammers at his hate sites that day. He got his monkey spanked badly. That was quite rich.

  3. You're clearly suffering from more delusions. Your family needs to do an intervention and force you to take your Seroquel. It doesn't appear as though they care about you though. You've been off your rocker for a long time.

    1. Says the mentally ill left behind Dervish Dylan Mulvaney Sanders.

    2. Trying to push prescription drugs to those it's not prescribed to is a Federal Crime, Dervish.

    3. How does it feel to get an enema from that Kenyan Rooster, Dervish? It looks like you're getting a "Thrill up your L'eggs" 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆

    4. Did you cluck and peck at some Kenyan and Nigerian monkey sausage fruit after getting hen pecked from behind?

    5. Monkey Sausage is poisonous to man, but not to chimps, baboons, apes and monkeys. Oh wait, you identify as a dumb ape. You seem to enjoy biting into monkey sausages. That explains your queerness, Dervish.
