Monday, December 30, 2024

What Does God Mean To You, Mr. President?


  1. The notice on the video clearly identifies it as fake, Mystere. You can't see that it says "altered or synthetic content"?

    If you view the video on YouTube, it says "The stories presented on this channel are entirely fictional and crafted solely for entertainment".

    But I bet you think this actually happened? Because you live in a world of make-believe. The story is phony baloney.

  2. Mystere probably doesn't know what the word "entirely" means. Due to being incredibly stupid. I doubt he knows what the word "fictional" means either.

  3. What a surprise. Not. You simply don't care about facts or reality. You like a good fiction story about how awesome of a Christian d0n0ld is and don't care at all if it is the exact opposite of reality. I listened to the entire thing and it is incredibly obvious that the words the author placed in d0n0ld's mouth are things he never has and never would say.

    fyi, I don't need Beano.

  4. I hand it to you Dervy. For someone with an IQ of 59, you somehow find a way to make yourself even dumber. You wouldn't even know when Satan shoved your head up his buttocks and passes gas through your carcass. But then again, you're only the butt end of Satan.

  5. You refer to your own IQ. That's how you came up with such a precise measurement.

    1. Yep. My IQ is 160. I can see easily your IQ is 59 and getting lower, Dervy.
