Tuesday, January 14, 2025

2026 Is Coming...



  1. Are you afraid of Judgement Day, Mystere? I think you should be. Given how many lies you've told over the years. Also given how many lies you continue to tell.

    "an evil man will burn his nation to the ground to rule over the ashes" is a FAKE quote, Mystere.

    Research by TruthOrFiction.com, as well as an in-depth look into the writings of Sun Tzu and ‘The Art of War’, confirm that the quote ‘An evil man will burn his own nation to the ground to rule over the ashes.’ is not present in any of Sun Tzu’s known works. The phrase only began to circulate on social media in late 2020 and early 2021, thousands of years after Sun Tzu’s lifetime. David G. Jones, a researcher and author on Sun Tzu’s writings, has marked this quote as misattributed to Sun Tzu. link

    YOU are the weasel, Mystere.

  2. You're a fool Dervish! That's just a meme someone created. Funny how you suddenly use truthorfiction.com when it's suddenly convenient for you, eh? Why didn't you use Snopes, eh Dervish? Yes, truth or fiction.com is reputable. Rich Buhler left it in good hands before he died from pancreatic cancer in 2012. I knew Rich personally, and so did Mystere.

    I could care less about whether or not Sun Tzu said that. Whoever did the meme probably got careless. But the meme suits the trigger picture. Gavin Newsom will burn the state of California down to the ground with his crooked deeds, and so will Karen Bass. You should look in the mirror before falsely accusing me and Mystere of being weasels, Dervish. This obviously hit a nerve because you reacted to it, Dervy. You can't shake this off, because the Holy Spirit warned you, Dervy. But you continue to work with your daddy Satan.

    5 days and counting, Dervoid...

  3. You and Mystere aren't weasels. You and Mystere are the same person. One person isn't multiple weasels. You are only one weasel.

    "I knew Rich personally, and so did Mystere" = "I knew Rich personally, and so did I".

    Did you know him, forget all about him, then know him again?

    As for the site I used to debunk your lies, I g00gled it, and that's what came up.

    "I could care less about whether or not Sun Tzu said that".

    Of course not. Because you don't care about facts. You hate facts. That's why you're so excited about the evil lying Orange Turd returning to power.

    Gavin Newsom and Karen Bass aren't involved in any "crooked deeds".

    1. Oh, Dervnac The Butt Plug Licker, you just stepped into a pile of justintrudeau. Your so called "facts" are liberal Nazi propaganda. I don't hate facts. I hate propaganda.

    2. By the way, Rich Buhler was my friend and Mystere's friend as well. He was a radio show host when he got diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2010. He lived a year + 10 months after he got diagnosed with it. He befriended many in Southern California and people threw a living tribute for him in late 2011, months before he passed. His funeral filled a huge megachurch when word got out to the public of his passing. He was quite the fun guy to work with.
