Wednesday, January 15, 2025

5 More Days...

It's all good!  5 More Days and counting!


  1. Turn up the music and rock out! 5 days and counting!

  2. You are really eager for a corrupt convinced felon and rapist to take power, aren't you, Mystere?

    1. You're the one who wanted JoeJoe Robbinit Bidet Jr. back into office, Dervish. Your corrupt convicted felon & rapist Boofing Bobby Robbert Hintern Bidet won't be running the Oval Office anymore because your farting pants pooper is gone in less than 3 days from now.

  3. Boofing Bobby Robbert Hintern Bidet is imaginary. Your mentally ill brain invented him via one of your many bigly delusions. I don't even know who you might be talking about. Our fantastic president Joe Biden has never been convicted of any crimes. And his son (who has absolutely nothing to do with his administration) was never convicted of raping anyone. You are clearly nuts.

    fyi, the farting pants pooping raper is preparing to return to the White House to finish the job of destroying America that he didn't finish the last time he was there.

  4. According to YOU, Donald John Trump is imaginary, so what are you counting down to? An imaginary person can't be president.

  5. Your brain is scrambled, Dervy. Scrambled like eggs in a cast iron skillet. See what shrooms and moonbat moonshine hooch does to you? And it's worse when your brain is smaller than a pea.
