Thursday, January 2, 2025

A "BANG!" In January...

God Almighty warned us through His Prophetess Amanda Grace that something terrible was about to strike in January.  Sadly, the Islamic terrorist organization ISIS struck at a New Year's Day celebration in New Orleans Louisiana.  The terrorists drove a fairly new fully electric Ford F150 pickup truck into a crowd, mowing the crowd down.

^pResident Poopy Pants Bidet^

Butt Blasts Bidet in the meantime has no clue when he gets asked about what he's going to do about the ISIS/HAMASS Terrorist attack on New Orleans.  I'm not going to bother to say what I really think of this pants pooping drug addled braindead flatulent old baboon leaving the White House in 18 days.  Butt Blaster Brainless Baboon Bidet doesn't have the balls to stand up to HAMASS and ISIS.


  1. Mystere: God Almighty warned us through His Prophetess Amanda Grace...

    He didn't. Amanda Grace is a lying Turd, not a prophet.
