Monday, January 20, 2025

Have You Laughed At A Liberal Today?


A funny thing has happened to some who used to oppose Donald John Trump.  Some of these people have changed their minds.  The Village People have jumped onto the Trump Train.  They joined up with DJT and performed YMCA while Donald John Trump did his famous celebration dance.


In the meantime, Farting Poopy Pants JoeJoe Bidet has been trying to hide the truth about his crooked family's  dirty deeds done dirt cheap.  Butt Blast Bidet issued blanket pardons to his brother in law John 0wens, his little sleazy sissy Valerie and their entirely crooked family, his 2 little brothers Jimmie the slimy weasel and Flasher Frankie the little weenie, and his sister in law Sleazy Sarah, Jimmie's beard wife.  Flasher Frankie the little weenie has been seen at Epstein Island, taking a selfie, flashing himself.

The Bidet Crime Clan dynasty is about to come to a crashing end.  God is not mocked.  Whatever a man shows, he shall also reap in the day of Judgement.


  1. "God is not mocked. Whatever a man shows, he shall also reap in the day of Judgement".

    So why do you keep mocking God, Mystere? Do you think your master Satan will save you?

    1. Satan isn't God, Dervish. I'll continue to mock your god Satan because Satan's a loser.

    2. Satan isn't my master; he's your master, Dervish.

    3. And Dervish got the hots looking at Flashing Frankie's tube steak. Robbert "Boofing Bobbie" Hintern Bidet gave Dervy a free colonoscopy and human enema when Dervy bent over and opened his joebidenholes.
