Tuesday, January 21, 2025

United Spot: Democrats Are Begging For Mercy



  1. Mystere really likes United Spot's revenge fantasies?

    FYI, Joe Biden didn't break any laws. Though, even if he did, he's immune. As per the corrupt supreme court.

    btw, this video is fake. These calls were not made. It seems you think it's real. Due to your inability to distinguish fantasy from reality. You really need to start taking your Seroquel.

  2. What's wrong, Dervy? Are you having problems dealing Seroquel as some street drug? Pushing prescription drugs without a prescription is a Federal Crime, Dervish. Pushing drugs on the internet adds charges of interstate crimes to the list of charges you will be facing, which will make your drug charges even worse. You need serious mental help. The United Spot videos are comedy sketches. Your infantile temper tantrums aren't going to make things better for you. Perhaps you should move to Ukraine permanently. That would be the perfect country for you to settle down into.
