Thursday, February 13, 2025

0bama's Clown Show Exposed!



  1. Replies
    1. No, Assface Dervish. Lindy woke up and saw the Demonkkkrats for what your party members really are, and wants no part of it. They ran over her after they were done using her. God led her to loving arms, where she's going to work hard to bless people. Your days are waning and close to the end as you suffer chronic pain in your rotting stinky carcass, Assface Dervish.

    2. Lindy Li, by the way, has turned into a ferocious mama lioness, ready to devour those who have betrayed her because she thought for herself. Unlike you, Lindy has integrity and fears God Almighty.

    3. Money isn't part of the thing. You, on the other hand, show just how greedy you are with your baseless accusations from Satan, your daddy and puppet master.

  2. That's not a "baseless accusation". Lindy Li wrote "Trump makes me ill". That's a basis for labeling her a sell out. You're pretty dumb. Clearly you don't know what the word "baseless" means.

    1. Nice try Derpwood! As usual, you twisted something. She wrote her reply in 2023, before she got thrown under the bus by her old party, your Communist Democrats. You tried to pass her old Twitter post from 2023 as current. You pulled the same thing your daddy Satan tried to pull on Jesus. You certainly are your daddy's little spawn, Dervish.

    2. A funny thing has happened. Your flatulent retorts ended up in the spam folder. A number of your retorts with queer porno links are about to go away. My team has quite a few with your stench attached to it.

  3. I've never posted a "queer porno link" anywhere, liar.

  4. The Democrats did not throw Lindy Li under the bus. Lindy Li threw the Democratic Party under the bus so she could start collecting money from gullible trumpturds.

    And I didn't "twist" anything. As you acknowledge, that is a genuine tweet from Lindy Li. I did not try to "pass off" the tweet as current. I fully acknowledge that she wrote it in 2023, dope. That was my POINT. That she has done a 180 degree flip.

    And I don't see that any comment I submitted went to spam. If there are comments in your spam folder, they are comments that were not submitted by me.

  5. If comments by me are in your spam folder, it's because you sent them there. And NONE of them contained any links to "queer porn". I've never linked to "queer porn". Radical Redneck links to porn on Lisa's site. I have never (and will never) link to porn of any kind.
