Monday, February 17, 2025

Storm Cleanup On Ailes 46, 44, 42, 39, & 36



  1. Is the practicing Hindu Kash Patel part of "God's army", Mystere? You are tolerant of his worship of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva? And you don't care that he doesn't worship Yahweh or Yeshua?

    1. Why? Is there a liberal fatwa from your party that says one must worship what your Democrats tell him to worship, Dervy, or else?

      Kash Patel isn't a Hindu worshipper, by the way. He came on a podcast and said so himself. You need to learn how to do hard research, Dervy. Wackopedia isn't your friend. It's one of your own party's left wing extremist Demonazi propaganda sites.

    2. And by the way, you have your rights to be foolish, Dervish. Keep going down that Highway 69, Dervy. Your 2,405,000 excuses you blubber arrogantly to God Almighty won't keep your rotten flea ridden carcass from swimming and drowning in the molten white hot lava of Fire Lake. And using the name of God's Son and The Father to spew Satan's half truths didn't fool me for a second. You just poked God's Eyes again. You certainly are in a hurry to cook your gander.
