Thursday, February 13, 2025

The Truth Shall Set You Free...



  1. You've had over 12 hours to reply, Mystere. Time to shut down commenting.

  2. Replies
    1. No Farting Assface Derpish bin Satan~Sanders⁶⁶⁶. I've been busy with other things not related to replying to your farts coming out of your bottom face's joebidenhole.

    2. You expect me to reply within hours to anything you post on this crappy blog (crappy in content and appearance).

  3. Are you done with poking God in His Eyes, £∆₹+¡ⁿ& ∆$$£∆¢€ ‽€₹₱¡$# ẞ¡ⁿ §∆+∆ⁿ~§∆ⁿ‽€₹$⁶⁶⁶? L⁰⁰ks l¡ke ¥⁰μ want to ¶μ¡©k|¥ head to ¥⁰μ® ⁿ€w eternal dumpster at Fire Lake.

  4. No, I'm going to continue poking your god d0n0ld tRump in the eyes.

    1. d0n0ld tRump's not God. It's your false idol, Dervish. And the real Donald Trump isn't God Almighty either. He's just a man God Almighty announced to be President of the United States Of America. That botched assassination attempt last summer ended up sealing the annointing in blood and the dipping in blood.

    2. As you keep bowing to your master and daddy Satan, you keep seeing the chances to escape the eternal punishment waiting for you at Fire Lake, Dervish. Keep it up, Dervish. That way, you'll accelerate your downfall quickly and pay for the curses you inflict upon others. After all, that's what you seem to want.

    3. And when God announced through His prophets that Donald John Trump would serve 2 terms in office, he annointed Donald John Trump each time. The blood drip from the botched assassination attempt was a confirmation that sealed the deal.

  5. Mystere: ...when God announced through His prophets that Donald John Trump would serve 2 terms in office...

    That never happened.

    1. That's odd, Dervish. DJT is on his second term now. Are you threatening to assassinate DJT? Did you go tell God off, Dervy? I hear you did, Dervy. I hear you're upset because you can't hear what God is saying to you.
