Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Weasel Karen Bass's Stinky Failures

Yes, you stinky rotten weasel Karen, you're screwed!  Your tribe of violent weasels are out on the streets, doing damage to the ghetto of Los Angeles.


  1. d0n0ld forced California to open dams and flush water to the ocean. This was water that was being held in reserve for farmers who will need to later in summer. Now it's gone due to d0n0ld's incredible stupidity.

    d0n0ld tRump (aka Donald John Trump) is easily the dumbest president in world history.

    1. Liar! Governor Baldy Moonbeam started flushing the dams to "save" the smelt fish during his reoccupation of Sacramento in 2011-17 with Lieutenant Governor Gaffing Nuisance as his buttplug. Moonbeam's buttplug has continued his infliction of pain, with that weasel Karen Bass aiding and abetting him these past 2 years. The water shortage has been aggravated by Moonbeam, Gaffing Gavin, Mayor Yogapants Garcetti and Mator Weasel's bad policies.

      Your delusional figment of your delusions d0n0ld tRump has nothing to do with any of this. And these libtards blocking traffic are members of your party of haters. They're the stupid pet baboons of Gaffing Nuisance and Mayor Weasel Bass. So joebiden yourself, Derpwood bin §atan~§ander$666.

  2. The water unexpectedly released from dams on Trump’s order didn’t help farms or L.A.. Acting on an order from Washington, the corps allowed irrigation water to flow down river channels for three days, into the network of engineered waterways that fan out among farm fields in the San Joaquin Valley. Coursing from rivers to canals to irrigation ditches, much of the water eventually made its way to retention basins, where it soaked into the ground, replenishing groundwater.

    "It’s been recharged to the ground", said Tom Barcellos, president of the Lower Tule River Irrigation District and a dairyman and farmer. That sounds good, except farmers in parts of the San Joaquin Valley typically depend on water from the two dams to irrigate crops in the summer. In other words, the release of water this time of year, when agriculture usually doesn’t require it, means that growers are likely to have less water stored in the reservoirs this summer, during a year that so far is among the area’s driest on record. END

    TRUTH. Unlike your lie about the smelt. Attempts to save the smelt were not a factor in the recent California wildfires.

    Quote: Even under the more restrictive rules that were in place until 2019, regulations that specifically related to delta smelt were responsible for no more than an average of 1.2 percent additional water flowing into San Francisco Bay, according to an analysis...

    1. Hey Dervy, your attempts to blame everyone else but Moonbeam and Gagging Nuisance are futile and moot.

  3. Replies
    1. Because truth matters, pinhead Derpwood. California has been screwed ever since Pat Brown took office in 1959. He was a crooked thief who passed his sins down to his 4 spawns. Moonbeam and Sissy Moonbeam are the two worse ones he spawned during his Weekends at Bernie's.
