Saturday, October 29, 2022

Pauly Pelosi Got Whacked

It started all in one night.  Nanshee was out in DC, clowning around with her gangsters.  Nanshee paid a nudist activist to be Pauly's little playmate for the night. 


The games started when Paul and his boy toy Davie DePape started boozing it up that night.

Next thing was lights out for Pauly Pelosi and a trip to San Francisco General Hospital.

Did Nanshee try to take Pauly out, or did the Mafia come after the Pelosi Crime Clan and deliver a wopper to Pauly's noggin?

Update:  "Brandon" Bidet called House Drinker Nanshee's hubby "Bobby" in his usual gaffes.  Did he rat out Nanshee committing acts of adultery behind the scenes?


  1. "House Drinker Nanshee". That is SO funny.

    1. I agree Tim. "House Drinker Nanshee" comes courtesy of The United Spot.

  2. Oh my goodness! I would love to have been in the middle of Paul and David's bigly drinking binge. Seeing them in nothing but their panties is so bigly sexy!

    1. For once, I'm keeping your retort posted, Dervish. You deserve being publicly humiliated.

    2. You're one sick puppy, Dervish. I second not removing your retort.

  3. Where's Nancy?

    Where was Nancy Pelosi all of 2020 when mobs were attacking neighborhoods & burning stores & looting & rioting in the streets, throwing Bricks at the Police, tearing down our Statues, & beating innocent people ?Where has she been since Biden became president & the democrats control the house & the senate?Everyday you see or hear innocent people being beaten or stabbed or their businesses being robbed by criminals ! Every day crime is rising & effecting the people ! Where has Nancy Pelosi been all this time ? Where was she when the democrats wanted to defund the police?I certainly do not condone the actions of the man who broke into her house & attacked her husband, Paul Pelosi ! I condemn it !Maybe now Nancy Pelosi will realize that when you dial 911 you are calling the police for help.I still question this whole thing & the alarm & camera systems in her house !I hope this is not another political stunt by this immoral political woman who wants power at any cost !Nancy, mommy dear, do you still want no police now that pops was attacked ?I still wonder what the truth is because anyone would know, out of all places, your place would be heavily guarded, & have major security alarm systems!I pray for the speedy recovery of Paul Pelosi , however I am extremely concerned that this might, just might be, another dirty trick of yours !

  4. Doug, you're on to something. I also believe that Nanshee the House Drinker is up to her dirty tricks. It's way too suspicious. I smell a rat.

  5. The choice cannot be any clearer or more obvious. The parties & the candidates are so different from one another. The policies & the philosophy of the democrats versus the republicans could not be more distinct. One party has solutions for the economy and domestic andforeign policy, the other, uses remarks such as racists & other derogatory accusations against the other party in all forms.
    The Democrats have NOTHING, so they try scare voters with sayng things like " they will take away your social security", your Medicare, "your welfare" and give tax breaks to the rich. The haters are leaving These haters have nothing but :Climate Control, and that all others who are not “Bidumb lovers aer Domestic Terrorists” ,,, how disgusting can he be, to say that about 50 percent of the American People, who many of them have SERVED THIS COUNTY, and many who have lost limbs by doing so! They are “Domestic Terrorists”?
    Iam TRULY sorry that Biden lost his son, BUT HE DID NOT DID IN IRAQI , AS Joey said last night.
    Bo Biden had radiation and chemotherapy treatments because he had Cancer remained stable. On May 20, 2015, he was admitted to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland, because of the brain Cancer, and he died there on May 30, 2015, at the age of 46. How in the World can his Farther LIE about his own Dead Son that way? It is shocking how some people lack a brain !
    Those who think they are tolerant, almost all Democrats, are the most INTOLERANT people in our society ! Now that we will win the House, and the Senate, and in 2024 the Presidency we might have a chance of REGAINING our real free speech & expression again. AND STOP ALL THIS FOOLISHNESS OF Banning, and changing Pro-Nouns, and tearing doen our Statues, and reagaing our History, and teaching our Children the REAL subjects that they should be learning, not about “Transgenda” ."The Biden administration is pushing radical gender experiments on children, by changing their Names, Clothes, Identities and Bodies, Changing their Bathrooms etc. "
    How Refreshing that would be to have a leader going back to have our Children learn about Reading, and Math , even Sports, and American History !

    If you think that those things are good then you have your answer because the Democrats are NOT ONLY control our schools but are Controlling our Borders by allowing all kinds of un=Vetted people into the country so that they could obtain their Votes, not caring if these immigrants are Sick, or Criminals, or Drug Dealers, or even Human traffickers . If you think that Gas prices & Food prices and the broken Border & Crime are terrible then you have your answer too. Your choice will determine your future, good or bad. Think smart and think wisely. .

  6. Yes, I voted for Donald J Trump. And I will again... If you tell me that I was wrong, then I would ask you Why? And who else? Certainly NOT our Current Delusional President.
    A man who would allow 3 Million foreign invaders into our country without Vetting them? Without their being Vaccinated as our own citizens are getting Fired for? With allowing Criminals who are bringing in Drugs that KILL our children? Only to get themselves more Votes!
    I have a job and pay taxes. I have a lawful license to carry. I have a wife and two kids and NO criminal record. I support low taxes, a strong POLICE FORCE, who are the best in the world at capturing Criminals only to see our elected peopl and their appointees let them go free without any Bail, only to be back on the streets committing Crimes, and Murders again! , We have ZERO secure borders, ZERO energy independence and a powerful military to act as a deterrent to our enemies, only to have their hands tired behind their backs. . I support women’s sports as I have two daughters. I believe that this administrations gender MADNESS is a disease and not something we should accept as being normal . Meaning biological Boys should not be allowed to compete in physical sports against biological Girls no matter what Gender they identify as. And they MUST stay out of the opposite sex’s Bathrooms!
    I believe in fair elections where one should have to present ID to vote and REQUEST a mail in ballot if one cannot vote in person due to being out of state or medically unable to only. And only ONE Election day is enough. It was enough for over 100 years, why change it.
    How the HELL does that make me an enemy of America and Democracy? Joe Biden needs to explain this. If he’s able to without someone’s help, as he does to walk him off the stage without answering questions!.
    And yes, how about answering our Questions without sending out that Moron to try it and Fail!
    Like When will someone actually Visit our Border? Why do we allow these invaders to throw Rock, at our Border Agents? Why is this Inflation going on when it is not necessary? Why did Biden shout down the Pipelines. Why is he call Americans these Disgusting names. When will these people do something about this HIGH CRIME RATE that is making us citizens afaid to use the Subways system, or even walk down the streets. Why are our Prices so High at the Supermarkets, and the Restaurants?
    Why is “Climate Control a Higher priority than ANY of the above?
    And No, it wasn’t an “Insurrection”. It was a riot. An Insurrection is a legal term that requires an ARMED organization and planning. And not part of any Rally That go our of hand. HE NEVER answers any of those questions . But like a Typical Lib, just repeating his same old Dumb, Lying evens. Talking about LIES. HID SON BO WAS NOT KILLED IN IRAQI He died from Cancer here in America! Does he have to even LYE about that? And another BIG LYE is that the “SO CALLED “Insurrection” attempt is where 140 of the Supposedly Fellow Cops Were Injured, and that a few of them were Killed! That might be the biggest LIE of the Century
    To preserve America’s Democracy this CRAP must be stopped ,

    1. I agree. And I apologize for not replying sooner. I've been busy helping Mystere getting ideas to post at a site he oversees.


  7. No matter how this Election turns out, if we do not confront this growing evil of lies, cheating, corruption, and ineptness in the bud, we are in for Socialism, Communism, and all other EVIL things that are bound for us
    And if you don’t believe me, and if you have any doubts, Fetterman vs. Oz says it all. It makes NO DIFFERENCE, Progressive, Liberalism, Socialist, Marxist, Fascists, Nazis, Democratic Socialist -- they are all COMMUNISTS.
    The current American Communist Party may not be the same Communist in the sense of Stalin or Mao. They're more Hippy-Dippy Utopian Communists. kind of like calling the Summer Riots of 2020 the “Summer of Love”.
    Whether it's Nazi's, Fascists, Rinos, Liberals, Democratic Socialists, Progressives, Leftists or just plain Communists, you can not distinguish between them or consider that some maybe more evil than others. They are all Communists, and therefor ALL Evil, and dangerous. More so than the Domestic Terrorist”s that Joe Biden Calls us Republicans, or MAGA’S.

    They are Spying on members of the opposite party in Congress. One Capital police agent recently broke into a Congress persons office to search it. They are against Our Border Agents who are trying to Protect us Americans from those ILLEGAL INVADERS. . They used the IRS, the FBI, and now this? They use a Federal agency to go after the opposite party.
    Nancy Pelosi and her ilk conduct Closed Door Hearings, and refuse to allow our side to even be represented, or even allow to have a defense council. They actually think they own the Government and the Country like they do in a dictatorship.

    Didn’t they use the FBI to submit phony documents to the FISA courts to get warrants to spy on Donald Trump's team under the Obama administration thus giving them access to listening to then President Trump? They didn't launch a Russian collusion investigation with no evidence whatsoever? Is Hillary Clinton their Subject of Proof? If you believe any of that then you need to educate yourself a little more.

  8. On this SPECIAL Day put aside for our Brave American Soldiers, lets also remember Jane Fonda and how she laughed and sat on an ENEMY anti-aircraft gun as she called our American troops “war criminals.

  9. The Real Dave MillerNovember 12, 2022 at 5:49 AM

    Well, as many of us had expected it's official now New York State , the State that was once the greatest State in the world , is now officially, just anothe Shit- Hole of the United States of America. It has finally gone the way of some of the other Shit-Holes in the Country like San Francesco, Detroit, Chicago, and from the looks of the results of the past election you can add Philadelphia, to that list of Cities, and States that have gone astray and have become only one single vote behind Communistfornia. The Morons in what is left of New York voted for Kathy Hochul over Lee Zeldin.
    Meaning that Our Nation is just about Lost. Lost to the Commies, the Socialists, and the Progressives who want everything Free, and to joining the ranks of Cuba, and Russia. Next stop China.
    Most of the people left here in New York are more concerned with Football. Booze, winning the Lottery and getting Stoned
    I think that was pretty much expected. Not a real shock to me at all. Some people are just numb from the neck up and don't realize you get what you vote for. I myself did have some hope for the City with Lee Zeldin running but I was just overly hopeful. So they voted for more Crime, less Police protection, harder to obtain or use a firearm for self-defense, more Illegls, Higher Taxes, more Tent Cities, more people getting pushed onto the Subway Tracks, more people getting Mugged, and Even Raped going for a Jog, or a walk, and more people moving out of the State going to a Sensible, Saver, State such as Florida thus placing the Tax burdens on the remaining people who stayed. Yes, our City, our Nation is Lost. I guess that Abortion, and Climate Change, and No more Plastic Bags are their important issurs, and not the Economy, Crime, and safe Intelligent Schools where are Children can learn their ABC’S and Math, instead of being told about Transgender issues, and Changing their Sex that was assigned at birth, and arguing over which Bathroom to use!
    What really matters is that you got what you wanted but you ended up pissing a whole lot of people off, and you paid the price in this Election. I only hope that it was worth it!
    And the Bottom Line is that Joe Biden is turning out to be Jimmy Carter, but without the intelligence, integrity or love of country that Jimmy Cater had,
    And maybe, just maybe this will be the END of the January 6th witch hunt. And buh bye Nancy Piglosi, and Democratic rule.

    1. Things are not what they appear to be. There is corruption getting exposed right now, with the military making arrests without our knowing it, for national security reasons.

  10. What this election showed is that the Democrats are SO horrible at selecting candidates like Fetterman and that the democrats will vote for anyone as long as it is a democrat, even if it’s Fetterman... Just like what happened when Biden picked Kamala Harris. .But it also means that they have to deal with the consequences of having an INCOMPETENT administration that is only interested in their Socialist agenda and Americans be Damned.

  11. If abortion is so great why DIDN'T THEY ABORT SHAW?

  12. Hopefully THE REPUBLICANS will get its collective head out of THEIR ass and impeach BIDUMB

  13. 4.9 Million Illegal Aliens Crossed Our Southern Border in the past 18 Months Since Joe Biden Took Office!
    And who do you think paid for them? Who do you think paid for their ,Cell-Phones, their Welfare cards, their R ent, their Medical care, etc. Not to mention the massive expense of just handling Chaos just Dealing with them, and Processing them?

    That’s roughly the equivalent of the entire population of most small countries. That is roughly the amount of the INVADERS that have illegally entered the United States in the 18 months Joe Biden has been in office, with many being released, and put on a Buss and sent into American communities, with thousands that have chosen the Texas chartered buses to New York City and Washington where they have no connections or where they know anyone

  14. I have constantly written, as well as warned America about the Left and their real agenda to silence any and all opposition to their sick twisted agenda. And part of that is the FACT that Mike Pence is a little Weenie, and not to be believed. Besides that Mike Pence is getting paid upwards of $100,000 for a speech leading up to his Book Deal.

    1. I will agree with most of what you said, but something came up last year about Pence. Prophet Robin D. Bullock, during a live webcast, got a word to not attack Pence, that Pence truly changed his mind over a dastardly deed he did, and that he is now secretly on our side. He's supposed to look like a bad guy to us for now, but is actually getting inteligence to take down the cabal that stole the elections, not just in the USA, but in other nations as well.

  15. An 11-year-old girl died in New York after being struck by a stray bullet on the streets of the Bronx in New York City while walking down the street with her Father. ,
    The girl was shot in the abdomen when a man on a scooter attempted to shoot another person running down the street, The bullet struck the young girl instead of the intended target..
    The little girl was taken to the hospital in critical condition but later died from her injuries.
    But if you listen to our Democratic-Socialist -Liberal Governor, It was “probably” Just Your Perception.

  16. “Obama: It was You.”
    * It was you who spoke these words at an Islamic dinner – “I am one of you.”
    * It was you who on ABC News referenced – “My Muslim faith.”
    * It was you who gave $100 million in U.S. taxpayer funds to re-build foreign mosques.

    * It was you who wrote that in the event of a conflict- “I will stand with the Muslims.”
    * It was you who assured the Egyptian Foreign Minister that – “I am a Muslim.”
    * It was you who bowed in submission before the Saudi King.
    * It was you who sat for 20 years in a Liberation Theology Church condemning America and professing Marxism.
    * It was you who exempted Muslims from penalties under Obamacare that the rest of us have to pay.
    * It was you who purposefully omitted – “endowed by our Creator ” – from your recitation of The Declaration Of
    * It was you who mocked the Bible and Jesus Christ’s Sermon On The Mount while repeatedly referring to the ‘HOLY’ Qur’an.
    * It was you who traveled the Islamic world denigrating the United States Of America.
    * It was you who instantly threw the support of your administration behind the building of the Ground Zero Victory mosque overlooking the hallowed crater of the World Trade Center.
    * It was you who refused to attend the National Prayer Breakfast, but hastened to host an Islamic prayer breakfast at the White House
    * It was you who ordered Georgetown Univ. and Notre Dame to shroud all vestiges of Jesus Christ BEFORE you would agree to go there to speak, but in contrast, you have NEVER requested the mosques you have visited to adjust their decor.
    * It was you who appointed anti-Christian fanatics to your Czar Corps.
    * It was you who appointed rabid Islamist's to Homeland Security.
    * It was you who said that NASA’s “foremost mission” was an outreach to Muslim communities.
    * It was you who as an Illinois Senator was the ONLY individual who would speak in favor of infanticide.
    * It was you who was the first President not to give a Christmas Greeting from the White House, and went so far as to hang photos of Chairman Mao on the White House tree.
    * It was you who curtailed the military tribunals of all Islamic terrorists.
    * It was you who refused to condemn the Ft. Hood killer as an Islamic terrorist.
    * It is you who has refused to speak-out concerning the horrific executions of women throughout the Muslim culture, but yet, have submitted Arizona to the UN for investigation of hypothetical human-rights abuses.
    * It was you who when queried in India refused to acknowledge the true extent of radical global Jihadists, and instead profusely praised Islam in a country that is 82% Hindu and the victim of numerous Islamic terrorists assaults.
    * It was you who funneled $900 Million in U.S. taxpayer dollars to Hamas.
    * It was you who ordered the United States Postal Service to honor the MUSLIM holiday with a new commemorative stamp.
    * It was you who directed our UK Embassy to conduct outreach to help “empower” the British Muslim community.
    * It was you who funded mandatory Arabic language and culture studies in Grammar schools across our country.
    * It is you who follows the Muslim custom of not wearing any form of jewelry during Ramadan.
    * It is you who departs for Hawaii over the Christmas season so as to avoid past criticism for NOT participating in seasonal White House religious events.

    And it was you who appointed your chief adviser, Valerie Jarrett, an Iranian, who is a member of the Muslim Sisterhood, an off-shoot of the Muslim Brotherhood.

    Yes, It was you who said ALL those things, as well as being Joe Biden’s Puppet Master for the past 2 years.

  17. An Escapee From The ProgressivesNovember 18, 2022 at 11:32 AM

    Could ANYBODY be any worse than Pelosi?
    WAS OBAMA any less divisive than Biden has been??
    Or Shrillary as Secretary of State? Or Austin as CoJCS?
    Or AOC and Omar in the Congress?

    Trump has served his purpose and has now become counterproductive. Although he is a proven manager who got a WHOLE lot of things right during his tenure, he’s become the best President since Ronald Reagan , a bit too much megalomaniac, I'd agree... And Yet 100 times, or maybe even a THOUSAND TIMES, better than the Delusional IDIOT in the white house now.

  18. Brittney Griner the woke transvestite needs to spend about 5-10 years Russian labor camp. they understand that anyst one as stupid doesn’t deserve to be in the USA.

    She is a misguided Idiotic fool to mess with the communists or wants to take down the USA.
    Maybe she should stay in Russia for ever, and see what it’s like , and maybe then she’ll understand how good it was in America.
    She does NOT deserve to be in a Russian labor camp.

  19. What this election showed us, and as many of us had expected is that the Democrats, or the Progressives, or whatever they call themselves these days are SO HORRIBLE at selecting their candidates like Fetterman and that the Democrats will vote for anyone as long as it is a Democrat, even if it’s a candidate such as Fetterman, or any other Dingbat Loser… Just like what happened when Biden picked Kamala Harris knowing that she was as UNQUALIFIED as she proved to be. And just to PROVE that my predication was on the money, there are some that even think that John Fetterman could potentially be a future presidential nominee!
    Can ANYTHING be worse that that? I seriously doubt it. However and as much as you and I may think that something as Fa Fetched as that could never happen, I seriously think the Democratic cultists would vote for him, I wouldn’t t put anything past those perverted, deranged freaks. There are always thise Super Morons such as Joy Behar, and Whoopie Goldberg, and many others that would vote for a Zonbie as long as that Zombie had a “D” in front of his name.
    Could you imagine a Kamala Harris, John Fetterman ticket in 2024?

  20. A new CNN poll finds 75% of Democratic and Democratic-leaning voters want the party to nominate someone other than President Joe Biden in the 2024 election, a sharp increase from earlier this year.

    A new report says that : Cheaters and people who engage in cover-ups never cover their tracks totally. One statistic that has remained unscathed is that Donald Trump won more votes than any other incumbent president running for a second term. Obama, Clinton, Bush . . . they all ran for a second term and won, and Trump got more votes than they did.
    And we are supposed to believe that this is the man who got the most votes in history? Or, just maybe, Biden DIDN'T REALLY GET that many votes after all, how could be have done that while spending all those months hiding in his Basement! Maybe his support base is smaller than we had first thought? 75% of Democratic and Democratic-leaning voters want the party to nominate someone other than President Joe Biden in the 2024 election, the delusional, man, who doesn’t even know what State he’s in got the most votes ever!
    This is the guy who got 81 million votes? 11 million votes MORE than Obama? Come On Man!. Don’t pee on MY Leg and tell me that it’s Raining!

  21. Did Nanshee Palousy pay a Nudist Activist to act as if he was a MAGA Supporter and to be Pauly's little playmate for the night?
    Shades of Jussie Smollett if you ask me.

  22. The hypocritical, self-righteous, spoiled brats, aka Leftist’s mantra is “My Way or No Way,” based on what they think is “Love”, “Unity”, and “diversity”, and their Idea of “dignity”. But when Diversity, and Unity becomes reality, as in what THEY did in Martha’s Vineyard, have a way of calling everyone else their favorite word “Racists.
    But they kind of backtracked on the “Brown “ skin Illegal Invaders that entered our Border into Martha’s Vineyard quicker than I can say Jackie Robinson.
    Which Proves Beyond a Shadow of a Doubt That They Really Are the Hypocritical, Self-righteous Frauds That We ALWAYS Thought That They Are.

  23. New York City, and it’s Boroughs , and Suburban arenas, are going to hell in a Handbasket as fast as you can pull that leaver in the Voting Booths. For example, due to their INSANE MORONIC leftist policies of the Democrats the police forces in America’s Democratic Cities are losing their Police Officers due to their “No Bail” and release policy as the Criminals are not being held for bail and, or being Prosecuted. You can thank Andrew Cuomo, and Alvin Bragg Manhattan’s District Attorney, along with New York’s Governor of New York State. Governor Kathy “ Crime is only a Perception” Hochul, who’s only thing she seems to be Proud of is that she’s New York’s First Female Governor. Kind of reminds me of Joe Biden’s Pick for his Vice President. I don’t know of any other reason why she was elected!
    And “Out of Touch” Kathy Hochul wants to know Why Crime Issues Are So Important. As People Are Getting Thrown on to the Subway Tracks almost on a daily basis.
    Please forgive me, but I’m trying not to laugh as I type this

  24. Progressives:= Despicable Liars

  25. Yes, It IS MY educated opinion that many conservatives did indeed step up and vote against Biden and his Lying Crooked Cronies including myself and my family. The Left I’m quite sure cheated many of their candidates in office despite our voter turnout. However, we need to speak up when we see the cheating. See something, say something. Spread the world on how they do it. Question all the “recounts” and “broken ballot counting machines”. Call out when you’re ordered to deliver thousands of prefilled ballots to the polls. Ask your grandma, and Grandpa, and Parents if they actually filled out her ballot herself when the Left canvasses Grandma’s nursing home. Let others know about it when you’re told you already voted in your district when you have the ballot right in your hand. We have had great wins and amassed amazing pushback, however I fear it may have distorted our perception of how successful we truly were in changing the country, and the midterm results were like that test we didn’t study enough and were ill prepared to take.

    The good news is, this wasn’t our last chance: Donald Trump is running again in 2024! And just incase he doesn’t get the nomination, then Ron DeSantis will. We had two years to see what a wreck that dummy Joe Biden made of the country, and two more to follow. If the hardships under Biden now aren’t enough to persuade people, how far will it have to be until it does? When breadlines, and Rations come back, then maybe these Clueless Democrats will wise up . When we cant even afford to drive ourselves to work because Gas costs $6 or 7 dollars a gallon When we’re told to make do without power or heating, or Hot water. Now do you really want 4 more years of the same or worse? We saw what Trump accomplished, we see what Biden fails to. If we simply do what we are now, Trump will likely be cheated out a second time. I don’t know about you, but I (literally) can’t afford to stay silent this time around!
    Yes, Trump isn’t the most Literary President that we have ever had, but he’s the Most Accomplished.

  26. can think of no greater insult to us the American citizens than the progressive communist democrats pretending that President Biden is capable of competently executing his presidential duties unless it is the suggestion that Biden is competent, capable, corrupt, and qualified to be a viable Presidential candidate in 2024. Likewise, there is NO sense in pretending that Vice President Kamala Harris is capable of assuming the Presidency should President Biden resign or face a 25th Amendment Challenge of being incapable of continuing to hold his position, as he is in that condition already and nothing is being done about it. .There is little doubt in my mind that the functions of the Presidency are being stage-managed by a “Shadow President” named Barack Obama, and his Progressive Communist Democrats who have demonstrated not only disdain for America but are incompetent as they do significant damage to our domestic and foreign affairs, in fact our failed polices have been a determent to the country since day one of his inauguration. As he showed us during the Afghanistan withdrawal. We have a President who’s very own Son has sold out our Country, and his FILTHY party continues to sweep it under the rug. Lets face it, the entire world is aware that Hunter Biden the corrupt son of the President of the United States, is and has always been compromising the “Big Guy” Joe Biden. and only God know how bad and how long this has been going on. The FBI is corrupt, the Department of Justice is corrupt, and the Biden Family is corrupt, And to top that off, Our President is a Delusional Old Man who doesn’t even realize the extent of it. And until now, they haven’t even been investigating it! To sit by and watch America being degraded into a third-world Shit-Hole ruled by corrupted Shadow Government, and a Senile, Demented President is a horrible site to watch, and to live under.


  27. Can anyone anywhere please explain to mr why Barack Hussein Obama, and his wife Moochie would have anything to do with a MISERABLE, DISGUSTING, PIG like that ANTI AMERICAN, ANTI SEMITIC POS Rev. Jeremiah Wright

    I think OBAMA will never be excused for doing that in his MISERABLE lifetime.

    But his stupid fawning over a piece of human waste Jeremiah Wright -- should make him ( Obama) a LOSER for the rest of his useless and miserable life.


  28. Under Joe Biden, he had either told so many Lies that the leftist media can no longer keep count, or they just don't care

  29. Can anyone please explain why these "Progressives such as the one that writes that Blog that is FULL of LIES, and Fake Stories is not thrown off of the Blogisphere, along with the 2 or 3 IDIOTS what patronize her BS, Such as BullDog, and Michalahole, and that Preacher from "Mehico"or "Meh-He-Co".I know that here in Amerika pre Obama, and BiDum, we have, or HAD Free Speech, but these Lunatics are going to end that soon.

  30. China, Senile Joe...and his crackhead son are up to it to their ears in Crooked activities.. Its time to get RID OF THEM BOTH, Let the IMPEACHMENT PROCEEDINGS BEGIN!

  31. This sounds like a typical day at the Border
    One Teen Dies, and 3 others hospitalized due to Fetenhacl exposure at local High School
    From Biden’s Open Border Policy.

  32. I guess that Stealing, and Looting is Okay if you fit the proper Description!
    An Apple store in the heart of California's Silicon Valley allow a pair of thieves to brazenly ransack the store, and even tell employees not to interfere.

    The startling footage was filmed at the Apple store in Palo Alto on Black Friday and showed the masked thieves storming about the store and ripping apart the show-cases, and displays of I Phones, I Pads, and laptop computers from their displays during the daylight, open store right in front of several of the customers, and employees.

    As the ransacking continued, a few of the customers asked the employees if they should do anything to stop it, but the employees told them not to intervene, and they need not risk their lives. And to just do as they were preciously were told to just stand by and not to get involved. The Looter’s made off with approximately $35,000 worth of merchandise. This is what is considered the “New Normal” in today’s California. And coming soon to a town near you soon.

  33. Leaked documents show collusion between the FBI, Facebook, and Twitter to suppress stories like Hunter Biden's laptop
    And today Elon Musk Reveals Why Twitter Suppressed Hunter Biden ‘Laptop From Hell’ Story! The NY Post was right about Hunter Biden's laptop all the time. .Incredibly, Elon Musk slams Twitter’s decision to censor the Hunter Biden laptop story
    President Joe Biden's son, Hunter, has been under investigation since 2018 for his involvement in business deals with countries like China and Ukraine.
    The New York Post article on Hunter Biden’s laptop was true. The laptop was abandoned by Hunter, who ignored multiple requests from the repair shop to pick it up. After a certain number of days and ignored requests to pick up the laptop, it became the legal property of the repair shop. The laptop was never hacked, but Twitter falsely said it was hacked, in order to justify its ban on people linking to the story.

    Before the election, every mainstream news source said the New York Post article was a lie. After the election, they all admitted it was true. Surveys of Biden voters in all the major swing states show that 1 in 6 would not have voted for Biden if they had known about the laptop.
    So while the DNC has people concerned with Trump Derangement Syndrome, the Biden story was being censured.
    Internal Twitter documents show that all of this censorship came at the request of the DNC.
    Forget about the Naked pictures of Hunter, and all the Crackhead stories, the real news is the Corruption of Joe Biden and the Biden Crime Family. The Cockroaches are beginning to run.

  34. Hillary Clinton who personifies the arrogance, and ugliness of America probably holds the record for being the biggest sore loser in the history of the United States of America.

  35. Shaw Kenawe said: “
    Joe Biden is NOT in any stage of dementia. My husband, his mother and father, and my sister both suffered from and died from that nasty disease. I know what it is, up close and personal.”

    I say, No wonder you are the way you are. The old Apple don’t fall too far from the Tree, does it!

    1. 😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋

      Now that was delicious!

  36. Breaking
    Poopy Head Biden may be subpoenaed in the Hunter Biden investigations!

    1. Poopy Head Biden... is that where he puts his pants on? 😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄

  37. Another BIG GOOF from our Senile President.. Releasing a Looser for an American MURDERER.
    Biden's prisoner swaps are setting a terrible precedent, Perhaps more than any administration of either side in recent history, the Biden administration has prioritized the release of American citizens arbitrarily detained overseas. Countries such as Russia , Afghanistan , Iran , and Venezuela have increasingly resorted to arresting and holding American citizens as political bargaining chips This swap has been his worse move of them all. Trading Russian arms dealer for Griner is a real,tragic mistake, The deal would embolden Putin to continue using hostage diplomacy to achieve his anti-American agenda. The Biden administration may bring two Americans home, scoring much needed political points -- at a time the president’s popularity is at historic lows -- but it will endanger many more Americans in the future and harm U.S. security. Lets face it, it was a What a dumb & DANGEROUS trade.
    Lets face it, he didn’t release her. He traded Merchant of Death for her. You know, the guy responsible for many conflicts and thousands of innocent deaths?
    In exchange, the Biden administration released Bashir Noorzai, a Bad Ass Afghan heroin trafficker also known as the “Pablo Escobar of heroin.” At the time of his arrest Noorzai was considered one of the biggest drug traffickers in the world, and a close confidant of Mullah Muhammad Omar, the Taliban’s supreme leader

    Your idiot president traded one of the most dangerous criminals in the world for a lesbo anti/American Basketball player. Only clowns like you could celebrate such a Stupid, and COWARDLY deal!

  39. When a Basket Player, who Hates America is Traded for a Russian Arms Dealer, that sold Thousands of weapons, and Millions of ammunition to our enemies, including ISIS, while an American Marine who has spent 15 years in the Marines, and spent time in Iraq and has been jailed in a Russian Prison for 4 years is left behind…. It's Time for President Donald J. Trump to take charge of this Country. And get RID of the Biden Administration, and Crime family that is ruining this Country..

  40. Paul Whelan, the US Marine who has been jailed in Russia since 4 years ago, said on that he isn't sure why he still remains in Prison after Brittney Griner was released in a prisoner swap. And that the entire thing was Political.

    "I was arrested for a crime that never occurred," the 52-year-old told CNN in a phone call from a remote Russian prison. "I don't understand why I'm still sitting here."

    How far we've fallen since the election was stolen and an Illegitimate administration was installed. We are being laughed at on the world stage. And now we have learned that the Britney Greiner, Viktor Bout fiasco is bad enough but now we learn that the senile President gave us PHONY information about the terms of the Swap. The whole thing was a Massive Lie, and Embarrassment. And to add to this charade, It appears that Biden lied to the Whelan family about the terms of the deal..

    1. Biden won't be finishing his stolen time in the White House. There is a prophecy about Trump from the late prophet Kim Clement where he got a word back around 2007 saying Trump will serve 2 more terms. Kim Clement died a few days after the 2016 election of complications he had from a stroke. His daughter Donné Petruska has the video of what he said. And next year is the 100th anniversary of President Warren Harding's death on 8/02/2023.

  41. Yes, we are a great country, and there's many things that are so amazing. And I, as well as you should feel very fortunate to be in this country. I'd never be able to do this in a lot of other places. But also that doesn't mean we can't get better. And it doesn't mean that we shouldn't always strive to be better. BUT it also means that we we should be glad, as well as PROUD to live here , and especially to be Born here, and NOT to publicly disrespect America as Brittney Griner disrespected her country, and then expect everyone to Cheer for her when she GETS HERSELF IN TROUBLE.
    Besides her throwing a ball around, and into a basket, what else has she accomplished, or done to earn the respect of the American people? And the answer to that question is NOTHING!
    A United States Marine who's remains wrongfully imprisoned in Russia. Because Biden chose poorly doing an exchange for an America hating Basketball player. All because of Joe Biden’s Disastrous Trade for Brittney Griner, Most likely so that the Democrats could get a few Hundred Black Votes.
    I seriously doubt that Putin, or Russia really gives a Crap about Brittney Griner, she's just another Stupid drugy in a prison full of drugies.

    So when an American-Hater like Brittney Griner who has been in a Russian Prison for doing something that SHE should have known was 100 percent WRONG is Traded for a Russian Arms Dealer, that sold Thousands of weapons, and Millions of rounds of ammunition to our enemies, including ISIS, who used those weapons ti KILL American Soldiers while an American Marine who has spent 15 years in the Marines, and spent time in Iraq and has been jailed in a Russian Prison for 4 years is left behind…. It's Time for President Donald J. Trump to take charge of this Country. And get RID of the Biden Administration, and Crime family that is ruining this Country. And who is responsible for making a Trade of Prisoners such as that Idiotic trade .

  42. The INSANE MORONIC leftist’s policy the police forces in America’s Democratic Cities are losing their Police Officers due to their “No Bail” and release policy as the Criminals are not being held for bail and, or being Prosecuted. You can thank Andrew Cuomo, and Alvin Bragg Manhattan’s District Attorney, along with New York’s Governor of New York State. Governor Kathy “ Crime is only a Perception” Hochul, who’s only thing she seems to be Proud of is that she’s New York’s First Female Governor. Kind of reminds me of Joe Biden’s Pick for his Vice President. I don’t know of any other reason why she was elected!

  43. Another criminal in the Biden administration allowed to LEAVE instead of being fired ... sounds like how things work inside the FBI.
    This Moronic appointee is already facing charges of stealing luggage at an airport, and now. (He, or She) faces more charges for stealing luggage at another airport.

    Still, this was not enough for the Biden administration to fire IT.was allowed to leave on its own.
    Apparently he’s/she’s a pervert who gets off on stealing women's luggage and then wearing their clothes
    I'm just curious - what does it take to be fired from the Biden administration?

    Seems like the only thing that may do it would be to vote Republican

  44. I was embarrassed. This is not a Democrat and Republican issue, this is an issue of transcended foreign policy needs and concerns of the United States,” Schoen said. “She came up not only short but the laughter, the failure to unequivocally say ‘we will do anything we can for the Ukrainian people to provide as much support as possible’ sadly means that I have to agree with Monica. I wish I could disagree, but as a Democrat and an American first, I think this was tragic and very, very, very sad.

  45. Our country is all going to Hell FAST in a Hand-basket. Reasonable Americans everywhere regardless of politics want a more unified country and less of the increasing polarization going on. I think it’s going to be unpopular with the woke crowd, but the solution is worth it: We need to take more of a hard line stance on standing up for our Country. It means putting our collective foot down and saying NO to open borders, and No to Critical Race Theory, and No defunding our police, sanctuary cities, welfare cradle to grave, the deconstruction of our values and culture, and NO MORE being pushed around internationally, seeing our country as a cesspit of racism, being afraid, or embarrassed to fly our flag, or to stand for our National Anthem, celebrate our freedom and do all things American! It’s great to see that some states are starting to do that, such as several banning Critical Race Theory from the schools and tthat “sanctuary” cities are changing their minds, respect for our for 2nd amendment rights is returning. . We as citizens NEED to desperately do our part too be voting for candidates who are pro-America, passing laws that put America first, building communities with values that lift up, not keep us down, treating others with true equality, not being afraid to express our Patriotism among countless ways to support our country, and putting America first, and it’s very important to BUY AMERICAN. There is a growing backlash against the anti-American lunacy and we can all take a stand!
    After ALL, Who Are These People? They can NO-LONGER tell us what to do, and how to do it! They aren’t going to tell us(me, and you) what to write on these message boards! Or silence us when we respond to their LIES, and BS. They are NOT going to Ban our former President from giving HIS opinion on a Public Board any longer! Not when WE take over! Not starting this coming November! NO Sir, things are going to change, and Change Drastically! They are no longer going to Shut Us Up. They are no longer going to call us those Stupid, and Fake Names like White Supremacist, or “Racists”, or anyother stupid, Childish names, PERIOD!

    Who are these people? And why are they so afraid to Unite with us Americans? And Why do they think that they have a Monopoly on writing here? Or anywhere else?
    Do you thing the readers of these Facebook comments, or Blog comments only want to hear from their Bleeding Heart Voices? Well then I’m sorry but you are just going to have to PUT UP WITH ME and the rest of the Patriots that are sick, and tired, and embarrassed to hear our Inept, Senile, Delusional. Stuttering, President insulting the half of the counties Patriotic, and Loyal Americans. We see the rest of the world laughing at us, and the idiotic decisions of the Senile President, who actually should have been Put Out To Pasture a long time ago.
    We can also speak out about these INEPT Morons who are desperately trying to Ruin this Country.
    We didn’t spend our years defending our beloved Country so that these this IDIOT and his Puppet Masters could turn her over to the Commie’s. Did You think that you have a Monopoly on writing here?
    Do you thing the readers of this only want to hear from your Bleeding Heart Voice? Well then I’m sorry but you are just going to have to Put up with Me and the rest of the people who are Sick, and Tired, of what this Senile President is doing to our country. These INEPT Morons in Washington are desperately trying to Ruin this Country.
    We didn’t spend our years defending her so that these TWO IDIOTS and their Puppet Masters could bring us to another WAR! We had a President who not only defended our Country, but brought us to a new high that we have never seen before. We had a Country who was NO-LONGER dependant on anyone else for our energy. We were independent from anyone! We had record employment, we put China, and Russia, and Iran in their place. We no longer were paying their bills at the UN, or anywhere else.

  46. ,
    Perhaps next you want to take away the 4th of July, the National Anthem, displaying American Flags and such, is the Left’s various social agendas dismantling our core values. Our country was and still is known around the world as the place where you can work hard and achieve your dreams. Why do you think that all these MILLIONS of Illeagles want to come here? Did you ever see even one person that wanted to go to ANY of those Shit Hole Countries? . No, life is not a picnic here., But we still have the Greatest Country in the whole world, with the the opportunity to better yourself and the resources to do it are still second to none! However now we seem to be so consumed in racism and inequalities that it make it literally impossible to realize your American Dream. . Yet, try telling that to the disadvantaged people that who came here and beat the odds! No one denies they have had to face far more obstacles, including poverty, bias and discrimination, but never the less they made it and are proud of the country that helped them succeed. The defeatist attitude that you can’t only leads to a society of people who have no motivation to better themselves and blame the system for all their obstacles rather than actively try to overcome them. Relatedly, values such as personal accountability are also under attack. If you can simply blame systemic racism, sexism, or the “claustrophobia” for all your mistakes such as your unwanted pregnancies, broken homes, unemployment, financial struggles, the fact you didn’t get the job or admission to college etc… then that absolves you of your own personal choices you could control despite other circumstances you couldn’t! Shifting the blame onto excuses of insurmountable oppression has chipped away at our moral fiber as a nation has enabled a chronic welfare state, broken families and homes, cycles of violence and abuse and poverty, poorer health outcomes, learned helplessness, underachievement and untapped potential. NONE of which helps our country!
    We ignore the dangers of rising crime rates and results of what it means. ARE racist and sexist brought over by many who want to take advantage of our freedoms yet don’t appreciate our country in return. I don’t blame people who are only here for a better life, and I welcome those who come with an open mind and grateful attitude to share the American Dream like many of our own ancestors. However, along with the good ones, come criminals trafficking drugs or fellow human beings, gangs, and those who resent us and want to undermine Western values. Sounds paranoid and extreme, but those so called sanctuary cities have skyrocketing crime rates, and an overflowing welfare state. Even if only productive families came who would help the country, we can only take so many and must look after those already here as legal citizens. No one has the right to just enter any country and demand its resources. There are ways to officially become citizens and many immigrants honor this and it’s unfair to them to just jump the line! Imagine if I randomly decided to go to Canada and demand they give me all their resources without becoming a Canadian citizen! If that sounds ridiculous then why isn’t it for America? Don’t even get me started on how we’re treated internationally by other countries and how we let them step all over us…
    We now have a President from the party who would rather divide the country along identity lines. Conservative vs. Liberal. White vs. Black. Men vs. women. Gay vs. straight rather than lose their power.


  47. …. Everything that we loved from our entire childhood, YOU have wiped out, our Nursery rhymes, our Cartoons, even the Pancake Syrup that we loved. No America is only great for milking her, for getting Free Stuff. And if you can’t get it, You are now Stealing it, Looting it. . All of American’s apple pie apparently is also racist and nationalist ! Rightfully defending our country is seen as unjust, and some even go so far as to say “We Deserved 9/11" ! This clearly goes beyond SANE criticisms of our country, instead being a one sided attack that only seeks to tear down our national pride and identity, deconstructing rather than constructively improving our remaining faults.
    You have already tore down our Countries Statues, and the History behind them You have been eliminating our Holidays, like Columbus Day, and some of our Great President’s birthdays

    And now we have lost all of that! We have become the laughing stock of the world. Half of our own country can’t stand the sight of our country’s Flag, and would rather get on a KNEE, then STAND and show respect for it. Enough is enough. This CRAP is more than enough. I for one am proud to stand for our Flag. And to tell you the truth, you can call me a “white supremacist all you want to . If you hate America that much be my guest and call me any name that you want to, As long as you don’t MESS with MY Freedoms, and MY Rights, You can even get on the next boat to China, or Canada if you Hate this country so much

  48. .
    Even the word “Patriot” is now a code word for the Leftist’s according to the media. Showing pride in our country, and also those who defend it is now distorted into something ugly by the Left, who only wish to disconcert from our identity. Even something as simple as standing for the National Anthem is now CHALLENGED. ! In light of that, it’s no wonder many on the far Left even call for cancelling the 4th of July as a “white supremacist, sexist, racist etc

    These Socialist Democrats, who are leaning on Communism actually would rather destroy America and to divide us against each other! We did that once, and the results ended in 600,000 Americans dead, more than WWI and WWII combined! While there haven’t been calls of a literal second civil war yet, the violence this division is stoking is an all too real threat. With racial tension at an all time high, and BLM and Antifa around there has been an increase in violent protests, looting and overall lawlessness. Even more frightening, they get a free pass to do all of the above as it’s politically undesirable to hold them accountable to the law. Looting hundreds of dollars worth of merchandise is now okay in the name of reparations! If that doesn’t sound like insanity I don’t know what is… Now, the latest attempt at utterly dividing America comes from Critical Race Theory. This is their view that everything can be seen through the lens of racial injustice and oppression at the hands of white people, and that our country is inherently racist at its core. And that White people must renounce their “privilege” and people of color are oppressed. Just ask Colin Kaepernick he has become the Hero of the Oppressed Blacks, he even has this CRAP being taught in schools across the country to our children as well as in higher learning to brainwash and divide them from their white friends. Are You Going to even try to tell me that this is healthy for anyone? To tell their white friends, the same children that they grew up with that are “oppressors”? To tell children of color they’re inherently oppressed and cant go as far as their white friends can?
    How about ALL of our Black Doctors, and Lawyers, and School Teachers, and Politicians, and Generals, Mayors, Governors, Actors, and Actresses, Barrack Obama, the new Mayor of New York City (this biggest City in the World)? Were they ALL Oppressed? Was Colin Kaepernick so Oppressed? If so then how did he get the Millions that he has, or the Mansion that he lives in, or ALL of his Luxury cars? And how come he has become the Spokesmen for a company like Nike?


  49. If you ask me, HE IS A Resentment to his own Race!
    Instead of being one “UNITED” Country, we now have two separate National Anthems, our Regular Anthem, that we had for almost 100 years, and now a Black Anthem WHY? Because of Black “Activist Athletes” who instead of thanking America for the wonderful, opportunity that they have achieved so much and come so far and represent America at the Olympics of all places, where they Stand to Protest in Spite of what they have managed to achieve. They would rather have two separate Americas! Where their friends, and families are divided over politics. Politics told to them by some strangers from an Organization called Black Lives Matter, where children are estranged from their parents, their siblings on opposite sides of each other, separated from their relationships, friends unfriending each other over a political sides, this is exactly what is tearing us apart.. Politics is no longer about ideas, but identity, and every little thing that you do now puts you on one side or the other regardless of your own opinions! It’s going to lead us into another civil war!
    And we have a President So Damn Hell Bent to satisfy the LGBT community, that he traded a female Basketball Player who is a Anti-American for an American Keller!
    Our history, and our values, as well as our e identity, our unity, it’s all being DESTROYED ! Most of Americans really want a unified country and less of the increasing hatred that is going on.: We need to be standing up for our country. We need to foot down and saying NO to open borders, No more Critical Race Theory, No more Defunding our police, No more Sanctuary Cities, No More Destruction of our History, our Statues, and our Values, No More Banning of anything any We need to be treating others with equality, We need to NOT being afraid to express our Patriotism and to Support our country against the anti-American Lunacy. We must all take a stand!

  50. Shaw at taht stupid, and INFANTILE BLOG thinks it’s cute to continue constantly writing these jokes about Trump while she completely ignores Joe Biden’s failures
    SHE NEVER SEEMS to EVER mention the CRISIS at our border and never even says that that there IS already a disaster looming at the border thanks to Joe Biden’s completely ignoring the issue .. BUT we are about to be totally, and I really mean TOTALLY be overwhelmed when Tittle 42 ends.
    Some of the images that we are seeing coming from just south of the border are startling. There are SO MANY of these illegal people just standing there and waiting to storm in.
    Does Joe Biden even have a plan?
    Do any of the border states have any plans?
    You can tell that we are in deep trouble when even Gavin Newsome admits that this is going to be a huge problem.
    Personally, I don’t really give a damn about the Democratic Party, or Joe Biden, or about Nancy Pelosi, or Kamala Harris either. In fact I don’t give a Flying Fig about any of the Creeps in that miserable Party.
    All of them are in it for the power and not for serving the people and they’re willing to make any excuses to justify their Lies for the. They are even Willing to and hide the truth, and their bullshit, all in the name of winning. All I can say is Screw them all, especially Biden, and his Crack-Head Son.
    And personally I feel that America is in decline, and fast, now that this delusional fool Joe Biden is our Commander in Chief, and I just can’t sit around and keep silent about it. I am passionate about all things in life, especially things that hurt my country, and my lifestyle choices and as I said, I cannot sit idly around when I see the destruction of the greatest country in human civilization! Is America perfect ? No, it is not, because I know that it can be better, but it is still the best country and form of government ever established, if The Constitution is observed as we know it..
    The genius is in the separation of the the three branches of government, Executive, Legislative & Judicial & the freedoms spelled out in The Constitution.
    The News Media was, until this crooked administration was put in power , the watch guard of these three branches & all government institutions. The MSM was the fourth pillar of this Republic. But it isn’t any longer, not with Biden Banning, and Changing everything we loved since this country was born. He is destroying our country fast! AND IT MUST STOP
