Sunday, January 15, 2023

Adam Schitt His Thong Panties

Adam Schitt has been crying like a baby these past few days.  This assclown Schitt got yanked from his positions by Kevin McCarthy.

It's funny watching these weasels squirming as they have lost their power in the House.  These jackals will be servicing a number of prisoners in GITMO when they get charged with crimes against the USA.


  1. Is that a photo of Adam Schittler at Blecccchstink Island? πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„

  2. My thoughts are that they will be DUMPING Joey Biden even sooner than we thought, and definitely before the 2024 elections I also think they’ll run Michelle Obama, and that they will get some more Black voters that way, they will get more women voters as well. , But they may lose a lot of White Male Voters…and probably in all likelihood some Smart Women as well. …

    1. “Don’t Worry, I Never Leave My Corvette Parked in the Street!”
      The Senile old Goat thinks that it was Okay to have the Documents as long as they were safely locked up!
      The fact that Biden’s thinking that it’s OK to have Classified papers that he never had authority to remove from the WHITE HOUSE in the first place, as long as they’re locked in the garage is sufficient enough to remove him via the 25th amendment.

    2. Are you ready for the joy ride coming soon? πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„

  3. Farting JoeJoe Bidet aka Joey The Talking Chicken Bidet will not survive to finish off this term. Some Christian Prophets have had dreams where they saw his carcass in a casket in the White House rotunda. Poopy Pants Bidet will be taking his dirt nap very soon.

    1. I am not a crook! My documents were very secure in my garage! I had them under lock and key at all times.

      Bulbophyll Bassoon got to Nancy Pelosi, Steny Hoyer, Chuck Schumer and Hakeem Jeffries... I want my chocolate chip🍦🍦🍦now!


  4. Another serious problem now exists for Joe Biden. It seems as if there were No visitor logs for President Joe Biden's home in Wilmington, Delaware, where classified documents from his vice presidential days were found, as it is a private residence, the White House Counsel's office said

    1. The scandals are showing up now. Biden really screwed the pooch with his dirty deeds done dirt cheap.

  5. Biden's mishandling of classified is realky bad, but it still can't top Hillary's 'Russian Collusion' scandal, Obama and his administration's (NSA, CIA, FBI, DOJ+) failed attempted coup, and Pelosi's multiple criminal attempts to overthrow the govt by illegally removing a sitting President (even manufacturing fake evidence to try to help them succeed).

    A US President and his son taking millions from our enemies, laundering money, selling influence, tax evasion / fraud, espionage, mishandling the most sensitive, highest classified info the US has ... ?
    And yes there are so many Progressives that STILL believe in his innocents.
    Well, I guess it takes All Kinds!

    1. Get your popcorn stash ready! The circus show will be right back.

  6. The Sassy Irish LassyJanuary 17, 2023 at 1:07 PM

    When I watch or listen to the press briefings by The White House press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre or other Biden administration officials, or the rare occasions Biden appears, I am appalled at the outright lies & misinformation & spin by these officials.
    They never answer the question or refer you to some other government agency.
    The previous press secretary,Jen Psaki, was always " circling back " but never really doing so, and this new one is always saying how aware & concerned the president is about every calamity that he has caused but blames others ! For her, he is simply the best president ever & how dare you think otherwise.
    the other embarrassment are the other reporters & journalist there, other than Peter Doocy. He really asks real & hard questions & follows up strongly. The others ask the most unimportant & irrelevant questions ever. There could not be a more boring, passive, unaware, unworthy group of "journalists" in the world.
    They just ask questions that have no quality, importance or urgency. I don't know why they are journalists or reporters because almost no one could care less about their questions.
    Half of them are democrat plants & propagandists asking previously determined questions.
    During Trump's presidency there were numerous "attack dogs" as reporters casting accusations rather than questions at Trump !
    Now, during Biden's presidency, they are almost all lap dogs of the democrats or democrat activists & plants with an agenda to further their liberal ideology & fake news.

  7. Have you noticed the mop head Kookoo Muff keeps looking at her notes, rather than engaging with the reporters? The lying shroom head keeps showing signs of lying as she cackles her whoppers.

  8. By the way, have any of you guys stopped by Boston Piggy's dump site lately? I noticed Dervish has been making himself quite scarce. He's been by here a little bit, as you can see with his ridiculous little retorts, but for the most part, he's been MIA. I think he took on a new ID on Rumble, from what Mystere told me this week.. Mystere saw a troll on a live chat, a guy who calls himself LOLtrumplostlol spewing hate in typical Dervish Sanders style. Mystere called him out, and it appears Dervish got blocked by the site administrator from a live chat.

    I stopped by Boston Piggy's hate blog Progressive Disruptions today and noticed Dervish commenting as an anonymous user. Assface Dervish is a hate filled coward.

  9. Now Karine Jean-Pierre "Mistakenly Calls Kamala Harris The President as well as Old Delusional Joey and Joe Biden is still determined that Kamala Harris IS the president then she must be the one who pulls Joey’s strings. Hence all these mistakes. .If not then it must be just around the corner. .

    1. πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„

  10. Boston Piggy's Dump site, has really been a "DUMP" site, the idiots that post there are all the same from Miss Piggy, to Piggy Faced Dave Miller. and a few of her Donkeys thrown in from time to time., like BlueBullDog Drumhead, and the new "Halfwit" in town The Gray One, who must be in her 90's.
    Also have you noticed that Miss Boston Piggy writes 80 percent of the comments there. I guess that the horrible STINK there keeps most of the Geniuses away.

    1. Add the RETARDED Dervish Sanders to that list of Morons!

    2. Where is Assface Dervish? I haven't seen his rotting carcass in a while. He's probably pooping his gay Bernie Sanders bareback thong panties, after seeing his farting buttboy god Bidet taking a beating.

    3. Mein Hintern rumpelt heftig, nachdem er mit einer großartigen Bratwurst stark angeregt wurde.

    4. Genosse Dervish, ich spΓΌre einen riesigen Orgasus, nachdem ich dich beobachtet habe! SIEG HEIL! SIEG HEIL!

    5. Mein dicker fetter Hintern rumpelt heftig, nachdem er mit einer großartigen Bratwurst stark angeregt wurde. HEIL SCHITTLER! HEIL SCHITTLER!

    6. πŸ”ΊAssface Dervish has hit the moonbat hooch again!πŸ”Ί

      Drinking and posting replies brings out the nazi in Dervish Sanders.

  11. Yesterday the President's Genius Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre who should be the recipient of the National Medal of Imbeciles announced that the White House will NO LONG SPEAK ABOUT THE CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS.
    And Biden’s defenders in the media are rushing to his aid, marking how the two instances “difference,” in Trump’s handling of the Classified Documents, and Biden’s are "not the same" and have “clear distinctions.”
    That is so true but not the way the MSM & democrats are trying to spin it
    Biden was Vice President whereas Trump was President & had the right & power to declassify all “ classified” documents. Biden as the Vice President, didn’t even have clearance to see, or handle them in ANY WAY!
    Secondly, the “Biden lawyers” finding & disclosing these is a complete hoax !
    These kinds of manipulations & hoaxes are common practice for the democrats.
    There is much more to this story & the actions than that which the democrats are letting on.
    There are definitely more sinister & manipulative reasons these documents came to light. I already have my suspicions as to why, but will wait.
    The truth will soon unfold, despite strong efforts to hide it


  12. Philadelphia Flyers defenseman Ivan Provorov did not participate in the team’s pregame warmup skate on Tuesday, citing his religious beliefs as the team wore Pride Night jerseys in support of the LGBTQ+ At least there is someone who has the Guts to say NO!

  13. BREAKING NEWS Just In NOW! This Just In: After a 13 hour FBI RAID at Biden's Wilmington Home, Six More Classified Documents Found In Biden's Wilmington Home..... Joe Biden's response was " But I didn't pull the Trigger"

  14. Going out to my favorite restaurants lately has been an awakening lately.
    It seems to be much easier getting a seat at the Bar, or a Table in the Dining Room these days.
    Perhaps they should rethink about those high prices, and the sur-charges for using credit cards so that I and others like me can enjoy going out like we used to

  15. The Asian mass shooting, the awful VIOLENCE and Riots breaking out across the country because of Joe Biden’s Stealing and Relocating Classified Documents, The likelihood of Evidence of Hunter Biden’s Influence-peddling Schemes 'Everywhere,!, The Illegally possession of classified documents shows Joey, and his Crackhead Son to be Crooks and Stupid.The Major Crime rising in big cities?

    Of course all this is to focus on white supremacists and as absurd as all the other BS that is going around about Whites being blamed for everything that BiDumb does. Don’t even think of Blaming Bidumbs Pot Head Son Hunter! . Torch property in Atlanta media yawn. Put your feet on Pelosis desk or Wear a water buffalo lodge hat in public get crushed in the media and years in jail

  16. The Monterey Park/Alhambra shooting has gotten local coverage in Southern California. Governor Gaffing Assface Nazi Nuisance dragged his stinky drunk carcass and started burping and oinking about gun control, then fled over to Frisco when he got wind that another shooting happened in his turd stained streets. But I wonder why he didn't get help from his pet bimbo Eleni KookooNuthaus to cover his bare behind and oink on his behalf? She could have gone out to Frisco for his rotten carcass and oinked or grunted in his place.

  17. The most Despicable Douchebag of All Douchebags the Progressive Communist Democrats is the Proven Liar, Leaker, and Falsifier of Evidence Adam Schiff, who should not only be Booted of of the House Intelligent Committee, but from EVERY Committee.
    Adam Shiff STILL doesn’t know who his SO CALLED WHISTLE BLOWERS are. The alleged whistle blowers that were going to show that they had the goods on Donald Trump! It now shows that those Democrats like Shiff lied all the time.
    It's pretty pathetic you believe that a United States President should be impeached over a Telephone Call, or for colluding with a foreign power to help him defeat a political opponent which NEVER HAPPENED. Karma is finally catching up to the lying little Idiot! And I’m just thrilled that Kevin McCarthy is going to throw the little liar under the Bus where he belongs.
    In fact, it’s Music to My Ears He has his rabid followers are actually making Himself, His Party and Our Country Look Stupid.
    Schiff wants voters to think he's a Patriot who sacrificed his career and lost his committee assignments to hold former president Donald Trump accountable.
    But his financial records tell a different story, a story that shows he profiled by this scam of his.
    Schiff, spent $134,000 on fund-raising, and poured nearly $2 million a
    Campaign to support his investigations into Donald Trump's Alleged Dirty Deals.

    But these donations didn't go directly into his Campaign,. Instead, they went right into Schiff's own Campaign War Chest , which now is $21 Million

    1. Because shiff was caught being dishonest, does that make Joe Biden dishonest? I don't think it does!

  18. Always On Watch Said

    "Comment moderation enabled. I have a former student's doctoral thesis to evaluate. thesis to evaluate"
    Is your former student's doctoral thesis to evaluate, any better than Jill Biden's?.

  19. Adam Shiff continued his FAKE, PHONY, LIE for two years and said that he had personally seen evidence of Trump colluding with Russia during the Closed Door hearings by the Intel officials.
    Yet he never showed any such evidence of it.
    That RAT should resign in disgrace, or be Kicked out in disgrace.

  20. Did you ever notice how the Democratic Party resembles the "Back from the Dead" Party!

  21. Grey One Talks Sass. please contact whoever put that thing in your head and FALSELY called it a Brain, and get your Money Back, because it AIN'T working, but you seem to fit in Perfectly with the rest of the Morons over at that Progressive Blog....


  23. Adam Schiff the Sleazy, Creepy, Liar, and Leaker of Classified Information, and the Creator of False Evidence, and who is the Worst Politician In History of American Politics. Argues against being thrown off of Committee, and who now wants to be promoted to US Senator and has officially announced plans for a U.S. Senate run in California announced his candidacy for Senate on Tuesday, joining Katie Porter in the 2024 primary race to fill a California seat that hasn’t even been vacated yet by Dianne Feinstein.

    “I wanted you to hear it from me first. I’m running for the U.S. Senate in 2024 to protect our democracy and to build an economy that works for everyone.
    If you’re with me, chip in $10 right now to be one of the Founding Members of Team Schiff. Here’s a personal link: secure.

    Our democracy is under assault by an extreme and power-hungry GOP whose leadership doesn’t care about truth, decency, or right and wrong. And they must be stopped. We did far better than expected against these radical Republicans in the midterms
    Over the last six years, I’ve taken on Trump and Trumpism to protect our country. And I’d do it again. In a heartbeat.
    Today's Republican Party is gutting the middle class, threatening our democracy. They aren't going to stop. We have to stop them," Schiff said in a video announcing his official candidacy.
    Already, the Republicans are going after me. Trump bellows at me at his rallies. Fox News runs its constant smears. Kevin McCarthy just removed me from the Intelligence Committee. They don’t want me to continue holding them accountable, and they certainly don’t want me in the Senate.
    Many of Trump’s worst enablers are in the U.S. Senate, and it’s where a lot of the critical fights for the future will take place.

    When I led the Senate impeachment trial against Trump, I stood my ground, no matter what they threw at me. And I will take on anyone to protect the country I love and its proud legacy of self-government. As I run for the Senate.
    Can I count on you to be a Founding Member of Team Schiff before the end of the day? I'm not accepting corporate PAC money in this race. Even $3, $10, or $25 goes a long way.”

    1. That watermelonhead boar and the greedy fat sow from South Orange County are 2 Piggies in a mudbath. Neither of them are worth any votes. They're both just as crooked and treasonous. I hope both of them burn up their stolen loot and lose big time in 2024, especially Watermelonhead. It would also be nice to see the fat sow Katie Porter go to GITMO for embezzling loads of loot and refusing to pay her mortgage, forcing UCI to dole out the cash for her home near the campus.
