Tuesday, September 12, 2023

I'm going to hack into all your blogs and delete them permanently, Mystere. Hahahaha!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣




  1. Who'd you piss off, Mystere? Your old blog enemy, Irl Hudnutt? Why aren't you afraid?

    1. Did A$$face Derpi$h bin §atan~§ander$666 anger Irl Hudnutt?🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Way to go, A$$face Derpi$h bin §atan~§ander$666!

      What did you do to anger Irl, A$$face Derpi$h bin §atan~§ander$666? How did you drag his name through mud and anger Irl?🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  2. Can someone explain to me why people attack the idea of "Make America Great Again" (known as MAGA") ?

    Remember going to the moon?
    Remember when housing was affordable?
    Remember when Detroit ruled the world with its cars?
    Remember when you kids could go play safely at the neighborhood park?
    Remember when we were able to keep our doors
    Remember when jobs were plentiful and you could support your family on one?
    Remember when we allowed our Children to play outside on the street without ANY worries? I remember when I could play in the park in the 1950's, and my Mother didn’t even think twice about it.
    Remember when the doctor made house calls?
    Remember D-Day and the Liberation of Europe?
    Remember the Greatest Generation?

    Who doesn’t long for the days when America was Great? I'll tell you who: DEMOCRATS.

    The Democrats hate freedom, they hate America, they are promoting Socialism, they are the enemy of everything that is good and descent. They promote sodomy and sexualizing children and murdering babies by abortion. From the days of slavery, which democrats fight for, to today, Democrats have been a satanic evil entity.

    Real Americans love America and want to "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN"
    Beware of those who mock the acronym MAGA. They are very likely your enemy.... Remember you can NOT reason with a Liberal! Period. .

  3. Have you noticed that we have been facing an upsurge in crime in certain Democratic, and Liberal areas, notably areas Governed, and led by Progressive Communist Democratic Mayors, or/and Governors and even District Attorneys ho are responsible in the upsurge of crime! And that our Progressive Communist Democrat Politicians, even the Judges,are being driven by their Progressive ideology, that demand that these hardened criminals be released back into our communities along with the surge of millions of Illegal Alien CRIMINALS who are being treated differently than our own Ordinary Citizens are.
    There even has been a surge of"ambushed and murdered Police offices being shot in their own patrol cars that are being targeted simply because they were in uniform. How RIDICULES is that! What has this country come to?
    A California police chief appeared to be deliberately shot at and Murdered while riding his bicycle in Las Vegas by a 17 year old teenage while driving a car , and was heard saying “I hit his ass.”
    The unidentified 17 year old driver of the Hyundai was soon arrested by the police and has been charged with murder, after police discovered the video on social media that allegedly showed him deliberately shooting the man.
    An Illegal Immigrant was charged with Stabbing a man to death on the Subway in New York . He spent three months in Jail waiting for the court to approve his extradition which never came, and finally was ordered to be released by police because of a delay in the paperwork. Do you call this Justice? We constantly hear of these HORRIFIC cases that happen after a suspect had over 40-50 or more previous arrests! Why are people like that still walking our streets?
    You may ask What’s Next? And you’ll be right. Maybe we will see a surge in the Progressive Communist Democrats employing their allies in Antifa and Black Lives Matter troops as we grow closer to the 2024 election.
    And perhaps these Illegal Alien Gangs will speed up the floods of Illegal Aliens to cross the border before a New Administration comes into office.

  4. In Her Ridicules, Lunacy Progressive Blog today, the Progressive Queen of Obsessed President Trump's daily moves, the obvious Jealous Old Bitty wrote this about Our Beloved Former President....

  5. Les Carpenter said...

    It must be a bitch being tRump living in the delusions and obscurations of his dimminished mind.

    A typical Lunatic Democrat like you would never know, as you are much to SIMPLE-MINDED TO REALIZE THE DIFFERENCE.


  6. What Happened To Biden’s Unity Agenda?

    Less than two years ago, “President” Joe Biden stood in front of the U.S. Capitol in the wake of the Jan. 6 riots and delivered his inaugural address. He called for UNITY, and Americans who see a politically fractured country had more than welcomed it. He could have then put together an agenda that would have accomplished many of his goals while also helping heal the country. On Covid-19, Infrastructure and other Important matters, there was a road to massive bipartisan support that had olened wide. We focus a lot on disagreements, but in each of these areas, the average American citizens shares a broad consensus that Biden could have reached with an agenda of UNITY!.

    Oddly, after dedicating his inauguration to national UNITY, Biden has abandoned the much welcomed Unity agenda entirely.
    A group of 10 influential Republicans approached him with such a package. Biden rejected them and instead signed the most expensive spending bill in U.S. history, without a single Republican vote. This $1.9 trillion monstrosity delayed relief for average Americans by weeks in order to include non-COVID-19 related pork. It even changed the formula for aid to state and local governments to favor larger Blue States over smaller Red States.
    Biden and the Democrats were LYING! Isn’t that a Shocker!
    Unity means reducing the country to one party

    Unity to Joey means indoctrinating all the children to think like the Democrats do. .
    Unity to Joey means censoring social media to reflect a common narrative!
    So yea, Joey is all about Unity!
    Joey is Uniting the Country. Just like he said he would. Uniting them to think the way he want them to think!

    So the Bottom Line is that All you Biden / Unity voters I have one word for you...SUCKERS!

  7. You can Bitch and Whine all you want about how horrible things have gotten since Joe Biden was PUT into the office of the President of these United States of America but truth of the matter is that things are only going to get worse in the years to come. When we are a Third World Nation and that won’t be to long form now the days of the Trump Presidency will be the good old days.
    And lets fact the facts! The more ILLEGAL Immigrants that Biden and his Conies bring in, and allowed in the FILTHIER, and the more CRIME RIDDEN, and DISEASE RIDDEN this City, and the entire United States of America will be..

  8. Listening to Merrick Garland speak he made it obvious that he knows nothing, understands nothing, questions nothing, recalls nothing, has learned nothing and is capable of doing nothing.And according to him Hunter and Joe didn't commit any crimes, it was all in the Big Bad Orange Man’s imagination.

    He is the perfect Biden Attorney General
    So, exactly what did we learn today?
    I learned that Merrick Garland is a Dishonest Lying piece of Crap who didn't actually answer any questions because he was hiding And that he was hiding what he knows. Anybody with a half of a brain could see that.

  9. Listening to Merrick Garland speak he made it obvious that he knows nothing, understands nothing, questions nothing, recalls nothing, has learned nothing and is capable of doing nothing.And according to him Hunter and Joe didn't commit any crimes, it was all in the Big Bad Orange Man’s imagination.

    He is the perfect Biden Attorney General
    So, exactly what did we learn today?
    I learned that Merrick Garland is a Dishonest Lying piece of Crap who didn't actually answer any questions because he was hiding And that he was hiding what he knows. Anybody with a half of a brain could see that.

  10. I'm a Restaurant owner, and I'd like to respond to many of the Complaints we get from our Customers. : Biden’s inflation has affected everyone, all areas of our economy- from direct food and labor costs to indirect costs like utilities and insurance.
    The Prices have gone up on everything because our costs have gone up while profits go down because we can't keep pace with the increases from our suppliers
    But we don't nickel and dime with credit card surcharges like many other restaurants do. !

    So if you have any complaints about the HIGH prices in the Restaurants these day, Blame Joe Biden, and not us Restaurant owners.

  11. The Socialist-Democrats led by Mr. Potatohead is seriously considering a per-mile gas tax would require some sort of a surveillance device into your vehicle that could be used for everything, from setting your Insurance rates, monitoring and punishing driving infractions, tracking your location, and even reporting on your personal communications via the car’s built-in communications systems. The actually proposed system uses a smartphone app for its connectivity and possibly data collection points as ubiquitous as roadside license plate readers.
    This is not a big joke, but another insane idea from our current Vegetable- In Chief.
    This Bottom line will result to …living in a police state, and it’s getting much worse.
    And the obvious way to cancel this INSANITY is to Vote the Crazed Progressive Communist Democrats out of office.
    Otherwise I’d advise you to think of the consequences

  12. That Bitter, Lying Loser Hillary Clinton is out there again attacking Donald Trump about her LYING, Idiotic Russia Collusion Hoax . That Old Coot, never gives up.
    Hillary needs to be deported to Libya, or some other shit- Hole. And she needs to be made to to repay this country for every dime wasted on her false MADE-UP Russia Hoax, and all the investigations that were wasted on her lies. . Even Comey testified that there weren’t even a single vote that was were switched to Trump because of any Russian meddling.

  13. How this one for a Major SCREW UP, by your Retarded President!

    Joe Biden made a pretty big mistake the other day when he was speaking to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus as he forgets LL Cool J's Name, and calls Him “Boy” at a Congressional Black Caucus Event!

  14. The other day in a conversation with a “Liberal” I was asked
    “Why do I DISLIKE immigrants so much and why?
    Well, First of all, I don't “Dislike” legal immigrations
    I want Immigrants to come into the Country LEGALLY! I don't like ILLEGAL immigration.

    I don't owe Illegal Immigrants anything.. Why do these foreigners whine about Americans so much and never about any other counties, and then they want to come here? We never see threads on why Nigeria isn't falling over immigrants and catering to them, or Russia, or India, or Red China. The planet acts like the U.S. is somehow required to be flooded with the world's problem children and is supposed to instantly house tens of millions of them, give them all $300K a year jobs, free education, free food, and then powder their butts before bedtime every night.
    What are we, a DUMPING STATION for all their Problems?

    Why is that? You do know the rest of the planet can have their own regulations, and stick to them 100 percent. Almost none of these fake 'refugees' come here for anything else but for the money, period. They even demand everything to be in their languages so they don't have to strain themselves to learn English, and we need to learn theirs.
    Illegal Immigrants commit dangerous crimes, demand housing take Americans, jobs,or work for much less money. and put American citizens are disadvantaged.
    Legal Immigrants are all fine, it’s just the illegal immigrants who I don’t care for, If they come to our country legally to work, and work like everyone else to get what we offer. That’s how to become a part of our nation

  15. The First of many more to come of Biden’s impeachment inquiry hearing will be held on this coming Thursday, September 28th.
    On that day the House Committee on Oversight
    will hold an impeachment inquiry hearing. We will present evidence uncovered to date and hear from legal and financial experts about crimes the Bidens may have committed as they brought in millions at the expense of U.S. interests,
    Besides the bank records, the Suspicious Activity Reports, the Wire Transfers, the Private Bank Transactions, the 20 LLCs, the Texts, the Emails, the Messages, the Photos of Joe with Hunter's Business Partners, the Voicemails to His Son, the Two Business Partners Saying Joe Is the "Brand," the "Big Guy”, and "the chairman," the two IRS Whistleblowers testimony, the Recorded Phone Calls Between Biden and Poroshenko, the Video of Joe Biden Bragging about Firing the Ukrainian Prosecutor, and Hunter's statements that he's giving his Dad half his income,
    Most probably the circumstantial evidence that htey have alone is going to be enough to have him Impeached. BUT, BUT Trump made a “Phone Call”!

  16. I love to expose my gay thong panties and jock straps at my gay brothel on Highway 69.
