Monday, April 15, 2024

Dervish Sanders Allegedly Advocates Stealing Elections For Democrats? Part 2...


Dervish Sanders exposed his true desires to have fairly won elections stolen from all Conservatives in every state. Dervish asks for and believes that lying, cheating and stealing all elections for far left liberals is the way to go. Dervish encourages usurping rights from those he hates and disagrees with, at all costs.

Dervish Sanders allegedly worships Josef Robbingit Bidet Jr. To Dervish, Bidet is God in the flesh and must be bowed to & worshipped or the ones who refuse to bow down & worship must be sent to a prison camp with their entire family and be taken out by death to the family line. In his blog bio, Dervish Sanders gleefully posts "assassination of President Trump" as one of his interests. He's had complaints lodged against him, but gotten away with posting his hate and harassing others.

Update: Dervish Sanders just confessed to plotting another attempt to usurp the 2024 elections in November nationwide to keep his election thief seated on the 0ffal 0ffice throne. You can't hide from this, Dervish! And your blog boyfriends can't hide either like the cowards they are.

Cry all you want, Dervish, because even I have no idea who reported your hate blogs to Google. You think free speech is only for your kind, the far left wing extremists. You made many blog enemies with your hate. The same goes to you, Dave Dubya, Oxcaca Dave Miller and Leslie Elden Carpenter III.

Just a note to Google: I don't condone Nazis, especially Joseph Robinet Biden Jr, the pants pooping farting jackal who turned the White House into the 0ffal 0ffice. As a courtesy, I updated this post to take a stand against censorship, and to stand up to left wing extremist blog bullies who issue death threats against ALL those they hate.   And for part 2, 2 more sites seemed to have disappeared from Google's blogger sites.

These sewage leaking sites are down for the moment.  If the appeals get denied, the blogs become ancient history along with every dirty thing posted on them.  Goodbye fake Trump pornographic images!


  1. You are nuts. There are no "pornographic images" on any of the sites you mention.

    You are a hate filled blog harasser, Mystere. You're benn harassing people online for at least 15 years. You will never repent. Google should wipe out your hate blogs and your accounts. WordPress should do the same.

    You're asking for them to do it -- "highly and bigly", a$$hole.

    FYI, I set swtd to "invited readers only". It isn't gone. Though you just confirmed that you have been attacking it with you FALSE accusations as well, a$$hole.

  2. Swatted is set to invited readers. Good! Dervy's queer porn is for his butt buddies only.

    1. Mein Josef-Biden-Vibrator steckt in meinem Hintern und kommt nicht heraus. Ich brauche ein paar Taco Jill Burritos und Ex Lax, um den Vibrator aus meinem dicken Hintern zu ficken.

  3. When the Court Room is in New York City, whose population is overwhelmingly Ultra-Liberals, and Ultra- Democrats, and Ultra Moronic-Progressives and which has been bombarded by over TEN years of negative Trump propaganda by a multi-media onslaught by an industry that the Progressive Communist Democrats like the Ultra-Big-Mouthed Attorney General Letitia James, and the District Attorney is the Corrupt Alvin Bragg, who has never seen a Criminal that he didn’t like The jury pool is going to be overwhelming Anti-Trump, and THERE IS VERY LITTLE CHANCE FOR A FAIR TRIAL. Of course, the Judge refused to consider a change in venue lest he lose his spotlight and an Anti-Trump jury.
    And let us not forget that we have a President of these United States who is doing whatever possible to both kept Donald Trump OFF the ballet entirely, and to tie Mr. Trump up in Court so much that it would make it IMPOSSIBLE for him to even Campaign
    The instrument of prosecution, or more aptly, persecution, is the torturing of the law, intertwining federal and state, civil and criminal, law in a way never seen before--all with the single goal of crippling Donald Trump’s candidacy for the President of the United States.
    The significant low-life players arrayed against Trump are the grotesquely compromised Judge Juan Merchan and a similarly compromised Alvin Bragg, the New York County District Attorney.

    The case is simple to understand. A time-barred, dead misdemeanor was incorrectly massaged into a felony charge by progressive communist democrats to cripple a Trump presidency.

    At the heart of the matter, we find a legal non-disclosure agreement, commonly used in all public and private venues and governed under state laws, has been criminalized by a bastard interpretation of the law using an impermissible federal law to allow the criminal interpretation of civil law. In essence, former president Donald Trump falsified business documents (governed under state law) to hide salacious information from voters and boost his electoral prospects (an election matter under federal law) in the 2016 presidential election. Even legal scholars do not understand the never-before-used legal theory behind the prosecution’s case.

    Further evidence of political interference with a presidential campaign…

    Judge Merchan demands Trump’s daily attendance, or he could be jailed for contempt—no allowance for Barron’s graduation or an appearance at the U.S. Supreme Court and of course that would make his un-able to be on the Campaign trail

    Bottom line…
    The entire cases a farce, being done just to try and derail Donald Trump’s Presidential run. The looney left (and most but not all on these boards) will not try and beat Trump in a STRAIGHT UP FAIR, and HONEST ELECTION AT THE POLLS. Operating likethis is the exactly like the old Stalin days (minus the firing squads thought some ahole lefties may opt for that) show me the man and I will show you the crime. Of course the Democrats as we have seen don't take investigations as well as they think they dish them out

    Nobody understands how this case can exist, especially since a State Prosecutor, along with the Crooked State’s Attorney General is attempting to create a federal case to convict a political candidate of a state crime.

    What I would like to happen is as simple as one-two-three. One, the case is dismissed. Two, the City of New York is held accountable for the cost of the Trump defense, along with punitive fines. Third, the lawyers involved are disbarred for malfeasance and criminally prosecuted for election interference and voter disenfranchisement.

    In a sense, Trump stands up for US and the rule of law.
    New York is not the City that it once was, and we Republicans are screwed

  4. What is "swatted"? A new blog of yours where you post queer djt porn? Is it behind an "adult warning"? Someone might report it, Mystere. I heard your blogs have had many complaints submitted against them recently. Most in regards to your many TOS hate policy violations.

    Probably some complaints re your calls for the death of our fantastic president and other Democrats. Like your threat to burn down the Obama house. It's possible someone reported that. The Secret Service might be visiting you soon?

    1. 🔺Oh look!🔺 Derpy put on his Joe Biden costume... Oh wait, was that the balloon seen on that Highway 69 property the other day?😆😆😆😆😆😆

    2. By the way Dervy, I don't deal with pornography. But you post porno on your blogs. You need to put out warning shields of adult content on your sites.

  5. In his blog bio, Dervish Sanders gleefully posts "assassination of President Trump" as one of his interests.


    By the way Dervy, I don't deal with pornography.


    But you post porno on your blogs.


  6. Dervish Z Sanders April 17, 2024 at 2:43 PM
    In his blog bio, Dervish Sanders gleefully posts "assassination of President Trump" as one of his interests.


    By the way Dervy, I don't deal with pornography.


    But you post porno on your blogs.


    There. Corrected it for you, Assface Dervish.
