Sunday, May 12, 2024

Q-Anon's Funniest Zingers

 I was reading an old post at Political Tea Leaves, going back to December 2023.  Joe Conservative had posted a video about Rumble being banned in Brazil.  Dervish Sanders laughed about Rumble being banned, and other media apps friendly to all sides being banned in foreign countries when users use it to criticize their government.  Dervish often gets called "Cretin" by a reader called Q-Anon.  Q had some prime replies on Political Tea Leaves:

Butt Face Derpish Sadners. :-)))))))))))))))))00

Now when I know how ITS mama was calling IT... I will be using it too. :-))))))))))))) 

Derpish SADners -- master of imbecilic backbites! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


Imbecile could no help it? To play Poppy the Parrot. :-))))))))))))))))))

Continue-continue, BiFi. ;-P


Continue-continue, BiFi. ;-P

These replies are beyond classic.  I got a big laugh looking back at the post, reading the replies and Dervish's retorts, some vulgar by the way.



  1. Replies

      Here's the link to the post Rattrapper was referring to, the one that made Dervish poop his panties.

    2. No. You lie. You're a liar. I don't wear (and never have worn) panties. Or "gay thong panties". A man pooping his panties is your fetish, you sick freak.

      The moron you refer to never called himself "Q-anon". YOU called yourself "Q-anon". You forgot? Slipped your pea brain? Are you trying to take credit for his "zingers"?

    3. Hey there, Assface Dervish! What's that brown blob on your nose? Oh wait, you've been snorting sloppy joejoe seconds again.

  2. UH OH! Dervish is dumping in his jock straps and gay men's thong panties again...😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆

    1. The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders May 13, 2024 at 3:57 PM

      "Mystere confesses to wearing jock straps and "gay men's thong panties". Also pooping in them. You are a very sick weirdo, Mystere."

      Let me correct that for you, Dervish:

      The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders May 13, 2024 at 3:57 PM

      "I, Dervish Sanders, do confesses to wearing jock straps, gay men's thong panties and pooping in them. I is a very sick weirdo, Rattrapper."

      There, corrected it for you in your liberalese, Derpish. You're welcome!

    2. That's incorrect ebonics, Dervish? 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆

  3. Re: It's funny because you won't be able to find it. You'll have to hack my account to get in and find it".

    I found it. Did I hack your account, Mystere?

  4. You changed the name of "Donkey's Liberal Heel Kick" to Homme Mystere Lingerie For Men"?

    That's your "revamped" blog, right, Homme Mystere?

    1. What's this, Ichabod? You created a new blog for your queers? If you want to keep playing with fire, sooner or later, God says that He's had enough, and lets the Angel of Death come when you least expect it. When you take your dirt nap, you have no chance to repent of your evil ways, and you end up eternally swimming and drowning in Fire Lake. And the heat of Fire Lake is infinitely hotter than molten lava on this earth and the temperature of all the stars in the universe added up.

      If you lie to God, saying you weren't warned, Ichabod Derwood, the fire will become even hotter. And my understanding is the fire continues to get hotter every time you curse God when you're getting eternally barbecued in Fire Lake. This goes on for eternity, with no escape, Ichabod Derwood Sanders.
